Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts

14 April 2021

Email Update!

Hello to all those who are using the automated email to receive updates from the blog!  I have been notified the Feedburner gadget I have been using will be discontinued in June and therefore blog posts will not be sent anymore.  I apologise for this...I have looked into setting up an automated service like Mailchimp but it is simply too much for me to navigate.  The content isn't the issue but figuring how to send out emails without causing confusion.  If you know me and have skill in the area please send me a message...otherwise to receive the content you will have to check the blog itself when Feedburner goes away. :)

19 August 2015

Today is the Day!

Today is the day of fulfilled promises, the consummation of unbelievable dreams.  God-willing, tonight my family and I will become Australian citizens.  What is impossible with men is possible with God.  When God spoke to me in 2002, "You will preach, and you will be sent," I had no idea where or when that would take place.  In 2005, after resigning from my decade-long career in mechanical insulation, on my 30th birthday I was blessed to take on a full-time role as youth pastor.  As if that was not enough of a life-altering step, the same year God impressed upon my heart the east side of Australia.  I didn't know a soul in Australia, and was frankly ignorant about how life is "down under."  I continued to plug away where God had me, believing in His time and in His way He would accomplish all.

There were times of doubt and thoughts like, "Am I going crazy?"  Looking back I can see how God was preparing me for tasks long before they came into my heart.  I went to university for two years to hone my English and writing skills, even though I planned to enter a trade.  Little did I know God would redeem that schooling for writing sermons and contributing to this blog.  I spent 10 years in a construction trade, which provided training and discipline to approach church ministry in a workman fashion.  He placed me in a church with a rigorous schedule with the perfect pastor to teach and inspire me to faithfulness no matter the difficulty.  When the door opened to be a pastor at Calvary Chapel Sydney, He had prepared me, established my family and me, provided for us, and sustained us.  It is nine days short of a full decade between quitting my career and starting work at Calvary as a youth pastor to being a pastor in Sydney and becoming a citizen of my new country.  Only God could have known or accomplished such things!

To all who have shared this journey with my family and me, thank you for your prayers and support.  People in the States and Australia (and hopefully in other places too) are rejoicing along with us today, seeing God's hand at work.  I believe God has us here for His divine purposes, and He has been preparing us for the next decade of service and on - should He tarry.  It has been the most exciting, satisfying ride of my life, and I am so grateful to God and all He has used to help and encourage us along the way.

I received this scripture from my mum today, and it is most fitting to convey the overwhelming joy and almost surreal qualities of dual-citizenship coming to pass.  Psalm 100:1-5 reads, "Make a joyful shout to the LORD, all you lands! 2 Serve the LORD with gladness; come before His presence with singing. 3 Know that the LORD, He is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. 4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. 5 For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations."  Praise the LORD, for He is good.  Not one word has failed of His good promise, and He alone is faithful and wise.  He is holy, and His ways are past finding out.  Rejoice in His presence and shout for joy, redeemed of the LORD!

30 December 2014

Empty Vessels Made Full

As 2014 draws to a close, this blog has passed a significant milestone:  50,000 views from all over the world.  It is a great blessing to be able to freely share the love of Jesus Christ and the truth of scripture with all who are interested.  My schedule 2015 looks to be busier than ever, and as God leads and provides I shall continue to regularly contribute to the blog.

In the last month, the top visitors to the blog came from the United States, France, Australia, Ukraine, and Germany.  Russia, China, the United Kingdom, and South Korea are also listed on the all time most viewed list.  I thank the LORD for the internet and the translation tools which allow people from all over the world to read with understanding.  Much to my surprise, the blog has been the means to connect me face to face in fellowship with Christians I never knew before.  My prayer is through these words God would be glorified and praised for His goodness and truth.

Dear Christian, I encourage you to follow Jesus Christ closer this year than ever before.  Joyfully spend and be spent for His glory, God's grace working in you to labour abundantly for Him.  He will supply all your needs, even as He did for the indebted woman through Elisha written of in 2 Kings.  She was desperate because her husband died and left her with a large debt she could not pay.  Her sons were at risk to become slaves and she cried out to Elisha for help.  He asked her what she had on hand.  All she had in the house was a jar of oil.  Things looked bleak and desperate.

2 Kings 4:3-7 reveals what followed:  "Then he said, "Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors--empty vessels; do not gather just a few. 4 And when you have come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons; then pour it into all those vessels, and set aside the full ones." 5 So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out. 6 Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, "Bring me another vessel." And he said to her, "There is not another vessel." So the oil ceased. 7 Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, "Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest."  The woman and her sons were obedient to gather up all the empty vessels.  According to the command of the man of God they shut the door, and poured and poured.  The oil from the original vessel failed only when there was not another empty vessel to fill.  After all the vessels were filled, they went back to Elisha who bid them sell the oil, pay the debt, and live on the rest.

Are you willing to be an empty vessel God can fill with the Holy Spirit?  You may look inside and see your complete poverty of soul.  You may look at your life and wonder what you could possibly contribute of value for the kingdom of God.  The truth is, we are nothing and have nothing.  But when we are empty of self and obey God's Word in faith, He will supply all we need.  Our meager efforts can produce life-saving, transformational changes in the church and the world.  Will you lay down your will before the LORD this year?  How about today?  Will today be the day when you finally surrender in joyful obedience?

