05 September 2016

Heart Maintenance

Spring is in the air in Sydney and that means pulling out the lawn mower, line trimmer, and edger.  Shrubs and grass shot up with our recent rain, and birds have been feasting on the seed pods on the liquid amber which grows out front.  Since my baseball game was washed out Saturday due to rain, I decided to seize the opportunity to begin yard maintenance sooner than later.

Now I hadn't paid much attention to the state of the lawn recently because the LORD supplies adequate rain, the grass stays mostly green year round, and the turf grows extremely slow during winter months.  Before mowing I decided to pull a couple of weeds I could see.  As I leaned over for a better grip, I noticed some clover growing in plain sight.  Before long I was crawling around on the lawn pulling out weeds I hadn't noticed before!  And it's not like the front yard is particularly big.  I had walked along the path to the front door only metres away multiple times a day and never noticed the weeds.  They were growing - well, like weeds - right under my nose without my knowledge.

As I crawled around, amazed at the amount of weeds which blended well into the grass, the idea came to my mind:  there are insights concerning our own hearts we can only discover from a similar posture before God on our knees.  New seasons bring growth, and in growing seasons of our lives there can be weeds growing up with fruitful crops in our hearts.  The Bible is compared to good seed which is fruitful when it is sowed into a prepared heart.  We must be intentional in searching our hearts, asking God to show us if there is any wicked way in us.  It seems pulling weeds is a job never finished, and neither is repentance for sins before God.  We can be content to deal with sin on levels of feelings or actions, but God is interested in the heart.  When we are ready to humbly cooperate with God in repentance for sin, God provides strength and the grip to pluck those weeds up by the roots.

It is on our knees before a holy God our sinfulness becomes exceedingly sinful.  At the same time His grace towards us is magnified.  I grow weary of pulling weeds, but God does not grow weary with His children who repent.  Galatians 6:7-10 says, "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. 9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith."  It is good for us to repent, and let us not grow weary in doing good.  Take the opportunity to do some heart maintenance today!

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