24 June 2010

Light in a Dark World

I recently read a new biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer called "Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy" by Eric Metaxas (Thomas Nelson, 20 April 2010).  Bonhoeffer was a theologian and pastor who was involved in a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler during WWII, was imprisoned for years, and was executed shortly before the end of the war.  This is not meant to be a detailed critique of Metaxas's  work or a character study of Bonhoeffer:  the book does a stellar job of the history and theology of Bonhoeffer, and I highly recommend it.  It is objective, passionate, and gives a keen view into a great mind and genuine Christian life that marked Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  I'm looking forward to reading Bonhoefffer's "Cost of Discipleship," seeing as my dad picked up a copy today.

The book drives home the horrors of the holocaust.  Today I worked at UCSD and the jobsite sits directly across from dorms.  When I drove in at 5:55am there was a group of students waiting at the curb for the shuttle to arrive, and when I left at the end of the day there was another batch waiting.  All day long there was a constant stream of students with luggage checking in with an attendant and piling into buses.  I was reminded of how the Jews were herded onto trucks and trains for the purpose of labor and extermination.  While these students likely are excited to be heading home for a vacation from their studies, for the Jews it was only the beginning of horrors.  The atrocities committed by Hitler's regime towards humankind remains stunningly evil.  The mass executions, hanging with thin wire, scientific experimentation, and the destruction of life cannot be viewed as anything other than gruesome tragedy.

As barbaric and terrible as that dark period of history is, much worse is yet to come.  You may doubt this.  Though the heathen men who carried out this "final solution" are dead, the demons who drove them are alive still.  Humans are no less savage today than the Nazis who carried out the demands of their deranged commander.  The potential for unthinkable wickedness still lives on in unregenerate human hearts.  There is no hope for humanity outside of Jesus Christ.  Since his fall Satan has hated all God's people with a furious vengeance, and Revelation 11 spells this out clearly.  In context the woman spoken of in represents the nation of Israel, and the dragon is Satan.  Rev. 12:17 says, "And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."  The devil knows his time is limited, and he intends to use it to the full in carrying out his attacks against Jews and Christians alike.

Let us not be ignorant or dismissive of the spiritual battle which is raging even now for the souls of men.  We see new depths of depravity and sadism in modern film, art, video games, and music.  Roger Ebert recently wrote of a horror film (which I do not recommend checking out):  "I am required to award stars to movies I review. This time, I refuse to do it. The star rating system is unsuited to this film. Is the movie good? Is it bad? Does it matter? It is what it is and occupies a world where the stars don't shine."  The world is becoming an increasingly dark place, and it will become darker still in the years ahead should God tarry.  Yet the converse of this ugliness is the light and clarity Christ brings through born-again Christians will be brighter than ever before.  The darker the night the brighter and distinct the stars are.  Real Christians and their bright testimony in life or death will be undeniable and weigh heavily upon the minds of the most hardened haters.

We have a joyous opportunity to allow our light (who is Christ) to shine throughout the whole earth.  While most people relentlessly pursue what only will destroy them, we have the calling, duty, and ability to share Gospel truth of salvation.  We need not walk in fear, for perfect love casts out all fear.  We are children of the day, and night is coming when no one can work.  We are more than overcomers through Jesus Christ who loves us and gave His life for us.  Praise Him for the days in which we live!  He has chosen us for this day:  let us live to please Him!

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