08 September 2010

The Weight of Sin

Today was the first day of flag football practice for our boys.  I brought a book to read (The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter) at Abel's practice at Hillside Recreation Center and came upon an amazing passage.  As I looked above the green of the turf and the rushing of cars down Fletcher Parkway, soft clouds billowed overhead.  As I read it was as if a bright shaft of light illuminated a thought never considered before.  The portion I read was this:  "And I must tell you that, as it must be the great work of God's grace to give you such a heart, so if ever he mean to pardon and save you, he will make this change upon you; he will make you feel your sin as the heaviest burden in the world, as that which is most odious in itself, and hath rendered you liable to his wrath and curse; he will make you see that you are a lost man, and that there is nothing for you but everlasting damnation, unless you are pardoned by the blood of Christ, and sanctified by his Spirit; he will make you see the need you have of Christ, and how all your hope and life is in him; he will make you see the vanity of this world and all that it can afford you, and that all your happiness is with God..." (pg. 250-251)

I began thinking of all the people I have known over the years who have made a profession of faith and later fell away, choosing a lifestyle of sin rather than devotion in following Jesus.  Many people claim to be Christians for a season and what seemed to be fire at the onset turned out to be hot air in the end.  Today it is not the incredible burden and unshakable weight of sin that seems to turn people to Christ:  it is often circumstances.  When a man goes through a divorce or dealing with the death of a loved one; when a woman is suddenly incarcerated, or a child faces a life-threatening condition through accident or disease:  that is when people these days turn to God for help.  These are the people who seem to have a superficial temporary relationship with God, more like an affair than a marriage.  How tragic to pursue an affair with God Almighty when the world has let us down!

It is amazing the difference when a man comes to God begging for forgiveness due to his immense guilt, knowing the damnation he deserves and awaits him because of sin.  That is a constant.  Man is born into sin and remains a sinner.  Divorces can be made "final," people get out of jail, and children recover from illness.  Now many people have been soundly saved through circumstances, please do not misunderstand.  God is able to use anything to awaken us to our senses and recognize our desperate need for Him.  But of all the people I have seen fall away, not one was initially drawn to God because they were humbled and horrified by their sin.  It seems God and his loving people were used as an anchor while the seas stormed and were later cast aside when their use was deemed unnecessary because of present calm.

This teaches me that in the presentation of the Gospel we must be very cautious to make sure the potential future-follower of Jesus Christ is fully aware of his condition apart from God:  doomed and damned to the eternal torment of hell.  Even one sin is so heinous and wicked God must visit fierce wrath upon it.  Have you felt the weight of your guilt, O Christian?  Do you know what it feels like to be broken under the weight of your iniquity?  If you have not perhaps you are not yet free from it!  A dog's body is not washed with soap unless it is done for him, and we cannot be forgiven because we are sorry.  We must humble ourselves before the Almighty God, confess our sins, and seek forgiveness in the blood of Jesus Christ.  He must wash us.  I have felt the weight of my sin, and I have felt that burden removed in an instant!  What liberty and joy we have in the grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness of God!  Praise Him for that!

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