10 January 2025

Praise the LORD Jesus

"Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!"
Psalm 150:6

If we had the capability of observing people approach God through prayer in turn, I wonder what patterns or themes would emerge.  I suspect the main thing would be people asking God for help, blessings or to do something.  This is fitting, for who has more power, authority, influence and ability to help than God?  People who do not believe in God will make requests out of sheer desperation:  what do they have to lose?  When people acquire sums of money, others can feel entitled to a portion of it because of their relationship.  As there are ungrateful brats who expect and demand money from their parents, it is likely God has children that resemble them.  James said Christians sometimes have not because we ask God amiss, seeking His resources to gratify our lusts.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with seeking God and making our requests known to Him, for He invites us to approach Him in faith and ask, knowing He is aware of our needs even before we submit a formal request.  But when all we do is ask Him for things without acknowledgement of what He has already done for us or given to us, are forgetful of all the times He has blessed us without even asking, I  am convinced He notices this.  There is an example of this after Jesus healed the 10 lepers and only one thought to return to Jesus, glorified God and thanked Him (and it happened to be a Samaritan, a foreigner!).  Jesus said in Luke 17:17-18, "So Jesus answered and said, "Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? 18 Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?"  Jesus asking, "But where are the nine?" rings in my ears because I know I have been numbered among those who happily went their way after God answered and never took time to thank Him.  And then before long I was back again, asking God for other things without glorifying or thanking Him for the miracles He already wrought in my life.

This is one reason praise to God is absolute sweetness to the LORD as well as our souls.  When we give praise to God, it is a free gift of gratitude, thanksgiving and glory to God because of who He is and what He has done without asking for anything in return--a gift untainted by selfishness or angling for additional benefits.  It warms our souls to give a valuable gift, and there is no greater gift we can give our LORD as sincere praise from a heart who loves and delights in Him, who meditates on His word, credits Him with awesomeness and praises Him simply because He is worthy.  Genuine praise of God is not to flatter Him so we might find favour with Him but due to the favour He has already freely given us.  Praising God by faith in Him when we are content in Him alone is a treasured (and likely rare) gift God's people are equipped by the Holy Spirit to offer Him in abundance.

Times of corporate worship are a joyful occasion at a church service, for it is wonderful to join together with recipients of God's grace, singing and praising God with our whole hearts.  Our contentment is not to hinge on the song selection, the quality of the musicians or singers, but in the LORD whose word commands:  "Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!"  It is no wonder we are blessed beyond measure in simply praising and thanking God, for Jesus said to the cleansed Samaritan leper in Luke 17:19:  "...Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well."  Having his request granted to be cleansed of leprosy did not bring wholeness to the man:  it was faith in Jesus and glorifying Him as God that brought spiritual cleansing the nine did not necessarily experience.  Rather than using our breath to complain or only make requests of God, let us praise Him.  Praise the LORD!

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