God asked Moses, "What is in your hand?"  He answered, "A rod." (Ex. 4:2)  It was that rod God used to do mighty wonders in Egypt and even prove Aaron was His chosen high priest.  Instead of lamenting what you do not have and why you cannot do as you wish, what is in your hand?  What is in your house?  Ask God how He would have you invest yourself in His work.  Even if it is only a little pot of oil or a stick, God will do miraculous wonders if we will trust and obey!

25 August 2014

Content in God

It's been a long week.  My wife and I have been floored with a virus since last Wednesday.  I can't remember if I have ever had a fever for five straight days, and I hope that is the last time!  We were very thankful to have a doctor home visit and have scripts written for both of us for a course of antibiotics.  This is the first time I have missed teaching on a Sunday morning due to illness in almost nine years, which is quite remarkable.  It is not a testimony to my constitution, but to the grace and sustaining power of God.

As bad as it is to be sick and exhausted, Laura and I talked about how gracious God has been to our family since arriving to Australia concerning illness.  When moving to a new country there are many new strains one can be exposed to.  Despite the differences, I believe God protected us and kept us healthy.  This is where some become quite cynical:  "Does God only answer your prayers?  What about the people who have been sick many times?  How about those with cancers and debilitating illnesses who suffer every single day?"  God did not keep our family from illness because of any goodness in us or because we are more "special" than other people.  God gives people good health who don't even believe in Him!  He gives according to His grace.  We have asked Him for good health and God gave it to us.  We have thanked Him profusely.  And guess what?  This past week He said "No" to good health.  I hate being sick and run-down, but if God sees fit to allow me to be sick, then I am content in Him.

God is only good, in total contrast to this fallen world.  He is trustworthy.  My family and I are sheep of His pasture.  Jesus is our Good Shepherd who watches over us, protects us, binds up our wounds, heals our bodies, and brings rest to our souls even when we are sick.  This world cannot offer true rest, healing, and restoration!  There is no peace in the hearts and minds of the cynics who lash out angrily at God only when things go wrong and credit themselves when things go well.  Some are happy enough to forget about "God" until they feel a need to blame someone.  Job asked his wife, "Should we receive good from God and not evil?"  A fair question.  If God is in control and knows what is best, who are we to doubt Him when He allows discomfort and pain?  Never forget He is a Redeemer.

David wrote in Psalm 120:1 after the priests had been slaughtered in cold blood save one:  "In my distress I cried to the LORD, and He heard me."  When I was in agony during these days I have cried out to God in my distress like I have not for a long time.  It was a good reminder that I need to have that sense of urgency to seek God when it is not my body or comfort on the line.  God uses distress and illness even for good concerning those who love God.  What a wonder, to be heard by God!  To be heard is a greater blessing than to be healed!  When bad things happen, how much greater and good is our God!

26 October 2013

When God Overrules

It has been nearly three years since God moved me and my family from southern California and transplanted us in Sydney.  I can say by God's grace we are looking healthy as a unit, like a well-established tree.  The leaf-casting season was short, and I'm not aware our leaves even drooped as we drew up water through well-tilled earth!  Our roots have shot down deep into good soil, and the loving Body of Christ has been a huge part of that on both sides of the Pacific.  We have had exceptional support from family, friends, and from so many at Calvary Chapel Sydney.  When I think of all God has done from establishing the boys at a great school, strengthening my marriage, and granting us permanent residency, I am in awe.

For almost the entire time our family have been in Australia, we have lived in one house.  It was certainly a God-send, granted at the time we needed it most.  There have been issues scattered over that time with an occasional repair required, but for the most part we have been without complaints.  Of course on those super hot days air conditioning would have been nice, but we've also become more acclimated to Sydney weather!  A couple months ago, we received a notice our rent would be increasing.  Laura decided it would be good to test the renting market and see if we could find a comparable house for less money.  Now I am one of those people who really don't like to move.  I would rather go to the dentist every day for a week than pack everything up, change our address with more people and businesses than I care to count, and deal with the hassle of unpacking, arranging, re-arranging, and hanging pictures.  How long will it take me to learn where things are in the kitchen?  I don't even want to think about it.

For the past couple months, Laura has been checking online, going to open houses, and us boys tagged along for a few.  The more houses we saw, the more I was convinced what we have been paying - even with the increase - was excellent value for money.  So many of the houses we saw were beat up rentals with too many problems:  garages converted to shabby rooms, exterior doors that scraped so hard on the tile they won't open, carpets that resembled a spattered crime scene, and no storage whatsoever.  Even Laura had pretty much resolved to stay at our place, something I was resolved to do before she ever started looking.

But then one house came up which caught Laura's attention.  It was a comparable size and relatively close to the boy's school.  There were some sizable concessions (detached garage without an automatic opener, electric cooktop, and a much older house), but there were also pluses:  single storey, air conditioning, less than a one minute walk to a park, and located in a cul-de-sac with a pool - all for $80 less a week than we had been paying for our current home.  Laura filled out the application and we arrived at the open house Saturday and were greeted by a gaggle of well-dressed prospective renters.  As I saw all the people, I assumed most of those folks were in a far more financially viable position and was fairly confident we wouldn't stand a chance.  At that moment I figured the only way we could have a sniff at the property is if God miraculously opened the door.  And to be honest, I didn't want Him to.

