17 November 2016

God's Love Has No Strings

I've been reading Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness by Jerry Cook and one theme repeated throughout the book is God's love is active and without strings attached.  Jesus did not heal people because their agreed with His doctrine, nor did He die on the cross because people promised to respond positively to that demonstration of love.  Our "love" often has self-serving conditions attached to it.  Consider this excerpt from the beginning of chapter 8:
A radio station specializing in rock music offered the local churches in its area an opportunity to present a five-minute daily program.  The pastors could preach as they saw fit, but they were not to plug their own churches or give their church names and addresses.  Not one pastor responded to this opportunity.  Yet three of them bought time on another station so that they could promote their own churches.  I don't understand the mentality of Christians who feel that the interest of their own church must be served by everything they do - who won't serve the Lord Jesus Christ unless they can use it somehow to hook people for their own fellowship. (Cook, Jerry O., and Stanley C. Baldwin. Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness: Being Christian in a Non-Christian World. Ventura, CA: Regal, 2009. 120. Print.)
A quote from Jesus Christ is shared later in the chapter from Luke 6:32-35:  "But if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive back, what credit is that to you? For even sinners lend to sinners to receive as much back. 35 But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil."  Christians receive recognition from God when we love those who do not love us.  Jesus loved His enemies, even spilling His life's blood for people described as unthankful and evil.  Since God's love is active and freely given to all, so we too ought to freely love others, "hoping for nothing in return."

When we do good, lend, and love others hoping for a beneficial return for ourselves, we have attached strings which bind our hearts with bitterness and resentment when our hopes are disappointed.  Do you know love never disappoints (Romans 5:5)?  When love is of God there is no remorse or shame in loving others fully.  If we withhold good because we don't believe there will be upside for us, we can know for certain we are not exercising God's love.  There is no hook hidden in God's love.  It is priceless but given freely to all who will receive.  If we give and find ourselves annoyed or irritated with how our gift was received or used, it may have been better viewed as a bribe.  We can angle for things without even knowing our good deed concealed motives which included a hook to snag a little something for ourselves out of the deal.

It is wondrous and miraculous when we perceive God's love at last flowing unhindered through our lives.  Our motive in giving and response to how a gift is received reveals if we have loved as God loves us or when we have given with strings attached.  Our gifts, even service in church can be elaborate performance traps to ensnare others.  No matter how generous a philanthropist might be, no matter how great the sacrifice a person makes in giving, if there is a nearly invisible line of monofilament connected with our actions for our benefit we have cause to repent before God.  How many times have I given from my own limited supply of human love rather than the infinite supply of God's love!  Concerning family, ministry, and all matters of life, may people know we are Christians because God's love is demonstrated through our lives - with no strings!

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