19 March 2023
The Rod Before the Axe
18 March 2023
Having Peace With God
"When you apologize to someone else, you hope the apology will remove the barrier between the two of you so that your relationship can continue to grow. When you apologize to yourself, you are seeking to remove the emotional disequilibrium between the person you want to be (the ideal self) and the person you are (the real self). The greater the distance between the ideal self and the real self, the greater the intensity of the inner emotional turmoil. Being "at peace with oneself" occurs when we remove the distance between the ideal self and the real self." (Chapman, Gary D., and Jennifer Thomas. The 5 Apology Languages: The Secret to Healthy Relationships. Northfield Publishing, 2022. page 158)
While some may find this helpful or insightful, this perspective is not presented or sustained anywhere in the Bible. There is no division between an "ideal self" and the "real self," for our real self (which is inherently fleshly and sinful) cannot ascertain what our ideal self even is or how to become that person. It is not in us to be anyone other than we are. The only Person who can measure up to God's level of perfection worth emulating is Jesus Christ, and being God it is we who have transgressed and wronged him by our sinful thoughts, attitudes, words and conduct. Our problem with sin is not merely an emotional one but a spiritual one, for our sin separates us from God.
Never in scripture is it put forth as our aim to "be at peace with oneself," but the Gospel has been provided so we lost and doomed sinners can have peace with God. It is Jesus who is our Peace. Romans 5:1-2 says, "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." Being "at peace" suggests a transitory condition that can change based upon our circumstances or how we feel, but having peace with God through our LORD Jesus Christ is a constant. It is not about us spanning the gap by our own apologies or forgiveness that provides perfect peace, but by faith in Jesus Christ. We confess our sins to Him, repent, receive forgiveness and access grace in which we stand.
God rejoices over one soul that repents, and we can also rejoice in hope of the glory of God. How blessed we are who were once far from God because of our sins, yet have been brought near to God by His grace. Inner peace is a fleeting mirage, and peace with God is what matters most to our spiritual growth and well-being.
16 March 2023
Christ Is All Good
"I want you first to consider the very singular fact which you cannot understand, that holy children should be often placed in ungodly families. God's providence has arranged it so, yet the consequences are painful to the young believer. You would think that if God loved a child he would not suffer it to be born unto Jeroboam's court, and that he would not send his own chosen down to be surrounded by everything that will grieve its tender heart; and yet God does send his dear children into such places. Why is this?Well, first they are God's protest against sin where no other protest would be heard—a tender touching message from God to let the ungodly know that there is something better than the sin in which they wallow. Holy children are as angels and demons, by their innocence rebuking sin. Does not God send children there also to make a display of his divine grace, that we may see that he chooses whom he wills and takes one of a family according to his good pleasure? Does he not also show us that he can keep grace alive in the most unlikely places where all things war against the soul? The grace of God can live where you and I would die. The life of grace can continue under conditions, which threaten death. Some of the brightest and most gracious people have been found where there was nothing to keep them, but everything to hinder them. Does not the Lord permit this to show what his grace can do? and is it not intended to be an encouragement to each of us to be faithful? for if this dear child could be faithful to God with such a father and mother, and in such a court, ought you and I to be afraid? Oh, you big man, let a child shame you—you were afraid to speak out before your work-mates the other day! What a coward you must be, when this child displayed his love to the Lord God of Israel where all opposed!Is it not remarkable how God distributes his people, as we scatter salt? He sets one of them down in each den of evil. Saul the king is a great rebel against God; but close at his side is Jonathan: thus the sweetest flower that ever bloomed is found growing near the roughest bramble that could be found. What a sty of filthiness was the court or Ahab! and yet he had for his chamberlain Obadiah, who hid the servants of God by fifties in a cave, and fed them from Jezebel's table; Nebuchadnezzar must not be left without three holy champions who can go into the fire for God. Look at Belshazzar drinking wine out of the cups of the sanctuary, and yet a Daniel is employed in his court. Even in the court of Ahasuerus, Esther is placed to confront that wicked Haman. Oh, I think there is never an Uz without a Job, nor a Chaldea without an Abraham, nor a Sodom without a Lot, nor an Egypt without a Moses, nor a house of Eli that has gone astray without some little Samuel sent of God to bear his protest. Think over the ways of God to man and admire what you cannot understand."
Amen! Think over the ways of God and admire Him, for He does what we cannot predict or imagine. When we were sinners deserving of death He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, to pierce the darkness and bring life and liberty to all who believe. He was pierced and wounded for our transgressions, and by His stripes we are healed. We all went out of the way, yet Jesus has been sent as the Way, the Truth and the Life so we might know God, receive the Gospel and eternal life. By God's grace He has ordained His people to be scattered throughout the world so His grace and goodness would be known by all. Believers are compared to salt that keeps its savour, light that shines in darkness and the fragrance of Christ. In Christ we can be exactly who God in His wisdom created us to be and flourish in His presence wherever He leads.