10 January 2025

Praise the LORD Jesus

"Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!"
Psalm 150:6

If we had the capability of observing people approach God through prayer in turn, I wonder what patterns or themes would emerge.  I suspect the main thing would be people asking God for help, blessings or to do something.  This is fitting, for who has more power, authority, influence and ability to help that God?  People who do not believe in God will make requests out of sheer desperation:  what do they have to lose?  When people acquire sums of money, others can feel entitled to a portion of it because of their relationship.  As there are ungrateful brats who expect and demand money from their parents, it is likely God has children that resemble them.  James said Christians sometimes have not because we ask God amiss, seeking His resources to gratify our lusts.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with seeking God and making our requests known to Him, for He invites us to approach Him in faith and ask, knowing He is aware of our needs even before we submit a formal request.  But when all we do is ask Him for things without acknowledgement of what He has already done or given, are forgetful of all the times He has blessed us without even asking, I  am convinced He notices this.  There is an example of this after Jesus healed the 10 lepers and only one thought to return to Jesus, glorified God and thanked Him (and it happened to be a Samaritan, a foreigner!).  Jesus said in Luke 17:17-18, "So Jesus answered and said, "Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? 18 Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?"  Jesus asking, "But where are the nine?" rings in my ears because I know I have been numbered among those who happily went their way after God answered and never took time to thank Him.  And then before long I was back again, asking God for other things without glorifying or thanking Him for the miracles He already wrought in my life.

This is one reason praise to God is absolute sweetness to the LORD as well as our souls.  When we give praise to God, it is a free gift of gratitude, thanksgiving and glory to God because of who He is and what He has done without asking for anything in return--a gift untainted by selfishness or angling for additional benefits.  It warms our souls to give a valuable gift, and there is no greater gift we can give our LORD as sincere praise from a heart who loves and delights in Him, who meditates on His word, credits Him with awesomeness and praises Him simply because He is worthy.  Genuine praise of God is not to flatter Him so we might find favour with Him but due to the favour He has already freely given us.  Praising God by faith in Him when we are content in Him alone is a treasured (and likely rare) gift God's people are equipped by the Holy Spirit to offer Him in abundance.

Times of corporate worship are a joyful occasion at a church service, for it is wonderful to join together with recipients of God's grace, singing and praising God with our whole hearts.  Our contentment is not to hinge on the song selection, the quality of the musicians or sings, but in the LORD whose word commands:  "Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!"  It is no wonder we are blessed beyond measure in simply praising and thanking God, for Jesus said to the cleansed Samaritan leper in Luke 17:19:  "...Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well."  Having his request granted to be cleansed of leprosy did not bring wholeness to the man:  it was faith in Jesus and glorifying Him as God that brought spiritual cleansing the nine did not necessarily experience.  Rather than using our breath to complain or only make requests of God, let us praise Him.  Praise the LORD!

09 January 2025

Fair, Just and Right

"Yet you say, 'The way of the Lord is not fair.' Hear now, O house of Israel, is it not My way which is fair, and your ways which are not fair?"
Ezekiel 18:25

Through the prophet Ezekiel, God addressed the accusations of His people against Him that He was not fair when they were the ones being unfair.  In other translations "fair" is rendered equal, just and right.  As is always the case, man's sense of justice and righteousness who criticised God was skewed by his own sinfulness, bias and self-serving agenda.  God is perfectly fair, and He is also merciful, gracious, loving and compassionate.  His heart is not inclined to destroy people but to save them.  Yet if rebellious people are hellbent on destroying themselves and refuse His offer of forgiveness and salvation, He will let them have their way.  Everyone receives the opportunity to make the decision if they will submit to what God says is right or stubbornly affirm their own way is right.

God laid the function of justice according to His Law in Ezekiel 18:26-30 to draw sinners to Himself as giver of life:  "When a righteous man turns away from his righteousness, commits iniquity, and dies in it, it is because of the iniquity which he has done that he dies. 27 Again, when a wicked man turns away from the wickedness which he committed, and does what is lawful and right, he preserves himself alive. 28 Because he considers and turns away from all the transgressions which he committed, he shall surely live; he shall not die. 29 Yet the house of Israel says, 'The way of the Lord is not fair.' O house of Israel, is it not My ways which are fair, and your ways which are not fair? 30 "Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways," says the Lord GOD. "Repent, and turn from all your transgressions, so that iniquity will not be your ruin."  The Law of Moses judges a man according to his merit in every circumstance and not on his reputation or track record.  A man does not avoid punishment when he has killed a man because he had not killed anyone for 30 years.  Iniquity has been committed and prior good behaviour does not exonerate him from being held accountable for his crime.

