14 February 2014

Walking Wisely

My family and I have been hosts this week to a couple which have long been a positive, godly influence in our lives.  It was a pleasure showing them the sights of Sydney and we greatly enjoyed their insights as we chatted about ministry and family.  There is great encouragement when the global body of Christ unites together under His banner of love.  The support of gracious brothers and sisters in Christ is a gift God has provided we do well to embrace.

Last night as a small group of us gathered at Calvary Chapel Sydney for a Bible study, we considered practical ways to walk in wisdom.  Many things were discussed:  being born again, humility, heeding God's Word, fellowship with God through prayer, discipline, and obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  There was one aspect in particular that God impressed upon me to emphasise, not that it is more important than the rest.  I do believe, however, it is an aspect which can be quite foreign in our individualistic, self-centered societies:  we have a deep need to be in regular fellowship with Christians.  I do not simply mean attending a local church.  I am talking about forging close friendships centered upon Christ where we are unashamed and transparent, cultivating relationships where all have the freedom to encourage, exhort, rebuke, confess sin and struggles, and strengthen one another by pointing to Christ.

If as born again Christians we are each part of Christ's Body the church, then we must be united in worship of God and fellowship with one another with love and grace, bearing one another's burdens.  We cannot do this alone.  I believe there are many who think they can live for Christ alone and continue to grow.  With the power of the Holy Spirit within them, the Bible to guide them, books and podcasts to encourage them, they do not need to cultivate relationships with other Christians.  That is like a leg saying it does not need the ankle or foot to remain upright!  We are not to view church as a support system for our benefit (though we do greatly benefit from unity in Christ), but to consider how we might practically provide strength for the Body.  We do this by reaching individual lives and ministering to each according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Those who are born again are called to provide edification of the Body through love.  The gifts and resources God has given you are not intended for your sole benefit, but for the good and strengthening of others.  The early church laid hold of this calling with both hands, and by His grace we can do the same.

Jesus did not come to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.  Some make the mistake of focusing on service and neglect to fix their eyes and hearts on Christ.  Others think the church exists for their benefit instead of considering how they might contribute to the strengthening and edifying the Body through love.  We must move beyond maintaining a relationship with God and press on in faith in Christ so we might grow and encourage others to do the same.  God's intention was not that we labour to protect ourselves from the world but that we would overcome it through Him.  Christianity is not defined by what we don't do, but is established upon the fact God knows us and we know Him through the Gospel.  Too many times we focus on "not sinning" instead of walking in the Spirit through abiding in Christ.  God places individuals in our lives to sharpen us, not to make us miserable or hopeless.  Jesus is our hope and peace!

Rejoice believer, for you are not alone!  Jesus has promised to never leave or forsake us.  He has also united us to fellow Christians that we might run with endurance the race set before each of us.  We may not agree on every point of doctrine or emphasis, but love covers a multitude of my sins.  We walk wisely when we forge relationships where God remains the centre, chief joy, and our all in all.

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