16 October 2013

Freezer Expectations

Man can become resentful when his expectations are not met.  Even if his expectations are idealistic, unrealistic, or perfectly ridiculous, resentment and bitterness can influence his attitudes, decisions, and interactions with others.  I am eternally grateful God is not like that.  He does not have "expectations" like a man does because He has perfect knowledge of past, present, and the future.  He does not become resentful and withhold good from people because we have disappointed Him.  He does not withhold good things from us because we will never use what He gives us perfectly in the future!  Again, disappointment comes from my desires remaining unfulfilled in the way or timing I prefer.  God is gracious, and He is always good.

A couple years ago I received a freezer from a family who was moving house.  It served us very well for a season, and we were recently blessed with a freezer which is bigger and more energy efficient.  Putting into practice the principle of "Freely you have received:  freely give!" I decided not to sell the freezer but offer it on the kerb for any who had a use for it.  We had been blessed by the generosity of others, and I wanted to ensure that the same blessing was available to others.  So I defrosted the freezer, wiped it clean, and set it in my yard with a "free" sign.

It was during dinner we began to discuss how long it would take for someone to pick up the freezer.  Like someone seeking to find a good home for a pet, I had this idealistic view of someone on our block who really needed a freezer and would be so delighted and blessed to receive it.  And then a thought hit me and my wife at the same time:  oh no!  I hope we won't see the freezer relocated to a front yard down the street!  I felt my heart sink.  When I accompany my sons to the bus stop, we walk by a front yard that is packed with junk.  From the outside, it appears the hoard once contained in the garage has spilled out onto the driveway, is stored in the back of a truck, and spread under tarps in the front yard.  There are dented bonnets, greasy radiators, tires, pieces of bikes, countless oily cable harnesses, bits and pieces everywhere.  LORD, please help the right person to pick up that freezer, I thought to myself.  Just not THAT guy.

The next day I went out to make sure the door of the freezer was open so it wouldn't grow mould.  The freezer was gone!  I instinctively swung my gaze down the street to see if my prior suspicions were valid.  Sure enough, there was my - now his freezer - sitting in the front yard surrounded by stuff, still resting in the handtruck used to cart it to his house.  I shrugged my shoulders and walked back inside.  Oh well.  I was disappointed.  I had offered the freezer with the intention of someone actually using it, not taking up space in the front yard.  Today I walked by the house again and there was the freezer, moved to another location among the churning piles.  I recognised that I did not give that freezer like the gifts God gives men.  I gave with expectations.  I pray good comes out of that freezer, and whether it is used to store food or dismantled and sold for scrap it will accomplish God's will.  God does not give randomly, but purposefully and perfectly.

This presents another point to consider:  even as I did not give the freezer to sit idle, unplugged, and growing mould within, so God gives gifts not to add to our collection but so we might use them.  Suggested by its very name the "freezer" has been designed for a purpose.  It has been designed to use electricity to keep things frozen and preserved.  God has given us forgiveness and new life in Him, and those who have received the Gospel through faith are called Christians.  We are to love God, love people, and make disciples of Christ.  We are to live for Christ.  God gives gifts so we might use them for His glory, not hoard the spiritual and physical blessings He gives for ourselves.  Instead of building bigger barns, let us give as God has given.  The scriptures say God has given us all which pertains to life and godliness.  The perfect peace which Jesus has given is complete, lacking nothing.  So let us purpose to be generous, godly, peacemakers who forgive others as Christ has forgiven us, without placing expectations on others.  God does not give us blessings to reward our performance, but rather out of the storehouses of His grace.  Take time to thank Him today for all He has given!

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