24 February 2020

Greener Pastures

Many people traverse through life like grazing animals seeking greener pastures.  The undertones of the phrase "seeking greener pastures" are dissatisfaction and restlessness, something we humans can all identify with to some degree.  It seems we only need to be at the supposed greener pasture for a little while--that new job, relationship, suburb, or church--until we realise it isn't quite as green as we would like.  Our experiences seem to line up with the Erma Bombeck book title from the 70's:  The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank.  The grass is greener, but do you want to know why the grass is greener?  Are you sure you want to eat that grass?

We don't need to be like King Solomon who had everything a person could want and piled on exponentially more to know our expectations are rarely met.  It doesn't take much for a dream holiday to turn into an unforgettable nightmare.  The most exceptional circumstances often leave something to be desired because we are insatiable.  Like greedy dogs whose god is their belly, we are always looking for something to hit the spot.  And when we aren't even hungry we open our stocked fridge or pantry to see what might appeal to us because it is lunchtime and are disappointed.  We scroll through the news or a social media feed to look for something new because our eyes aren't tired of seeing.

Undoubtedly the lure of greener pastures has led unsuspecting sheep to their deaths by hidden dangers they concealed.  Predatory beasts lay in the tall grass with the wind in their face, eyes wide and muscles tense as they crept toward their prey.  You see, it isn't the alluring greenness of a pasture which makes it good for sheep of Christ's fold but the Good Shepherd we follow.  David wrote in Psalm 23:1-2, "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters."  Could there be greener pastures than those where Jesus has led you?  Maybe, but who cares?  Better to be casting our cares on the One who cares for us than to walk by sight.  Because the LORD is my Shepherd I shall not want, for He will see all my needs abundantly supplied in His time and way.

Predators target animals that are isolated from a herd or flock.  How important it is therefore we would not scatter from our Saviour Jesus!  David concluded his thoughts in Psalm 23:5-6:  "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."  On this planet we are in enemy territory under the sway of Satan, yet believers find rest and peace through faith in our Saviour regardless of circumstances.  He provides, guides, and protects us even when the enemies draw close with evil intent.  With Jesus leading us goodness and mercy will follow us all our days regardless of drought, famine, fire or flood.  What enduring contentment there is in our LORD Jesus Christ who is ours, and we are His forever.

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