02 January 2010

Looking to the Future...

As I look forward to 2010 I wonder if it will hold as many twists and turns that 2009 proved to have.  The last year saw me resign from a full-time ministry position to spend 60 days in Australia separated from my family.  But it wasn't terrible because God was with me the whole time.  He provided a job in my trade a day after my return from Australia that is enabling me to work towards the ultimate goal of immigrating to Australia.

I just watched a bit of "Patton" this evening, the outspoken, gregarious, opinionated, and amazing four-star general who saw action in both World Wars.  There was a line that caught my attention as he described what he felt was his destiny:  "I've always felt that I was destined for some great achievement, what I don't know."  I feel I've spent a lot of time "not knowing" this last year.  I didn't know where I'd be going in Australia, where I'd be staying, who I'd be staying with, where I'd be preaching, how the bills would be paid, what I would be doing upon my return, and on and on!  But I say with great pleasure and joy that God knew right well, and He provided abundantly beyond what I could have asked for or thought.  Instead of focusing on what I don't know, it's good to look to the God who knows all and can do anything He wants concerning me, my family, and the gifts, ministry, and calling I am steward of.

I played some football today with some brothers from church and if you've ever seen me on the field, it's more likely that you've heard me as well!  As a quarterback I'm like Patton back there, barking signals, issuing orders, motivating my teammates by strong words, minus any "colorful" language.  People either loved Patton or hated him, and I'm sure that I amuse some as much as irritate others.  But you know, leading a ministry cannot be done by barking orders and storming through strongholds of the enemy with tanks and footsoldiers.  It was God who said through the prophet, "...Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts." (Zech. 4:6)  God does not need generals who are in it for the glory.  He desires leaders who will take the lowest place and put their back to the work.  He wants men and women who are willing to gut through the wilderness, tribulation, and trials when prayers seem to be unheard and vision becomes dim.  He wants people to trust Him though they can't see a foot in front of their face.

I have no clue what this year holds for me and my family concerning ministry here or in Australia.  But I'm going to stick with what I know:  I have been called as a preacher and apostle to go to Australia for the glory of God; I have been provided a job to work towards that end; and God is in heaven and I am here on earth.  Time is short, and we must work while it is still day because the night is coming when no one can work.  Visas, government, immigration, home selling and buying, none of these are obstacles for God:  only opportunities for Him to prove Himself faithful again and again.  Let God be true and every man a liar.  None of this is about me.  I'm not the center of anything - I exist for the glory and praise of God, to make His name famous throughout the earth.  I want to be better at that.

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