02 December 2022

Open the Door to Jesus

When we hear an unexpected knock at our front door, it is natural for our minds to quickly determine the proper course of action.  The first consideration when it comes to opening the door concerns our current personal state and appearance.  The second may be the state of our house.  If we are in the middle of cleaning or things are in disarray, we may choose not to answer or open the door.  There may be a situation, depending on who is at the door, that we would exit the door or close it behind us.  This way we can politely engage with our visitor without the welcome offer of hospitality.  There are those who invite people in and apologise profusely the place is not immaculate, and others that seem to pay the condition no mind whatsoever.  Our homes and our hearts are personal things we all handle differently.

Another reason we might not open the door is because we do not recognise the person and do not want to converse with strangers or sales people.  Even when we know the person who knocks at the door it does not guarantee we are inclined to open the door.  Like the bride in the Song of Solomon, we might not immediately open the door because it does not fit in with our plans.  When her beloved husband came to the door and knocked, the bride lamented she had just bathed and climbed into bed.  It was an inconvenience to shed the covers, put on a robe, and get up go to open the door.  In the song after awhile she decided she would open the door only to find her beloved had departed and no one was there.

In Revelation 3, Jesus describes Himself standing at the door of the church of Laodicea and knocking, calling out to those inside.  Jesus said in Revelation 3:19-20, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me."  It is possible for people who know and believe in Jesus, genuine believers, to ignore Jesus at the door.  We can be more focused on how presentable we are rather than His worthiness to be joyfully welcomed as our Saviour.  It is good for us to be zealous in our repentance for sin even as Zacchaeus was when Jesus came into His life and volunteered to dine with him.  The chief tax collector responded joyfully and immediately offered to give half of his goods to the poor and if he had swindled anyone to return four-fold.

When we open the door of our hearts to Jesus, He comes in and contributes all that is needed for our forgiveness and cleansing from sin.  He does not condemn us but works to change us from within.  I remember when my mum visited my house and as we were talking she was putting away cutlery and casually pulled out the plastic tray and gave it a good clean.  This was done cheerfully and without censure, a beautiful picture of the cleansing work Jesus does in our hearts and minds when we simply let Him in and fellowship with Him.  As long as we hide behind closed doors and block His entry, we deny Him and ourselves the opportunity for growth in our relationship.  Praise the LORD Jesus loves us, stands at the door and knocks, calling out our name as His beloved brethren.  Let's open the door and welcome Jesus into our lives for His glory.

01 December 2022

God's Purposes and Prayer

A brother in Christ was fond of reminding me concerning God's work, "God does not need us."  This is true.  It is a foolish thought to imagine God's work will not or cannot be accomplished without our efforts.  At the same time, God does choose to use us regular people to do His will.  Scripture shows He is quite particular and persistent to bring people to the place of submission and obedience to Him in faith.  Moses comes to mind, who after 40 years of tending his father-in-law's sheep was reluctant to even entertain the notion of returning to Egypt during a conversation with the living God after doing miraculous signs by divine power.  Praying to God became a life Moses lived continually out of sheer need.

A.W. Tozer provides some useful and edifying observations on this point in his book Going Higher With God in Prayer:
"It is a transforming experience when we realize that God wants to work through us to accomplish His work and goals, particularly through our prayers.  God does not do anything apart from His people.  Certainly, we have the storms and hurricanes and fire and all of that.  But when God wants to accomplish His purpose and goal, He always does it through His people...Moses did not have what he thought he needed to do what God was calling him to do....

That is the problem with Christians today.  They think God is interested in their education and skills in that the more they have of these, the more God can use them.  However, God cannot accomplish His goals through our abilities alone.  He can only accomplish His purposes through us when we yield ourselves completely to Him.  It is only when I as a Christian surrender everything to God, and hold on to nothing bad, that He can accomplish His work through me...God send David against Goliath to show that He uses people regardless of the equipment they have.  David's victory over Goliath wasn't David's victory; it was God's victory, without question.  God's strength is not in our weapons....

Another mistake many Christians make is to believe God wants to use their past to get a present victory.  God does not give us a reservoir of wisdom and power.  If He did, it would soon be stagnant.  God does not come to a man and pipe him full of wisdom and then say, "If you get in any trouble, come see me or call me up and pray, but in the meantime, you have the whole cistern full of power.  You draw on that wisdom because it's yours."  God never did it that way.  Instead, God gives a man a word of wisdom and give to him power, but God is the power in that man.  He is the word of wisdom in that man.  It is God working in the man, not the man working.  God becomes wisdom to us and becomes power to us.... 