On the flip side, one who had been thieving and extorting money for years, should he freely confess his guilt and repay all he stole with interest as the Law demands, such would not face the penalty of theft.  The one who considered and turned away from all his transgressions with repentance would not be incarcerated or executed.  He was deemed free of sin and free to go.  The children of Israel thought this was unjust of God when He is only fair, just and right.  I find it ironic God is righteous and His Law is very effective to reveal our sinfulness, yet man's inclination is to try to find fault with God and justify himself when only God can justify us.  Our natural hearts are so bent and corrupted by sin the existence of God's Laws actually stir us to transgress them.

Apart from God, iniquity would have been all our ruin.  But thanks be to our righteous God who has revealed Himself and provided a way of forgiveness and righteousness, for salvation and deliverance is not found by efforts to keep the Law, but by righteousness imputed by faith in Jesus Christ.  Though the Law of Moses holds forth a righteous standard, it gives us no strength or ability to keep it.  Trying to justify ourselves by the Law can only condemn us, yet the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe.  Anyone who demands justice will receive it, and those who appeal to their good works cannot justify themselves and remain condemned for every infraction.  But those who admit they are sinners and repent, trusting in Jesus who atoned for the sins of the world, He will justify, sanctify and glorify according to His promise.  How good it is God is just and gracious, merciful and righteous.

God has extended the offer of a relationship with Him as a father to a beloved son or daughter--not a transactional relationship according to our demands to have our way.  It is by faith in Jesus we become children of God and receive the blessings and benefits spoken of in Psalm 103:10-14 and other places in the Bible:  "He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities. 11 For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; 12 as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. 13 As a father pities his children, so the LORD pities those who fear Him."  Praise God He is faithful, trustworthy and cares for us, perfect in all His ways.

07 January 2025

Repentance Not Regretted

When people are guilty of having done wrong, those who have been wronged or are tasked with administering justice often look for signs of contrition in the guilty.  Judges pronouncing sentence upon a convicted felon and children alike look with discerning eye to judge the sincerity of others to see if they recognise their guilt.  We can reject apologies given by people who do not sound sorry at all.  What this can lead to is the development of the hypocritical skill of sounding or appearing "sorry" that is not indicative of our hearts.  As children we learn looking and acting sorry can be the required currency to be exchanged to sweep our transgressions away, and it is a small price to pay.  Others feel guilty for doing wrong but are too proud to admit it.  Rather than humble contrition when confronted, they can become agitated and angry, offended anyone would suggest they are worthy of blame.

It is remarkable how different people respond to correction and how our feelings and thoughts impact our reactions to the same event.  Correcting one person humiliates them and they want to hide, and another is glad to be set right and shakes hands gladly.  After their sins are exposed one person is carefree to the point you wonder if they understand plain words, and another is so wracked with guilt they visibly weep.  A passage I read this morning reminded me of Solomon's words in Ecclesiastes, that to everything there is a season and for every purpose under heaven.  There is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.  Jesus explained it was the appropriate time to celebrate and feast when the bridegroom was present--not a time for fasting.  There is a time and season for feasting as well as fasting, and nature as well as scripture teach us it is God who determines what season it is.  Whenever we have sinned it is the season for repentance, and like summer brings heat repentance results in rejoicing.

