As I drove back from the shops this morning, I saw a couple of tradesmen by the side of the road holding a string taut in preparation to dig holes for a fence. The simple straight line is a valuable tool utilised by many trades to ensure fences, courses of block, bricks and tiles are installed properly. Once the dimensions are measured properly, a chalk line is a trustworthy guide for framing, roofing and cutting materials. When done accurately, builders can have confidence to follow the line and obtain quality, professional results.
Like a builder is confident to follow a straight chalk line, so the Christian can have total confidence in the word of God to guide us to live wisely. When it comes to marking a line, it is possible to make mistakes. I have learned (by trial and error!) synthetic string needs to be stretched very tight because over long distances it can begin to sag. There is no such risk of human error when speaking of God's word, for it has been divinely inspired, preserved and is reliable. The evidence for the accuracy of God's word is staggering, and for those without faith in God nothing will convince them. As David observed in Psalm 12:6, "The words
of the LORD are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times."
Man has always fancied charting his own course rather than submission to God and His word. In one sense there are no spiritual pioneers according to the scriptures. For Christians Jesus is the Way Who leads to abundant life, and those who reject Him go their own way to destruction. Jesus is the original and only One who died from crucifixion, was buried and three days later rose from the dead in glory and lives--all according to the scriptures. Great trouble always results when people in the church choose to cast aside God's word and follow worldly wisdom. Jesus said those who hear His words but do not do them are like a man who builds a house on sand without a foundation. The moral and spiritual erosion promotes compromise that ultimately results in denial of Christ and the authority of God's word.
St. Augustine of Hippo is quoted as saying, “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” The accuracy of a line marked by builders is to be checked against a government approved set of drawings. For the Christian, it is God's word we are to follow concerning essential beliefs God has established concerning Himself, the Godhead, and salvation by grace through faith in Jesus. Professing Christians are to be grounded in and continue returning to God's word for guidance and spiritually illumination to walk wisely, for God is the sole source of wisdom--Jesus Himself being wisdom for us. As it is written of God's word in Psalm 119:105, "Your
word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my
path." God who said, "Let there be light!" remains the world's only source of life-giving spiritual guidance, illumination and transformation by His grace.