Does that sound bad?  I don't know if it is or isn't.  But I know you can be very honest with God.  Your honesty doesn't offend Him.  Honesty can offend people, but not my heavenly Father!  The fact was, I was very comfortable in our home and did not welcome the aggravation and stress that comes with moving house.  I would be happy to stay in a comfortable, predictable environment and trust for God to provide for our needs right where we were, which He has been graciously doing.  So as I drove away with admittedly selfish motives I prayed, "LORD, I pray we won't get that house.  What a pain to have to move."  Now my wife and I have an agreement we have made with God:  if He opens the door, we will walk through it.  In our minds, the only way the door to renting that property would occur if God opened the door.  I continued on through the day, thinking very little about the property.  Consider my surprise when Laura sent me a text message with three words:  "We got it."  Laura later told me she had just put down a deposit, and we had been chosen out of 25 other applicants.  I was more than surprised.  I was more like, "Oh no!" but not in a bad way.  Obviously God had overruled my plan.  He opened the door to that rental property, and I am delighted to walk through that door.  What are my shortsighted plans compared to God's?

This morning I was laughing to myself.  How ironic that I would uproot my family from San Diego and move to Sydney, only to balk at moving to another suburb!  The fact is, God has every right to order my steps and tell me where to live.  This morning I read in 1 Samuel 22:5:  "Now the prophet Gad said to David, "Do not stay in the stronghold; depart, and go to the land of Judah." So David departed and went into the forest of Hereth."  Fearing for his life, David had gone to the land of Moab and stayed with the king in his stronghold.  But God sent the prophet Gad to tell David not to remain there, though Saul sought his life, and to go to the land of Judah.  Obediently, David did as God commanded him.  This move certainly required faith for David, seeing as there remained only a step between him and death.  Yet God was gracious to protect and provide for David, as He will for our family as well.  God will never mislead or trick us.  The children of Israel were reliant upon the presence of God leading them in the desert, and the leading of the Holy Spirit is the same for Christians concerning our actions as well as where we live.  Moving for me is an act of faith, and I know God will use it for good.

It is a good thing to consider:  when you are overruled by God, will you choose to obey and rejoice?  For me my joy was not immediate, but I tell you the truth:  what peace, joy, and delight is found when we choose to obey and rest in God's will.  He knows us and the struggles we will face.  He will see us through every one and bring us to His desired end.  It will be difficult at times and it will not always be comfortable.  But what a joy to know that God is leading, directing, and upholding us by His gracious love.  I am praising God for the provision of a place to stay, and I covet your prayers as we prepare to move in the next few weeks.  Glory to God, for He rules over all!

18 September 2013

Ready for Real

Yesterday morning I picked up my parents from the airport to kick off their two-week stay with us.  It is a blessing to our family fly down under to visit with us.  Thank you to those who sent letters and goodies along with them, an unexpected treat!  I have been feverishly working to finish my "work" so we can do things together at a relaxed pace.

When I visited the States in June, ironically I helped out with booking this trip.  It was placed on the calendar months ago.  There were many things we have successfully prepared for:  ordering a bed for the re-arranged guest room, organising things to be brought over, inquiring with friends about things to do and see, and planning for the upcoming conference and projects.  But regardless of all the work we have done, it seems like things slipped through the cracks - things like lunch!  For months we knew my parents were coming, but we never thought to put together a menu or daily calendar.  We're jumping right on it...better late than never, I suppose.

It is very easy to be caught up in the daily activities and lose sight of the thing Jesus often reminds us in scripture:  "Behold, I come quickly!"  Being ready in our minds and ready in reality are two different things.  How many times did we know a birthday or special day was coming up and we neglected to buy the card, make the phone call, book the trip, do all the things we fully intended and desired to do because we were busy about other things?  Let's make sure that our Father's business is our highest priority!  Someday it will be too late.  Why regret when we can rejoice in a job well done?

01 July 2013

Final Visa Update!

This long awaited day has finally arrived, a day that at times I wondered would ever come:  our family received word from immigration that we have been approved for permanent residency.  The notification reads, "You have been granted a permanent visa which allows you to remain in Australia indefinitely."  It feels unreal even as I read those words now.  The walk of faith in Christ provides unimaginable twists, turns, and surprises.  It is like a roller coaster where one feels the anticipation of the slow ascent, big drops, corkscrews, the sickness in the pit of the stomach, and g-forces all combine to make it a ride that at the conclusion you laugh and say, "Let's do it again!"  Well, almost like that.  I am glad beyond words the forms, documentation, physicals, and expense is concluded with a positive result.  I am blessed that this chapter of our immigration process is complete.  God-willing citizenship is only a year and a half away!

It feels so good to know that I'm not crazy - or at least, crazy in a good sense.  When God placed the east side of Australia on my heart in 2005, I wasn't sure if I was going insane or if God was truly calling me to quit my career, later resign from my ministry position, sell my house, uproot my family and move to OZ.  He confirmed His Word again and again that "I would preach, and I would be sent."  It became clear that the only way that I could immigrate to Australia, much less serve in a church as pastor, would be through His doing.  Over the years there were wilderness experiences, doubters, rejections, questions, and the ever-oppressive uncertainty.  Even during this final stretch of the visa application process there were obstacles to overcome when we had to re-submit our application and payment.  A time came when I was forced to hand over everything to the LORD again:  "God, if you just wanted us here for a short season, your will be done.  If this obstacle is your doing, we embrace it.  If it is the work of the enemy, overcome it!"

