03 July 2017

A World Under Sway

The Bible says in 1 John 5:19 the whole world is under the sway of the wicked one, the devil who is the "father of lies."  These lies can pass unnoticed, couched in deceptive language.  What used to be properly called "adultery" is now an "affair," a "baby" in utero is called a "fetus," and in short matter of time terms can subtly change from things like "gay marriage" to being dubbed "marriage equality."  To those whose eyes and ears God has opened by His grace, these shifting terms are as subtle as a charging elephant.  Just this morning I heard on ABC radio an interview with a woman representing an agency which supposedly provides government approved "safe abortions" in Australia.  I assume this claim of "safe" abortions concerns only the mother (and this has been highly contested), but what a lie any abortion is safe for the child who is aborted!

Depending in what state or territory a person resides in Australia, different rules apply.  In Queensland, surgical abortion is illegal whilst it is claimed on a Victoria Sate Department website, "Abortion is one of the most common and safest types of surgery in Australia."  This is an interesting claim, as there is no requirement for statistics to be provided on the amount of abortions performed.  There is a distinction made between a medical abortion and a surgical one.  Whilst we might believe abortions do not occur as frequently in our fair state of New South Wales because of limits placed on surgical abortions, in 2013 RU486 or the "abortion pill" was added to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, meaning instead of paying about $311 for the medication, it is now available for no more than $38.80 to the consumer.  The murder of the unborn is being heavily subsidised by the government, and I don't hear anyone talking about it.  All I hear about it how "safe" abortions are, and I read that women can end a pregnancy quietly in the comfort of their homes for $38 bucks.  This is heartbreaking news for people who understand abortion sheds the blood of a human life, stopping a heart which beats only 3 to 4 weeks after conception (about the time a woman might start wondering if she is pregnant!).

Many who morally take no issue with abortion have summed up the issue as "a woman's right to choose."  In this case everyone has the right to choose - all except the miraculous little one God knits together in the womb of his or her mother.  God is not anti-choice, for He has sovereignly given everyone the right to choose if we will believe Him, heed His Word, seek and obey Him.  The choices we make can have lifelong, even eternal implications.  God has said every soul that sins shall surely die, and all the little lives destroyed medically or surgically will be remembered and brought to account by God who loves them.  Whilst I am deeply grieved for the loss of these children, I realise many of those who legislate and seek abortions see them very differently than me.  Resorting to violence to stop what I see as a grave crime would be using the same brutal tactics as those who intentionally terminate pregnancies.  I do not hate people who have had an abortion or who have even performed thousands of them, but I do hate abortion.  I love those people and my heart feels for them.  I hate how abortion makes victims of children who cannot plead for themselves.  I hate that it wounds women with soul poisoning guilt.  I hate that women are often pressured to have an abortion by others who have no idea of the personal cost.  I hate that abortions are often secret and hidden, as if no one will ever know.  God knows, and in due time He will demand atonement for the blood spilt.

In a world under Satan's sway, there is no way to stop the overwhelming tide of lies and deceit which covers the world in darkness.  But born again followers of Jesus can take great comfort that He is the Light of the world, in Him is forgiveness of sin, and we can know truth from error through His Word.  I don't believe we as Christians have the responsibility before God to personally put an end to all evil in the world.  I believe we are to be a light in this dark world, showing the love, grace, and mercy of God to others who don't understand it and don't even want it - like Jesus did.  Instead of feeling helpless in the face of injustice, we are called to walk in obedience to God and trust in Him.  Paul wrote in Romans 12:21 after saying it is our reasonable service to be living sacrifices unto God, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."  We do not need to be overcome or overwhelmed by evil, but through God we can do good and keep doing it.  We can keep loving instead of condemning.  We can show compassion to those who have chosen to have an abortion, and we can pray for those who perform them.  Instead of only lamenting the dead, we can love and bless the living.  We can speak the truth when we know we stand to lose the favour of friends or family because of our biblical views.  Praise God we have been set free by God's truth and we are empowered to help others find freedom in Christ too.  We can choose life in Jesus and experience it forever.

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