The Church of God is going to bless, and the Christians whom God is going to bless will be those who have come to the end of their hoarded resources.  Then they will experience the grace of God in their lives and ministries.  God can only begin to work when we have come to the end of our resources and have nothing to fall back on.  People cannot build the Church.  It takes the Holy Spirit to work in a man who has surrendered everything and allowed God to do the work through the ministry of prayer.  God is not building His Church simply to have a religious organization." (Tozer, A. W., and James L. Snyder. Going Higher with God in Prayer: Cultivating a Lifelong Dialogue. Bethany House Publishers, a Division of Baker Publishing Group, 2022. selections from pages 133-137)

29 November 2022

The LORD Among Us

"Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock in Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink." And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel."
Exodus 17:6

As I read this passage I was struck by the reality of God's presence, that He would stand before Moses on the rock in Horeb.  His presence had led them out of Egypt in a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day, yet the thirsty people wondered if God had brought them out of Egypt to slay them.  They were so incensed against Moses he imagined they wanted to stone him to death.  Moses came before the LORD and prayed about what to do.

When Moses obeyed God's command and struck the rock upon which God stood, water flowed abundantly from the rock.  All the people, their flocks and herds were supplied with water from God who was their Rock.  Like many of the miracles God did that are recorded in the Old and New Testament, it served multiple purposes:  to meet the physical needs of people, and to display the grace and power of God.  Exodus 17:7 shows how the situation was a demonstration of God's presence among His unbelieving people:  "So he called the name of the place Massah and Meribah, because of the contention of the children of Israel, and because they tempted the LORD, saying, "Is the LORD among us or not?"

Jesus walked through Israel and did many signs and wonders that confirmed His identity as God-made-flesh and the Gospel He preached.  In His grace God did not just provide water for those who believed but all were granted water so they all might believe.  Jesus healed many people who did not believe He was the Son of God, yet their healing was a testimony their conscience did well to consider long after Jesus died on the cross, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven.  When the Living Water of the Holy Spirit came upon the 120 disciples on Pentecost, it was evidence God was with His people in-person.

Paul wrote of the children of Israel in 1 Corinthians 10:4-5:  "...and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ. 5 But with most of them God was not well pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness."  Paul urged followers of Jesus to go beyond the marvel of God's miraculous provision of water that temporarily satisfied the thirst of the people.  God's provision did not quench their thirst for idolatry, lust, fornication, murmuring and unbelief.  This warns those who Christ has made to stand take heed lest they fall.  God is faithful, for with every temptation makes the way of escape and strengthens us to endure.

Let us not be lifted up in pride nor lose heart as we look to Jesus who is faithful.  Jesus our Good Shepherd goes before us , and we have all assurance "goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life."  By faith in Jesus the Holy Spirit spiritually regenerates and fills us.  Knowing God is among and in each one of His redeemed people brings satisfaction and rest for our souls as we live to please Him.

28 November 2022

Faith and Freedom From Fear

Today I read a troubling article of vulnerable people being deceived by a scam artist posing as a fortune teller in Sydney.  Two of the people interviewed were told they had an evil spirit on them and their children and would die unless they paid money for extensive prayer.  They ended up being conned out of tens of thousands of dollars out of fear for the well-being of their children and family.  Fear is a pervasive, consuming force in the lives of countless people today overcome only by faith in Christ.

One might think the opposite of fear is courage or bravery, but Jesus revealed it is faith in God.  People might be viewed as courageous because of what they have done or do, yet fear could be mixed with what prompted them to do what they did.  After the disciples panicked in fear during a storm on the Sea of Galilee Mark 4:40 reads, "But He said to them, "Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?"  Faith in Jesus was the antidote to fear that caused them to cry out and wonder if Jesus even cared about them.  When we have faith in God who loves us, our fear is cast out as it says in 1 John 4:18:  "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love."

Knowing God loves us makes us bold even in the face of judgment.  Believers in Christ do not need to have trepidation about our future on earth or even final judgment, for Jesus has already taken our deserved punishment upon Himself and promised abundant, eternal life.  He has forgiven and expunged us of our sins, He has destroyed every curse and has overcome all spiritual foes to make our hearts His own dwelling place.  For those who do not know and trust Jesus, however, fear is a rational response in light of our inability to save, redeem or deliver ourselves from evil--or even protect ourselves from the lies of deceitful people.  To those who are afraid Jesus speaks words of life and love as the living, almighty God before whom all angels and demons tremble.  In Him alone we find rest for our souls.

For those who worship demons there are millions of other demons as well--millions more reasons to be in fear should you not gain the attention and protection of your limited deity.  The eternal God who created all living things, all spirits, people and animals, has humbled Himself to be revealed in the person of Jesus Christ.  All who  came to Jesus who were possessed or oppressed by evil spirits were delivered free of charge, and Jesus also went to the man who had a legion of spirits no man could tame and freed him without a fight or a fee.  To all people who have been put in fear to pay a fee for your deliverance or protection know Jesus paid the price of your redemption with His own blood.  There is hope for you today, right this minute.  All people by God's grace can receive salvation and freedom from the curse of sin and death by faith in Jesus who loves us.  Have faith in Jesus Christ, and you will have freedom from fear.