With the granting of our permanent visa, it is the stamp of God's gracious approval.  It is His will we are here.  It is God's will that I should serve Him and the flock at Calvary Chapel Sydney.  All those years ago when God gave me a vision to reach the east side of Australia with the gospel, I wasn't insane.  Yet I do not see the granting of the visa primarily as validation of my perception, but a demonstration of the guidance, provision, grace, mercy, and power of my God.  Coming to Australia was never my idea.  It was God who put Australia on my heart because He loves all people and is not willing any should perish but that all should come to repentance.  He has graciously provided a window of my time on earth to labour for His glory in OZ, and I rejoice He has established my family and me here.  My desire is to live out the rest of my days in Australia, moving rocks, sowing seed, and reaping a bountiful harvest of souls for His glory.

Thanks to everyone who has laboured in prayer, helped with finances, submission of the paperwork, and supported our family through this visa process.  We are grateful and humbled with the open door God has placed before us.  By His grace, we are walking through the door.  The end of the visa process brings a new beginning as permanent residents.  As you rejoice with us, please remember to thank God for all He is doing - not only in Australia, but in your life and across the globe for generations.  You never know the plans God has for you or where He will send you.  God will give you the discernment, wisdom, and strength to march forth in step with Him!  The question remains to be answered:  will you go where He leads?

16 June 2013

The DMV Test

After my two week trip to the States, it is good to be back home in Australia.  My ultimate home is in heaven, but Australia works perfectly for the present!  It was a whirlwind of activity:  visiting family, friends, speaking at churches, attend the Calvary Chapel senior pastor's conference, was the best man in a wedding, and everything seemed to involve food.  Fine with me!

Living overseas certainly complicates things.  Thankfully we have the help and support of people in the States to assist.  During this trip, God was so faithful to provide for my needs:  food, housing, transportation, and even some cash to handle incidentals.  A prime example of God's awesome provision took place at the dreaded DMV.

My driver's license was set to expire in a year's time.  Since I could not say for certain when I will be back in the States, it seemed like a wise option to renew my driver's license.  I had to renew in person because my address had changed.  I also was not able to make an appointment in the amount of days I had left.  So 15 minutes before the Department of Motor Vehicles in El Cajon opened last Wednesday, I claimed a spot in line - which was already 60 people deep!  In about half an hour I arrived at the "Start" desk and filled out my application for license renewal.  I took a number and sat down only to hear the announcement:  "Our system is down.  Payment can only be made with cash or check."

Oh no, I thought to myself.  I didn't even think to bring my checkbook (it's been forever since I've written a check!).  I prayed, LORD, help me to have enough money!  When my number was called, thankfully I had enough money to pay the fee - with eight dollars left over!  I was very grateful to those people who had given me cash without even knowing my ATM card was expired and useless.  Then it was off to another line to check my eyesight.  And then to my surprise, I had to take a refresher test of 18 random questions.  If I missed 6, I would have to reschedule on another date in a week's time.  Trouble was, I had a flight booked the next day!  The pressure was on.

Now I had not expected to have to take a test.  It had been over 20 years since I have taken a written test in the DMV, and for over two and a half years I have been driving in Australia!  But how hard could it be, right?  My test must have been comprised of the most obscure, strange questions ever!  There were questions about freezing bridges, time frames concerning notifying the DMV, and parking uphill without a kerb!  As I was taking the test, I saw a woman go up to the counter and was told she needed to reschedule.  I was feeling the stress, I can tell you.  But I continued casting my cares upon Christ as I read and re-read the awkwardly phrased sentences.  The LORD gave me a peace about it, and I turned it in.

Would you believe that I aced the test?  I was ecstatic.  I can affirm with David in 2 Samuel 22:31-33:  "As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him. 32 "For who is God, except the LORD? And who is a rock, except our God? 33 God is my strength and power, and He makes my way perfect." God has not promised that all things will go according to our plans, but He has plans which will certainly come to pass.  He knows when a single sparrow falls, and He will provide for us even when our faith is small.  Even when I was sitting there waiting for my results at the DMV, God's Spirit was there to comfort and strengthen.

No matter where you are, God is there for you.  Try Him!  Whether we pass or fail, we find He bears us up in His everlasting arms of love and grace.  When we walk in faith, we pass the true test.

27 May 2013

Home With Him

In a few days, I will be taking a flight from Sydney to Los Angeles.  As the day of my departure draws nigh, the occasional sound of a plane in the distance reminds me of that fact.  It has been two years since my last visit to the United States.  It's a strange thing to have lived in the San Diego for most of my life but to feel like a stranger heading back.  Don't get me wrong:  I know most of the streets, freeways, suburbs quite well.  By God's grace I should be able to recognise family and friends, though I probably won't remember all the names I once did.  I am coming back to people who have changed, and I have changed too - hopefully for the better and wiser!

I was born in San Diego, but San Diego is no longer my home.  This was settled even before I left San Diego for Sydney in 2010.  God brought my heart to Australia long before my family came or our stuff arrived in a container.  Sydney is where I currently reside, yet technically it is not my home either.  Though ultimately my home is in heaven, God has provided a way for me to always be home.  Jesus says in John 14:23, "Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him."  Often we think of "home" as a fixed point on the earth, yet God comes to those who love Him and makes His home with us wherever we are!  The Holy Spirit takes up residence in the heart of every believer.  Jesus is called "Immanuel," meaning "God with us."  We will never be "home" - we will never find true rest - until we enter into a relationship built upon the truth of God's Word.

