11 October 2016

Treasure Not of Us

"For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us."
2 Corinthians 4:6-7

One of the first gold medals picked up by an Australian athlete in the Rio 2016 games was from an unlikely source, considering the strict gun restrictions in Australia.  Catherine Skinner edged her New Zealand opponent for a gold medal in the women's trap, a competition where clay pigeons are released from a spring trap and blasted with a shotgun out of the air.  In a series of victory interviews, I never once heard Catherine speak of the quality of her gun, the brand of shot or pigeon she prefers, or the skill of those who released the pigeons at the correct time.  Catherine needed her gun, shot, and clay pigeons to win, but she received all the accolades - and rightly so.  A quality firearm in the hands of a novice could never accomplish what she did.

Paul compared Christians to earthen vessels which God has placed His glorious Spirit within.  Humans are capable of many amazing feats and can possess amazing skills, but in comparison to the Almighty, Living God we are dirt moistened with blood.  How can we compare to the infinite God in our weak, fallen frame?  God has filled Christians with His Spirit so His light might shine in the darkness from these earthen vessels so He might receive all the glory and praise.  And rightly so!  It would be a grave miscarriage of grace and gifts to promote ourselves instead of glorifying our Saviour Jesus Christ who loves us, has saved us, and has given us eternal life.

If clay pigeons could talk, wouldn't it be utterly ridiculous for one to interrupt Catherine Skinner during her interview after winning the competition to ask, "But what about me?  Why aren't you praising my balanced weight or consistent flight?  Where's my recognition?"  Catherine was the one who demonstrated mastery marksmanship.  It would not be legitimate for the firearm or the pigeon to claim any right to her victory.  In the same way, we Christians as clay vessels whose hearts have been given the treasure of "the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" are not worthy of any recognition.  Any perceived good in or through our lives exists only by God's grace.  We are as incapable of profitable service to God as a clay pot buried completely in the ground, for we were once dead in trespasses and sins.  Our fading, failing bodies are constant reminders our flesh remains under the curse of death, and how gracious is our God to shine into our hearts the Light of Life.

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