07 May 2023

Guided by God

As I drove back from the shops this morning, I saw a couple of tradesmen by the side of the road holding a string taut in preparation to dig holes for a fence.  The simple straight line is a valuable tool utilised by many trades to ensure fences, courses of block, bricks and tiles are installed properly.  Once the dimensions are measured properly, a chalk line is a trustworthy guide for framing, roofing and cutting materials.  When done accurately, builders can have confidence to follow the line and obtain quality, professional results.

Like a builder is confident to follow a straight chalk line, so the Christian can have total confidence in the word of God to guide us to live wisely.  When it comes to marking a line, it is possible to make mistakes.  I have learned (by trial and error!) synthetic string needs to be stretched very tight because over long distances it can begin to sag.  There is no such risk of human error when speaking of God's word, for it has been divinely inspired, preserved and is reliable.  The evidence for the accuracy of God's word is staggering, and for those without faith in God nothing will convince them.  As David observed in Psalm 12:6, "The words of the LORD are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times."

Man has always fancied charting his own course rather than submission to God and His word.  In one sense there are no spiritual pioneers according to the scriptures.  For Christians Jesus is the Way Who leads to abundant life, and those who reject Him go their own way to destruction.  Jesus is the original and only One who died from crucifixion, was buried and three days later rose from the dead in glory and lives--all according to the scriptures.  Great trouble always results when people in the church choose to cast aside God's word and follow worldly wisdom.  Jesus said those who hear His words but do not do them are like a man who builds a house on sand without a foundation.  The moral and spiritual erosion promotes compromise that ultimately results in denial of Christ and the authority of God's word.

St. Augustine of Hippo is quoted as saying, “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”  The accuracy of a line marked by builders is to be checked against a government approved set of drawings.  For the Christian, it is God's word we are to follow concerning essential beliefs God has established concerning Himself, the Godhead, and salvation by grace through faith in Jesus.  Professing Christians are to be grounded in and continue returning to God's word for guidance and spiritually illumination to walk wisely, for God is the sole source of wisdom--Jesus Himself being wisdom for us.  As it is written of God's word in Psalm 119:105, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."  God who said, "Let there be light!" remains the world's only source of life-giving spiritual guidance, illumination and transformation by His grace.

06 May 2023

A Royal Relationship

People from all around the globe tuned in the watch the historical coronation of His Majesty King Charles III in Westminster Abbey.  Over 2,000 people were invited to the momentous ceremony with royals, dignitaries and celebrities in attendance.  I suspect only a fraction of the people who witnessed the proceedings would have been permitted to have a brief chat with King Charles.  Just being there on the occasion was an incredible privilege only a handful of people on the planet could claim.

I suspect there are only a small percentage of people in the United Kingdom who have ever seen King Charles up close in person, and a vastly fewer amount who have conversed with him.  With so many subjects, royal engagements and security concerns, it makes sense interactions with the king are invite only.  A man of his prestige, wealth, fame and influence is exceedingly rare, carrying with him traditions which have been passed down for over 400 years.  It is simply not feasible or possible for an outsider to have a meaningful relationship with King Charles unless he chooses.

Seeing how inaccessible the king of Britain is to common people illustrates how wonderful and astounding Jesus Christ, the KING OF KINGS, has provided access into His throne room of grace to find mercy and help in time of need.  By being born again through faith in Jesus, by Him Christians have complete access and a relationship with the living God Who created us.  Jesus came to earth as a baby born of a virgin and laid in a manger because there was no room for Him in the inn.  Wise men worshipped him, and king Herod sought to kill Him.  When His hour finally came He did not don royal robes but was stripped bare and scourged.  Instead of wearing a gold crown adorned with jewels, a circle of thorns was pressed into His brow.  Rather than His people shouting, "God save the King!" they bellowed in one accord:  "Crucify Him!"  Jesus did not sit upon velvet cushions but was nailed to a cross to atone for lost sinners and died.

For the joy that was set before Him, Jesus endured the cross so all could receive Him by faith and find rest for their souls.  To all lost sinners Jesus personally offered forgiveness, full pardon of sin, eternal life and a real relationship by the grace of God and the power of the Gospel.  God, Who is unapproachable in glory and majesty, has risen from the dead and today sits in heavenly glory.  Yet Jesus can be known by us personally as we walk with Him on this earthly pilgrimage.  God does not need angelic attendants to remind him what our names are though His people are beyond counting, for He knows all things--the number of sand on the shore or the number of stars He knows by name.  Not only does God know us, but He actually loves us as well.

It's amazing that I have never seen the king of the United Kingdom in person and likely never will, but I speak to the KING OF KINGS Jesus every day as I frequent His throne room of grace.  Followers of Jesus Christ are afforded a greater privilege than watching the crowning of King Charles III in person, for Jesus is infinitely greater in majesty and power, for His kingdom and rule is from everlasting.  God raises up kings and deposes them, and we are given the duty of a king in serving the sovereign LORD God--not only as subject to his king--but a beloved child of our Father in heaven.  Long live the king, and praise the LORD the righteous rule of Jesus Christ will never cease.

05 May 2023

The Cup We Drink

When Jesus was accosted in the Garden of Gethsemane by a mob led by Judas, Peter lashed out with the sword and sliced off the ear of Malchus, a servant of the high priest.  John 18:11 tells us, "So Jesus said to Peter, "Put your sword into the sheath. Shall I not drink the cup which My Father has given Me?"  I find the response of Jesus revealing and inspiring.  Jesus knew without a doubt His betrayal, arrest and ultimate death on a cross was ordained by God and would be redeemed for God's good purposes.