They say "Home is where the heart is" and there is truth in this cliche, though perhaps not in the way intended.  More important than having a house for my body is that God makes His home with me.  Whether I travel far or stay near, if I live or die, God and I will be together forever.  This is a comforting thought not only for me, but for my family that I will be leaving behind.  I will be leaving for a while, but God will never leave or forsake them.  Praise God for the confidence, peace, and rest we find in Him! 

20 April 2013

Back from Kedron

Our family returned from a busy and profitable week at Camp Kedron last night.  It was an amazing week as God did incredible things among the leaders and the campers.  Laura and I were "camp parents" and Laura also tackled the role of being camp nurse - a huge job and responsibility.  She was phenomenal and I am very proud of her servant's heart and flexibility.  There were a few times she had to wake up in the middle of the night to tend to sick campers and she did it with a joyful attitude.  After the camp Laura was migraine free too, so that is a wonderful added blessing!

My role was expanded to teaching and leading workshops with the leadership team, and all of them stepped up in a huge way in their discussion groups.  Many of the kids were completely transformed by the end of camp, having repented and trusted Jesus Christ as Saviour and LORD.  I believe we were all challenged, encouraged, and changed by God's grace.  This camp was a tangible testimony of the power of God's love through Jesus and the Body of Christ.  So thanks to all of you who have been praying.  Your prayers were certainly heard and answered, and may the fruit remain for eternity!

The verses God gave me at the beginning of camp were fulfilled in our midst.  For many of us, this was not our first camp and there is always a danger we might look to our experience instead of the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Any expectations we might have had were overcome by His miraculous power, grace, and love.  Isaiah 43:18-21 reads, "Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. 19 Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. 20 The beast of the field will honor Me, the jackals and the ostriches, because I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen. 21 This people I have formed for Myself; they shall declare My praise." Amen!

07 April 2013

No Dramas!

This morning we called for a meeting after church to discuss recent developments concerning our visa for residency in Australia.  To make a very complicated story short, it came to light this week that there had been a mistake on the nomination form lodged over seven months ago.  We were made aware of legislation passed in November that did not help our cause.  We submitted the application portion of the visa process about a month ago, not knowing yet that the nomination could not be approved in the current state.  An immigration agent called me and a fellow board member, suggesting that we withdraw the application because a withdrawal is better than a refusal.  This was done and here we are, exactly one week from our 428 Religious Worker's visa running out, no bridging visa, and with the prospect of applying again at full price - with a price tag of just over three thousand dollars.  And you know what?  I'm not mad, worried, or freaked out.  It is a testimony to the reality of an All-Powerful God.  Because if I didn't know Him, that's exactly how I would feel!

People say, "God is on the throne."  That's not just a cliche to polish up in difficult times.  It is a fact:  our God reigns!  He allows obstacles, difficulties, trials, tribulations, and persecutions.  His perfect love casts out all fear.  As we discussed the situation with those able to stay late at church for the meeting, there was a tangible sense of God's presence.  There was no finger pointing, accusations, blaming others, or veiled threats.  The was a profound sense of love, grace, and understanding.  After the meeting I was struck by how blessed we are to have a fellowship filled with friends who stick closer than a brother.  I am convinced that God will use this situation for good and will undoubtedly bring my family and I to His desired end.  Who but God knows what priceless gems will be mined through this experience?

The current plan of action is to re-apply for the 186 direct-stream visa in the next couple days which will automatically initiate a new bridging visa to allow our family to stay in country until it is resolved.  We are praying that God will give us wisdom and favour with immigration to have all the information supplied by the deadlines which are quickly approaching.  We are confident that money is not a problem for our God and therefore it won't be a problem for us or the church.  In Australia we have a saying which is basically synonymous with "No worries."  When in the States someone would say "Piece of cake!" people in OZ say, "No dramas!"  There's a lot of drama in this world, but nothing is too hard for our God.  We can take God at His Word to provide for all our needs.  As we fight the good fight of faith, let us stay true to our LORD no matter our circumstances.

Thanks for praying for Calvary Chapel Sydney and the Grisez family!  We are blessed beyond measure, greatly enriched by the love of the saints, and rejoice in the faithfulness and provision of our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

09 March 2013

Bridging Visa and Building Houses

From the moment God began to establish our family in Australia, I have looked upon it as a permanent move.  When it comes to serving God in a foreign field, there can be an overwhelming amount of "unknowns."  The timing for visa approval, God's provision of money, and the administration of paperwork are just a few of them.  There is much that lays outside our ability to directly control.  The stress level of our lives has been greatly eased through committing those things into God's capable hands.  The call is to be casting our cares upon Him, and God helping us we do.  We are called to be faithful to do our part, and God will be faithful to fulfill His Word.  We sow the seed, and He will make it grow.

We came to Australia over two years ago on a tourist visa.  While in country we applied for a 428 Religious Worker's visa and a bridging visa was issued.  It was later approved and allowed us to stay in country for two years.  After the two years the 428 Religious Worker's Visa could be renewed.  But last year our family received a letter in July which notified us that the 428 visa was no longer a path to permanent residency.  That would have been bad news by itself.  We were informed, however, that the church could nominate me under a Minister of Religion Visa which is a permanent residency visa.  That was welcome news indeed!  The church has now lodged the nomination and application with Australian immigration and we have been notified that a bridging visa is now in place.  Instead of having to leave the country in April, we can now stay in country until the visa application is completely resolved.  At the moment it appears we will be in Australia for a while - and God willing permanently!