In Nehemiah 8, Ezra the priest and scribe along with Nehemiah and other leaders in Israel, gathered the people together to read and teach from the Law of Moses.  As the people stood and heard the words of God explained to them, their understanding of the Law prompted them to weep because they realised their sin before their holy God.  Nehemiah 8:9-12 says, "And Nehemiah, who was the governor, Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who taught the people said to all the people, "This day is holy to the LORD your God; do not mourn nor weep." For all the people wept, when they heard the words of the Law. 10 Then he said to them, "Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our LORD. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." 11 So the Levites quieted all the people, saying, "Be still, for the day is holy; do not be grieved." 12 And all the people went their way to eat and drink, to send portions and rejoice greatly, because they understood the words that were declared to them."  It was good the people sorrowed over their sin, but the Levites explained the people were not to remain perpetually sorrowful:  they were called to rejoice, feast and bless one another with good things.  Sorrow and feelings of guilt were not God's demand upon His people but that repentance for past sins lead to joyful obedience presently.

Isn't this a good exhortation for God's people today?  What would it have benefitted God's people to lament their previous ignorance of God's Law and wallow in shame as those without hope, to fast when commanded to feast?  Should they mourn perpetually their disobedience to God or how miserly they had been toward one another when God called them to obey God with rejoicing and giving that very day?  Sorrow for sin does not constitute repentance as Paul wrote to believers in 2 Corinthians 7:9-10:  "Now I rejoice, not that you were made sorry, but that your sorrow led to repentance. For you were made sorry in a godly manner, that you might suffer loss from us in nothing. 10 For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death."  Being made sorry in a godly manner leads to gain for it produces repentance leading to salvation that is never regretted.  True repentance frees us from the pangs of grief and sorrow that drag a soul down to hell, for Jesus has provided the atonement and salvation with His own blood.  In Christ regardless of our past sins we always have cause for rejoicing--and all by His grace.

06 January 2025

Read God's Word

I read a couple of C.H. Spurgeon sermons today, and as usual, they were a rich spiritual feast.  What I found compelling and challenging was how he strongly called out professing believers who attended his church who did not regularly read the Bible.  Spurgeon had no quarrel with supposed freethinkers or those of a different perspective, but as a preacher of the Book he knew to be God's word said, "...There is never any necessity for Christian ministers to make a point of bringing forward infidel arguments in order to answer them.  It is the greatest folly in the world...Let men of the world learn error of themselves; do not let us be propagators of their falsehoods." (Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. Spurgeon’s Sermons: V. 1-2. Baker Books, 2004. page 27)

Spurgeon reserved his strongest rebukes in his sermon for professing, churchgoing Christians who were not in the regular practice of reading the Bible when it is God's word written to us.  He took aim at those who watered down the Word by trying to make it more palatable when it was intended to be unpalatable to our natural flesh.  Better than laying guilt on people to goad them to do what they ought to do, Spurgeon minced no words and at the same time shared how attractive, inspiring and remarkable God's word really is.  Toward the end of the message I enjoyed an especially delightful paragraph, and hope it will work up an appetite in you to read God's word like a hungry man who finally sits down to dinner.
"My friend, the philosopher, says it may be very well for me to urge people to read the Bible; but he thinks there are a great many sciences far more interesting and useful than theology.  Extremely obliged to you for your opinion, sir.  What science do you mean?  The science of dissecting beetles and arranging butterflies?  "No," you say, "certainly not."  The science, then, of arranging stones, and telling us of the strata of the earth?"  "No, not exactly that."  Which science, then?  "Oh, all the sciences," say you, "are better than the science of the Bible."  Ah! sir, that is your opinion; and it is because you are far from God, that you say so.  But the science of Jesus Christ is the most excellent of sciences.  Let no one turn away from the Bible because it is not a book of learning and wisdom.  It is.  Would you know astronomy?  It is here:  it tells you of the Sun of Righteousness and the Star of Bethlehem.  Would you know botany?  It is here:  it tells you of the plant of renown--the Lily of the Valley, and the Rose of Sharon.  Would you know geology and mineralogy?  You shall learn it here:  for you may read of the Rock of Ages, and the White Stone with the name engraven thereon, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.  Would ye study history?  Here is the most ancient of all the records of the history of the human race.  Whate'er your science is, come and bend o'er this book; your science is here.  Come and drink out of this fair fount of knowledge and wisdom, and ye shall find yourselves made wise unto salvation.  Wise and foolish, babes and men, gray-headed sires, youths and maidens--I speak to you, I plead with you, I beg of you respect your Bibles, and search them out, for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and these are they which testify of Christ." (Ibid, pages 42-43)