It is a common tendency in troubles to place blame on others.  God confronted Adam about his sin in the garden and he blamed God for giving him Eve as wife; she blamed the serpent for tricking her.  They did this to avoid responsibility for their sins, a vain attempt to justify themselves before God--or to suggest others ought to bear more guilt than them.  Because Jesus had not sinned, He could have justly blamed the devil for taking possession of Judas, Judas for his greed in agreeing to betray Him for 30 pieces of silver, or the high priest and Pharisees for their pride, envy and malice.  Yet Jesus did not do this:  this cup was given Him by His Father in heaven.

Perhaps there is no time easier since the creation of the world to share our opinions with others with comments through all manner of media.  Blaming God or others (or even ourselves!) is so ingrained in practice that we may not even realise how quick we are to stoop to this tactic.  Pointing out who is in the wrong--even when it is true--cannot right wrongs or change others.  Rather than passivity and hopelessness, we ought to follow the example set by Jesus who viewed His suffering as a cup given Him by the Father knowing He would rise from the grave.  Jesus went to the cross for the joy set before Him, knowing the plan of salvation He had orchestrated since the beginning.  God would redeem the wickedness of man to make a new and living way for eternal glory in God's presence.

It is good for us to humbly submit to God, knowing He is good even though He allows evil.  One day He will put an end to it forever, but now He employs it wisely to accomplish His good ends.  He can redeem something like death that was not His will--to do His will and bring eternal life.  Even in disaster we can know God is not absent, for He will accomplish His redemptive purposes.  God said in Isaiah 45:7, "I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the LORD, do all these things."  God is able to use a calamity like the cross to make peace with mankind.  That's how good God is and how excellent His plans are.  Often we cannot see or know what God is doing, but knowing and trusting God guides us to submit to circumstances He allows.  Job received evil from Satan as from God, and he was enabled to persevere to receive blessing God intended to give from the beginning.

04 May 2023

God's Eternal, Glorious Love

Most people who have sung "Jesus loves me, this I know" have much to grow in our appreciation, acceptance and giving of God's love.  How can we comprehend the eternal, infinite love of God in a moment of time?  God's love is not like the love of mankind which is limited by degrees and according to personal preferences.  Like there can only be one winner of a grand final, our love is doled out in a complex pecking-order based upon loyalty, sense of obligation, consideration of a person's relationship to us, and what we know of them.  We are limited in what we can say and do with the time we have, fettered by geography and availability.  In contrast, God's love is eternal and infinite.  Being one God revealed in three Persons, He is able to completely love an infinite amount of people--and demonstrate fullness of love all at one time.

Jesus prayed to the Father in John 17:22-24 and revealed God's will:  "And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: 23 I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me. 24 Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world."  Jesus began this prayer by saying before the world was created, He was glorified with the Father.  The glory Jesus had before He created the heavens and the earth He gave to all those who trusted in Him.  Because born-again Christians are in Jesus Christ and Christ is in the Father, we have been loved by God the Father as Jesus is loved.  Jesus and His Father are one God.  Jesus was loved before the foundation of the world, and thus we who are members of the Body of Christ, the church, are partakers of this everlasting love that remains in full force today and throughout the eternal state.

God's love is an active love that seeks our good at all times offered freely by His grace.  We should not limit the benefits of God's love only in a judicial sense, that because God loves Jesus He loves us.  God so loved the world He sent His only begotten Son, not because we were in Christ or worthy of His love, for at one time we were all enemies of God and deserving of eternal damnation.  It would be a distortion to view God as still intending to smite us for our sin, yet relenting only because He looks at us through the lens of the work of Jesus on Calvary.  The reality is Jesus has washed us clean by the atonement He provided on the cross, and the righteousness of Jesus has been imputed to us by grace through faith.  He loves us, not because of Jesus, but because He loves us.  God is love, and Jesus demonstrated His love for all by dying for lost sinners.

The basis of God's love was established in the Old Testament on the basis of His goodness and faithfulness and not in the worthiness of the object, as expressed in passages like Deuteronomy 7:7-8 to His chosen people:  "The LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any other people, for you were the least of all peoples; 8 but because the LORD loves you, and because He would keep the oath which He swore to your fathers, the LORD has brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you from the house of bondage, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt."  God set His love on His people because He loved them, simple as that.  This remains true under the New Covenant established by the shed blood of Jesus, for He loves completely and fully all the sheep of His pasture.  While He loves all people, those who respond to His call in faith are His elect and chosen who receive all that pertains to life and holiness, redeemed from sin and reconciled to God.  Jesus cried out to whosoever was thirsty, and He is the open Door to all who place their faith in Him and receive Him.

God loves every Christian completely as He loves Christ, and He loves you because He loves you.  Having received Christ by faith, we are to demonstrate our love for Him by keeping His commandment:  to love one another as He has loved us.  It is a big step to tell a person out loud you love them, and God's love was shown by more than words.  Jesus did this by His patience, rebuked those who erred, encouraged the downcast, held little children, washed His disciples' feet and carried His cross for the joy set before Him.  God has kept His covenant and redeemed us by the Gospel, and now we are the temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us and empowers us to walk in God's love today and always.