Even before our family immigrated to Australia, God directed me to take to heart Jeremiah 29:5-7:  "Build houses and dwell in them; plant gardens and eat their fruit. 6 Take wives and beget sons and daughters; and take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands, so that they may bear sons and daughters--that you may be increased there, and not diminished. 7 And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the LORD for it; for in its peace you will have peace."  When we face uncertainty, the temptation is to hold back from putting down deep roots.  God used this passage to impress upon my heart that whether He has us in Australia for two years or seventy years, live like this is our permanent home.  As citizens of heaven we recognise this is not our real home, but we are to commit ourselves fully to the people, work, activities, and culture of our new home.  Instead of pining for what is old, comfortable, and familiar, we must open our arms and hearts to these beautiful people God has called us to serve without reservation.  We should enroll the kids in school for the year, buy that second car we need, renew the insurance for the whole year, and live trusting that God has placed us here according to His will.  Jeremiah 29 influenced me to live like we aren't going anywhere!

This is a great illustration for people who believe God has called them into a particular ministry.  Because God has revealed a call for them to serve in a specific role - say a pastor - they are reluctant to serve in other capacities.  Or perhaps they see their church fellowship languishing and begin to sit in judgment, withholding contributions of time and resources.  Let me encourage you:  wherever God has you in fellowship, give Him your all.  Serve with all your might no matter how long you might remain at the fellowship.  Build houses, plant gardens, and eat of their fruit.  Get married, settle down!  I offer these not as literal commands for you to perform, but to keep in mind the principle God intends.  A day may come when God moves you into a new arena of ministry, a day when the calling upon your life sees ultimate fruition, that day when you have a one-way ticket to a foreign country!  But as long as God tarries, wait on the LORD.  Many people succumb to waiting for the LORD.  They are always waiting for God to do something before they obey in the first place.  They never put down roots and begin to wilt.  Start serving and labouring for God's glory right where He has you and when God moves you, continue serving like you won't be going anywhere for a while.

I praise God for the bridging visa He has provided for our family, and our prayer is that our application for permanent residency will be quickly approved.  I desire to spend and be spent for Jesus Christ in Australia for His glory, for He is worthy of all honour.  I am grateful for the friends and family who have greatly enriched our lives during these two years.  No doubt God has much more to do both in and through us here!

10 February 2013

Calvary Chapel Melbourne Trip

Late last night I returned from a trip to Melbourne.  I was invited by pastor Andrew Russell to preach at Calvary Chapel Melbourne and had the opportunity to share at both morning and evening services.  It was a tremendous blessing to meet faithful followers of Jesus Christ and I enjoyed many profitable conversations.  Oh how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!  There is brotherhood through fellowship in Jesus Christ that is sweeter and closer than mere blood relations.  Although we may be separated for seasons, we know we will one day dwell together in the presence of God forever!

As I prepared for the messages, I sensed the leading of the Holy Spirit to include some illustrations I have never used before or even considered.  I am thankful that those particular illustrations were among the most thought-provoking and profitable.  It is encouraging to know that when God leads us to say something it will be used for His purposes, whether we receive positive feedback or not.  Spirit-led preaching requires faith.  There is always the potential for offense.  Many were offended at the words of Christ:  how much more by a flawed man as myself?  Sometimes God leads me to say things which can make me feel uncomfortable.  I find when I must trust God to merely speak those are the portions God uses most mightily.

I suppose it would be wise to ask ourselves:  when is the last time God gave us a message to hold forth which required faith to deliver?  I'm sure we have all been guilty to a degree of ignoring or tweaking parts of a message that seemed distasteful, politically incorrect, or potentially offensive.  As messengers, we have no right or authority to alter the message.  Or perhaps we have delivered the message God has given us but without a heart of love and compassion.  In our preaching and speaking with people it is imperative we hear from God, deliver the message faithfully, and do so with His heart of love and grace.  Truth is critical, but love is the ultimate imperative.  Love is tough and willing to take blows.  A man can be technically "right," but without love a Christian is all wrong.

How grateful I am for the love, grace, and truth of God's Word.  It is awesome to meet people from all over the world who have been transformed by the power of God through the Gospel.  I have returned to Sydney rejoicing in the fellowship and love of brothers and sisters in Melbourne.  A day will come when we will always be in the presence of God together, never again to be apart!  Stay strong!

11 January 2013

S21 - Tuol Sleng

Below are excerpts from a journal entry I wrote the evening after touring the notorious S21 in Phnom Penh, a school the Khmer Rouge turned into a facility of torture and imprisonment.

Cambodia:  a nation which still lies under the shadow of brutal, systematic torture and murder of her own children.  As I saw hundreds of faces photographed during their imprisonment in S21, one cannot help but be haunted by their vacant, expressionless, almost soulless faces.  The only thing is, their souls were still there.  Their eyes had beheld tortures no created being should see or imagine.  They were unfeeling eyes, detached.  Their ears had heard the screams of the tortured and the dying.  The mind had ample time to play, making every waking moment an exercise in psychological torture and oppression.  When it was inevitably your turn - when it was happening to you - it made even less sense.  Tears were punishable by more pain.

