25 August 2020

Jesus is a Wise Foundation

How important it is to maintain a God-centred perspective, to humbly seek God in good and in hard times.  It is easy to allow news reports, bad feelings, or our own thoughts to shape our mindset and outlook instead of being grounded in God's word and our unchanging God who was, is, and is to come.  Since God is the source of all wisdom, He is always able to guide and direct us.  The one who has an established relationship with God by faith in Him is like a tree planted by rivers of water that is fruitful and evergreen.  Those who mock and scorn God and the scriptures David in Psalm 1 compared to chaff the wind drives away and is no more.

There is a huge difference between a fruitful tree and chaff blown by the wind.  Chaff is at the mercy of even a gentle breeze which sweeps it away and it is lost forever, while a tree with roots deep in the earth is solid, secure, and so predictably in place it makes a good landmark.  Trees like the giant sequoia, olive, and eucalyptus are hearty and can survive a fire and continue to grow but chaff is consumed in a moment.  Jesus made another contrast between those who hear His words and do them with those who hear and do not put them into practice:  one is like a house founded securely on a rock, and the other is a house built on sand.  Enduring storms reveals the soul fixed securely to Christ in faith will endure forever.

Paul wrote to followers of Jesus in 1 Corinthians 1:30-31, "But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God--and righteousness and sanctification and redemption--31  that, as it is written, "He who glories, let him glory in the LORD."  Having been born again through faith in Jesus, He has become for us wisdom from God.  Jesus spoke to disciples who had been exposed to the wisdom of the world, the teaching of parents and religious rulers, and lived in a society that was a complete contrast to the nature of Jesus Christ and what He taught.  His hearers were amazed at His doctrine because it was shockingly different than what they thought and how they lived.  There was no doubting the wisdom of His teaching, but who could live up to that standard of perfection?  Those who would build their life on the Rock of Salvation Jesus Christ needed to trust Him as His words exposed their lives as flimsy shelters cobbled together with cardboard, twine, and tin without a foundation:  if they wanted to experience a relationship with God, it could only be on Christ's terms.  Would they trust Him enough to pull those shelters down and built their lives and outlook upon Him alone?

You've heard of Jesus, but have you heard Jesus?  Have you considered His words and surrendered to His divine wisdom in agreement and obedience?  A strong wind blows today not of the Holy Spirit but of the world and humanism, a breeze chilled with worries, fears, and doubt.  Jesus Christ who is wisdom for us remains steadfast and true, and those who look to Him in faith can be unmoved like a giant sequoia in a grove.  Lightning strikes do not need trouble us, and we can continue growing all our days.  It takes the heat of fire to open the cones of a giant sequoia for seedlings to sprout, and God at times employs trials to test our faith, strengthen it, and makes us fruitful for His glory.  Keep your eyes on Jesus and seek Him always, for He in His wisdom will never lead us astray.

24 August 2020

God Meant it for Good

I find the life and character of Joseph son of Israel in scripture inspiring.  What I find more amazing than God's divine favour to promote him from imprisoned slave to second in command of all Egypt is the heart of love and forgiveness he showed towards his brothers who hated him and caused him great suffering.  The faith in God Joseph demonstrated when addressing his painful past was a gift from God he received with relish.  When he had the power to punish and persecute his brothers for their transgressions and remain bitter, his contrite heart remained humble before God and men.

After Israel died, the brothers of Joseph suspected he was like them after they had been wronged:  murderous, vengeful, bitter, and held grudges.  They made up a story about what their father supposedly said to them concerning Joseph, that he ought to forgive them for their sins against him.  They played on his raw emotions, and with a desire to turn away any thought of vengeance they brought out the "God" card:  "forgive the trespass of the servants of the God of thy Father."  At these words Joseph wept.  Genesis 50:19-20 records his response:  "Joseph said to them, "Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? 20 But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive."

Joseph had the power to do unto his brothers as they had done unto him, but the impact of Joseph's faith in God and fear of God was far more powerful.  He did not deny his brothers did evil unto him.  His focus, however, was not on his painful past or years of feeling abandoned but upon His good God who meant all his suffering for good.  With eyes of faith he was able to perceive God's hand upon him working for ultimate good and the salvation God wrought through him.  Joseph's brothers wronged him in the past and suspicion caused them to wrong him with deceit and lies, yet Joseph humbled himself before God.  Joseph viewed the good God did as greater than all the wrongs his brothers did.  Should he have entertained suspicion of his brother's deceptions it would have been confirmed:  what then?  Would stewing or lashing out in revenge cleanse his heart of bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness?  No.

