29 March 2017

Rich with Nothing or Poor with Everything

"There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing; and one who makes himself poor, yet has great riches."
Proverbs 13:7

Social media is strewn with people displaying luxurious cars, watches, and jewellery.  There is enviable status attached to celebrity, money, and branding.  People seem to love showing off their homes, bodies, collections, and exotic holiday locations as they "live the good life."  The old adage goes, "Money can't buy happiness," yet the pictures and captions labour to paint a different picture.  It's a fair question:  if we are not happy with what we have now, what's to say we will be happy with more? We can only eat so much at once, but our appetites for more are insatiable.  Isn't the good life more than the pursuit of happiness?

King Solomon penned the Proverbs, and this powerful, wise, and famous man knew what he was talking about.  1 Kings 10:14 tells us how much gold Solomon received annually:  "The weight of gold that came to Solomon yearly was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold..."  A talent is about 34 kilograms, so that adds to 799,200 ounces which (at $1600 per ounce) is worth about 1.28 billion dollars today!  During the reign of Solomon, silver in Jerusalem was as common as stones (1 Kings 10:27).  Solomon bought imported wood, peacocks, apes, horses, and led expansive building projects.  His throne was made of ivory - covered in gold.  Let's just say there weren't enough Rolex watches or Ferraris for this guy.  He had his pick of women from all over the world and partied hard.  In the end Solomon came to the conclusion money, fame, sex, wine, and stuff leaves us empty.  A rich person ends up having the same as the poorest servant in the end:  nothing.  Naked we are born, and naked we die.  Someday that cold, dead person on the gurney is going to be you, and it will be me.  On that day none of us can hide our nakedness behind designer clothes, cars, makeup, or jewelry.

The Bible teaches there are riches which transcend retail value.  Jesus urged His disciples in Matthew 6:19-21"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20  but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  If our treasures are on earth, we will end up losing them.  Yet if we labour to lay up treasures in heaven by investing our time, resources, and money for the advancement of God's kingdom, we will enjoy these rewards forever.  I know people who could be much more wealthy monetarily than they are because they choose to work for free.  They have rejected roles which pay more so they can volunteer more to serve God and others.  They have quietly given to people in need without fanfare.  These people are not flaunting their wealth or bodies on Instagram, but are quietly storing up treasures in heaven God is reserving for His glory no one can steal.  People pay thousands to go to a concert with backstage access:  can you put a price on being in the presence of God?

Those who have a heavenly legacy with God are the ones who live the "good life" on earth and in heaven for eternity, for Jesus Christ is the source of life.  If we seek security and status in this world, we will find it hopelessly lacking.  It can never deliver what we hoped it would.  A rich man on earth can have great riches in heaven, and the poorest of men can invest his life for eternal good.  Jesus is a prime example of one of wealth and privilege (being the Creator of all things!) and made Himself poor for our sakes, so by His sacrifice we could be redeemed by Him for eternity.  Born-again followers of Jesus are His inheritance, and God is ours.  Thanks be to God for His gracious gift of life.  Isn't He amazing?

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