What of the killing fields?  What of the macabre keepsakes of torture, the photographs, the artistic renderings?  Is there a place in this world for them?  Should we instead build picturesque pools for reflection, wiping away the hideous memories?  What of the piles of bones, skulls, and stories recounted in S21?  Cambodia has done well to encapsulate and preserve the incredible brutality of the regime.  The horror, raving madness, carnage and loss should be remembered in graphic terms.  No sanitised art, lilting song, or poetry could be this compelling:  raw, graphic, hell.

Sin constructs hell in the human heart, a raging monster revealed in mad violence.  The killing fields cannot be undone, nor should they be memorialised with songs, smiles, and the release of doves.  Weeping is the only appropriate response.  And if you cannot weep it begs the question:  why not?  These deaths count for something good when we say with conviction, never again!  No more will there be hurt, fear, and killing within our walls - only healing, peace, and joy through Jesus Christ.  We will never forget Pol Pot was a wicked man, but he had a lot of help to initiate and pursue his heinous, demonic, and ruthless ideologies.  There seems to be no shortage of men on earth to willingly do the devil's work:  to steal, kill, and destroy.

There will always be a Pol Pot until Christ binds and throws him into hell.  His name is Satan.  Instead of acquiescing, I will stand and fight against him in the powerful name and authority of Jesus Christ.  He has done worse than any man, though he brutally uses all men who wander from God.  In Christ alone our hope is found and rests!

25 December 2012

10 Days in Cambodia

In our family, we love board games.  Playing a game together is one of our first choices on a family night.  One of the games in our closet is called "10 Days in Asia," a favourite of Laura.  Players can walk or use a airplane or train to connect their international destinations.  Being a person who loves to organise things, Laura plays the game exceptionally well.  Cambodia is one of the countries in the game, and a country God-willing I will visit on a 10 day trip that begins tomorrow.

Cambodia is historically a country that has endured much suffering at the hands of its leadership.  During the years spanning 1975 to 1979, nearly two million people were killed at the command of Pol Pot of the Khmer Rouge.  It was a tragedy of such immensity the wounds have only begun to heal.  The hurt is so profound that even time can hardly numb the pain:  only God has the power to redeem such misery.  Wherever the Gospel goes, love, hope, and joy with salvation go as well.  How fitting that I would visit Cambodia just after Christmas, a time set apart to celebrate Christ's coming to earth as a divine Saviour.  As the new year approaches, it is only Jesus who has the power to make all things new.

Please pray for our group and the people of Cambodia!  Upon my return I hope to share some pictures and testify of God's faithfulness.

22 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from Sydney, Australia!  Instead of football on TV, we are in the second day of a cricket test between Australia and South Africa.  With my San Diego Chargers taking another season off from competitive, quality play, I will relish this two-ton effort from Clarke and a century from Hussey instead!  For those who are curious, yes, turkey is on the menu for tonight.  But I have to say, there are trappings, traditions, and people long associated with our Thanksgiving celebrations that we will miss.

I've celebrated Thanksgiving in Australia and Israel, but it's never the same as celebrating it in the States with family and friends.  The good thing is that no matter where we might live in the world, God is still completely worthy of worship, honour, and praise.  He never changes and remains worthy of all honour.  Thanksgiving is traditionally my "favourite" holiday, but it's not because of the food, companionship of family, or the fun activity of tossing the pigskin around.  From the very beginning, this holiday in particular is all about thanking God for life, provision, and blessings.  While we ought to be thankful and thank God everyday, it's good to have a day set aside for that purpose.

Thank you heavenly Father for the gift of your Son Jesus Christ and eternal life provided through Him.  Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to regenerate my soul and empower me for your service.  Thank you for the blessings of shelter, food, family, friends, clothing, and even so many things not necessary for life you graciously give us to enjoy.  You are awesome, God!  Be glorified now and forever!  As it is written in James 1:17, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning."  Holy, holy, holy is the One who was, is, and will ever be!

06 October 2012

Home Again!

I have never been as delighted as I was yesterday to endure peak hour traffic.  I was blessed beyond words to pick up my wife and sons from the airport after their amazing visit of family and friends in the United States.  I want to thank all of you who were so gracious and generous to host and bless them with giving of your time to visit, for hosting, transportation, and the many encouraging words, meals, and gifts.  Jetlag has been present but not oppressive.  Thanks very much for all the prayer and love.  Words cannot adequately convey my thanks to God and you all for your care and kindness.  I hope to spend some extra time with the boys before they head back to school routine on Tuesday.

It is good to have the family home.  I do not use the word "home" lightly.  The ultimate home for all who are in Christ is heaven, a city whose Maker is God.  But for now, Australia is the place we are blessed to call home.  I feel like the words of Christ in Mark 10:29-30 have already been fulfilled:  "Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel's, 30 who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time--houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions--and in the age to come, eternal life."  For those who miss us greatly and by God's grace do so with joy for Christ's sake, you no doubt will receive a gracious reward.  Separation can be a bitter pill to swallow, but in Christ we have sweetness beyond compare.  We never need be separated from Him and in Christ is our life.  Taste and see that the LORD is good!

10 September 2012

A Life Without Worry

Late this morning I took my wife Laura and my sons Zed and Abel to the Sydney International Airport.  For some time now they have been looking forward to this return visit to the United States.  It was on 5 January, 2010 when our family moved to Sydney.  Since relocating to Australia we have been blessed to host both my in-laws and parents, pastors, a family friend, and even a young man we had never met before!  So now Laura and the boys are able to be visitors and spend time with family and friends.  We praise God for the prayer and monthly financial support, and this trip was made possible through a special gift for that purpose.  We thank God for His provision and faithfulness towards us, and many people have been the conduits of that blessing.