I am convinced the work God does in a person can be as great and even greater than the work He does through that person.  The God who made man out of the dust of the ground can do everything, and all He does is marvelous beyond reckoning.  So often we are motivated to tolerate or forgive others because of the vain hope of people changing for the better, but it is God who washes away our sin, heals our broken hearts, and opens our eyes to perceive His redemptive purposes in everything.  Don't allow the pains of the past to blind you to the goodness of God, for even things meant for evil against us God means for good.  May enduring humility, grace, and fear of God demonstrated by Joseph be evident in my life and in all God's people.

23 August 2020

The Gathering

"And when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons, he gathered up his feet into the bed, and yielded up the ghost, and was gathered unto his people."
Genesis 49:33

This verse, and others like it, show the life of a human being does not end when our bodies die on earth.  Jacob blessed and commanded his sons concerning his burial, gathered his feet into the bed, and breathed his last.  He body was entirely still as his heart stopped beating.  Yet there was something that happened at that sorrowful moment which cheers the soul that fears God:  Jacob was gathered unto his people.  His body would be left in a grave purchased by Abraham yet his soul--the spiritual and eternal being that was fundamentally Jacob--was gathered with the people of God in eternal rest.

Out of curiosity I found in addition to Jacob the phrase "gathered to his people" is connected with the passing of Abraham, Isaac, Aaron, and Moses.  Though the Bible describes the death of many people, I did not find this phrase ever used with those who died without faith in God.  The death of the body brings finality to life on earth but for believers is a glorious entrance into the presence of God and His people.  It is well said by the psalmist in Psalm 144:15:  "Happy are the people who are in such a state; happy are the people whose God is the LORD!"  The wicked are scattered like chaff into eternal destruction, and the righteous by faith in God are gathered like a farmer brings all his grain into his barn.  Being "gathered" speaks of belonging, being viewed as precious and of great value.

The scripture is clear the identity of God's people extends beyond Jewish ethnicity and to every nation, tribe, and tongue who fear and love God almighty.  Jesus said in John 10:14-16, "I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. 15 As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. 16  And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd."  Jesus went to seek and save the "lost sheep of Israel" but also called out to whosoever would heed Him and come to Him in faith.  These are those who are born again through faith in Jesus having received the Gospel.  All who are spiritually regenerated by the Holy Spirit experience the living presence of God now and when we breathe our last will be gathered to our people, to God's people who will celebrate, praise, and serve Him forever.  What a joyful gathering this will be!

21 August 2020

The Victory of Faith

It is amazing how Jesus makes those who follow Him "more than conquerors" by grace through faith.  I don't know about you, but at times I would be pleased to settle with being a conqueror.  Everyone would love to walk in victory, overcome all obstacles, and have success in our endeavors.  The victory Christ provides, however, does not mean we always "win," experience the triumph David did in slaying Goliath of Gath, or involve public recognition.  This spiritual victory is primarily internal:  the choice to deny self, refuse to sin, and humble ourselves.  It is David refusing to slay King Saul when he had opportunity and encouragement to do so--and also refused to even speak against God's anointed.  It was not by might or power but by the Spirit of God David overcame and was more than a conqueror.

The apostle made this connection with overcoming the world and faith in 1 John 5:1-5:  "Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves Him who begot also loves him who is begotten of Him. 2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments. 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome. 4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith. 5 Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?"  God is infinitely greater than this world, and those born of God through faith in Jesus overcome the world.  Jesus overcame sin and death not by conquest but by humbling Himself in obedience to His Father in heaven.  Reliance upon God by the weak and meek enables us to walk in victory and be more than conquerors.  Walking in love towards others begotten of God is evidence our faith in God is genuine.

Jesus commanded His disciples, "Love one another as I have loved you."  This command of Jesus is not burdensome because He has supplied an example to follow and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to do so.  Paul begins his description of God's love in 1 Corinthians 13 by saying this love "suffers long and is kind."  It is love marked with enduring suffering and continuing to be merciful, compassionate, and caring.  This selfless love was manifested continually in the life of Jesus and ultimately was demonstrated on Calvary.  Our feelings of love are temporary; our storehouses of love have their limits.  Having been overcome by the eternal, infinitely love of God we are compelled by God's grace to love others.  It is faith that surrenders to God which removes the mountains of ungrace and selfishness in our hearts and causes us to overcome the world.