It is easy to feel discouraged when we step out in faith and the result is unexpected. God appeared to Moses and directed him to go to Egypt because God heard the cries of His oppressed people and would deliver them. After Moses and Aaron confronted Pharaoh he made life harder for the Hebrew slaves. He accused them of being idle, refused to provide straw for bricks, and kept their quota the same. When the Hebrews were unable to meet the daily demands they were beaten. This was not what Moses was expecting, though God told him beforehand Pharaoh would not let his people go.
The rulers of the people came to Moses with their complaints for the trouble he caused them. "The LORD judge between you and us," they said. It is evident they already formed their judgments of the involvement of Moses in their affairs and it was not a positive assessment. Instead of arguing with them, Moses questioned what God was doing in Exodus 5:22-23: "So Moses returned to the LORD and said, "Lord, why have You brought trouble on this people? Why is it You have sent me? 23 For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has done evil to this people; neither have You delivered Your people at all." I appreciate the honesty and candor in Moses before the almighty God who knows the hearts of all men. He wondered why God would allow trouble and why God sent him. At the time Moses felt like God had not done what he promised and told Him so.
This interaction gives me pause. How often have you felt like Moses? I certainly have. You have done what you believed God instructed you to do but only hardship and difficulties arose. The problems people have are overwhelming and out of your control. Knowing God knows about our troubles doesn't explain why He allows them. It is a good thing Moses had faith in God and did not lose heart despite the troubling circumstances and reactions of his fellow Hebrews. This is why it is so important for believers to keep trusting God whatever befalls us, knowing nothing happens to us beyond God's control and He will ever be faithful. God would deliver His people in a miraculous way which no man could have predicted or known. Isn't that what a miracle is, God working in a way that transcends human ability and expectation? When things looked like they couldn't become worse (and still did!), and Moses already was dealing with feelings of insecurity and ineptitude, God remained faithful.
Take heart, believer! Don't allow trying times or unanswerable questions keep you from seeking the LORD and trusting in Him. The next chapter begins, "Then the LORD said unto Moses..." God knew what He was doing and His people were safe in His hands through oppressed, overworked, beaten, and confused. Our hopes often rise and fall based upon what we can see or feel at the time, yet the one who looks to God will be established on solid ground like a house built on the rock. Our expectation and desire is for God to deliver sooner than later, yet every day of our lives are known by God. He knows what He doing despite our pains that will result in deliverance, freedom, salvation, and rest. When we wonder why God knows the answer, and more important than why is who God is and our relationship with Him.
The rulers of the people came to Moses with their complaints for the trouble he caused them. "The LORD judge between you and us," they said. It is evident they already formed their judgments of the involvement of Moses in their affairs and it was not a positive assessment. Instead of arguing with them, Moses questioned what God was doing in Exodus 5:22-23: "So Moses returned to the LORD and said, "Lord, why have You brought trouble on this people? Why is it You have sent me? 23 For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has done evil to this people; neither have You delivered Your people at all." I appreciate the honesty and candor in Moses before the almighty God who knows the hearts of all men. He wondered why God would allow trouble and why God sent him. At the time Moses felt like God had not done what he promised and told Him so.
This interaction gives me pause. How often have you felt like Moses? I certainly have. You have done what you believed God instructed you to do but only hardship and difficulties arose. The problems people have are overwhelming and out of your control. Knowing God knows about our troubles doesn't explain why He allows them. It is a good thing Moses had faith in God and did not lose heart despite the troubling circumstances and reactions of his fellow Hebrews. This is why it is so important for believers to keep trusting God whatever befalls us, knowing nothing happens to us beyond God's control and He will ever be faithful. God would deliver His people in a miraculous way which no man could have predicted or known. Isn't that what a miracle is, God working in a way that transcends human ability and expectation? When things looked like they couldn't become worse (and still did!), and Moses already was dealing with feelings of insecurity and ineptitude, God remained faithful.
Take heart, believer! Don't allow trying times or unanswerable questions keep you from seeking the LORD and trusting in Him. The next chapter begins, "Then the LORD said unto Moses..." God knew what He was doing and His people were safe in His hands through oppressed, overworked, beaten, and confused. Our hopes often rise and fall based upon what we can see or feel at the time, yet the one who looks to God will be established on solid ground like a house built on the rock. Our expectation and desire is for God to deliver sooner than later, yet every day of our lives are known by God. He knows what He doing despite our pains that will result in deliverance, freedom, salvation, and rest. When we wonder why God knows the answer, and more important than why is who God is and our relationship with Him.