It's a strange feeling, sending the family away with a few bags while I stay home.  Almost every other time we head to the airport it has been the other way around - me leaving and the family staying behind.  All sorts of crazy thoughts scamper through the mind.  My main effort is in making sure they scamper through and I do not encourage them by dwelling upon thoughts not grounded by faith in God.  There is no substitute for the pervasive peace and contentment which comes only from God.  Perfect love drives out all fear.  Because my family has been committed to God, I know they are in His hands.  I do not need to load myself down with the burden of worry.  By worrying I cannot add a centimeter to my height, nor can I protect my family from overseas.  I rejoice in knowing that God is able to do so!

Jesus says in Matthew 6:30-34:  "Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31 Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."  Christ intends we live a life without worry as we rest all our hopes and desires upon Him to faithfully fulfill His Word.  What have we to fear when we have such a Saviour and King?

06 August 2012

Visa Update!

I consider it a great privilege to serve God in Australia.  There is no place in the world I would rather be.  Australia was never in my plans growing up or even well into adulthood, but God had other plans!  He has knit my heart so closely to the people here that I cannot imagine living anywhere else.  Watching God unfold His plan for me and my family has been instrumental in strengthening my faith in His provision, timing, and grace.  The love and support of friends and family from "up above" and "down under" has been such a blessing.

Visas are part of the deal when serving in a foreign field.  We are about a year and a half gone of a two-year visa.  When we obtained the 428 Religious Workers visa through the nomination of Calvary Chapel Sydney, it was a once-renewable path to permanent residency.  When Laura called a couple weeks ago to see when we could begin to submit paperwork for the renewal, I knew something was up.  I could hear from the other room:  "I would like to know when we can renew the 428 visa.  We were told it was a path to isn't?  Oh.  Ok.  Good to know."  What came out of the call is the 428 is renewable, but no longer a path to residency.  I suppose that was the bad news.  It would have been disappointing had the other news not been so good.  It turns out that 1 July a new immigration began which would allow the church to nominate me as a Minister of Religion right now and with it permanent residency!  "Get it done now," the immigration officer said.  "Why wait?"  I could not agree more with that sentiment!

Immediately I began to investigate the process and initiated our Australian Federal Police checks.  At the moment we are gathering together the necessary documentation for the nomination and application, an involved process to be sure.  We are content in the knowledge that God is in control and want to be faithful to do our part.  Patience is something God has given me many lessons in, and there are more lessons to come.  Please pray for the nomination and application to be sorted in God's time.  Thank you for all the prayers, financial support, and love many have expressed to us.  With this visa process and all things may God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven!

02 July 2012

Family Update!

It's been awhile since I have provided a family update, so I figure now is a great time!  Life seems to charge forward at an incredible pace, and I am amazed we are already in July!  At times I step back and simply appreciate the almost bizarre life we are living:  a family from Southern California transplanted in Sydney, Australia.  Only a few years ago I thought a "pitch" was a throw, "State of Origin" was perhaps a place I never heard of, and a bonnet was something women wore on their heads to protect them from sun.  Little did I know that God would open a door for ministry and relocate us to the other side of the world.  I have been having the time of my life.

The family is doing well.  I still walk the boys to the bus stop in the mornings for school (about 1.8 kilometers) and they walk themselves home.  It seems like Zed and Abel have both been growing out of their shoes, blazers, and pants practically as fast as we replace them!  They attend the same private school, Norwest Christian College located in Riverstone (pronounced "Riverstn").  Zed has 10 subjects, and Abel has 6.  Both have brought home a good report card for the end of second term and are now enjoying three weeks of holidays.  Laura put together a daily schedule for them to keep up with their reading, music, exercise, and typing.  I am certainly not missing our daily trek to the bus stop, as it is quite chilly and breezy at 7:20am along Windsor road!  Laura just booked a trip to visit SoCal with the boys in September, so that is another thing to look forward to.

As far as church, we are blessed and thankful with the great things God is doing.  God is continuing to supply our financial needs through our church family in Australia and from folks in the States.  We are excited about some of the events coming up at church.  We have Men's and Women's ministry events planned for the next two Saturdays.  The deposit has just been paid for a weekend Women's retreat at the end of October hosted at Camp Kedron.  Also, a small team from our church and I have just purchased airline tickets to serve in Cambodia for a 10-day mission trip starting towards the end of December.  Looks like I will have to make sure I have been vaccinated for malaria!  I have also recently been notified that there is an "Envision Australia Conference" being planned for Manly (a suburb of Sydney in the northern beaches).  And if that's not enough to look forward to, in a couple months we need to put together all the paperwork to renew our visa to remain in the country for another two years.  I don't need to tell you, but it feels like the "to do" list keeps growing no matter how much we do.

God has been faithful to us.  He has kept us from illness, provided for our needs, and has blessed us with great friends and family in Christ here.  Words cannot convey the sweet aroma of the fruit which we have seen produced for the glory of God.  It has not been without struggles, challenges, and seemingly insurmountable odds, but through God we will do valiantly.  When God is brought into the picture, odds are the fancies of fools.  With God, all things are possible.  Looking back, it's amazing how far God has brought us.  He has encouraged and strengthened us.  We look forward with great expectancy, believing God will bring to completion the work He has begun.  How exciting is that, seeing that the ride of our lives is just beginning!