"The sun
and moon will grow dark, and the stars will diminish their
brightness. 16 The LORD also will
roar from Zion, and utter His voice from Jerusalem; the heavens and earth will shake; but the LORD will be
a shelter for His people, and the strength of the
children of Israel."
Joel 3:15-16
The prophet wrote of the day of the LORD, a future judgment of the nations by the almighty God of Israel. When I read this description there are striking similarities to when Jesus died on the cross. For three hours darkness shrouded the globe and the sun and moon did not shine. Before He lay down His life Jesus cried out from the cross, "It is finished!" and there was an earthquake. The Lion of the tribe of Judah roared from Calvary to signal His ultimate, everlasting victory. For followers of Jesus Christ at the time it was a troubling, tragic turn, for the One they believed was the promised Messiah was slain.
What they did not realise in that moment was Jesus had taken upon Himself the sins of the world and thus faced judgment deserved by sinners. His great purpose for coming was fulfilled in revealing the Gospel, the New Covenant, the love of God, gained victory over sin and death, crushed Satan underfoot, and put to death the Law of Moses that could only condemn. One of the soldiers who looked on mused out loud: "This surely was a righteous Man!" By faith in Jesus sinners are deemed righteous by the righteous Judge of all the earth who provided atonement with His own blood. The hope of forgiveness and eternal life was assured by all Jesus accomplished in His life, death and resurrection. His future return to earth was affirmed when He was conveyed alive into heaven before many witnesses.
Coinciding with Christ's return, judgment will certainly come upon the world for sin. The prophet declared, "...The LORD will be a shelter for His people, and the strength of the children of Israel." God will shake the heavens and earth, yet in light of future troubling events God's people need not be shaken in mind or resolve. God IS our refuge, shelter and strength. The stability of a building begins with a solid foundation, and those who hear Jesus' words and do them He likens to a man who built his house upon the rock. Though exposed to powerful and raging elements that would make houses built on sand an utter ruin, all who trust and obey Jesus are girded with strength and enabled to endure.
When a flood, fire or tornado passes through a community there can be one or two houses standing and we wonder how that is possible--that destruction could be so widespread yet one house stands resolute. There is no need to wonder when the Christian endures trials and troubles: it is Jesus who enables us to stand in the power of the Holy Spirit. It is not our willpower, effort or commitment but Jesus Christ. We are works in progress, but concerning salvation, righteousness and strength we have heard from the mouth of Jesus Himself: "It is finished!" Let us praise the LORD for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men!