18 April 2020

An Unexpected Idol

Humans have the propensity to turn good things God gives us into idols.  The common examples used as illustrations to me when I was a kid were things like money, cars, music, and self.  I believe it is possible the current isolation restrictions preventing churches from gathering in person might expose one I never could have believed possible:  church attendance.  Gathering at a local church with believers to worship God, study the Bible, and serve one another is a very good thing and the scripture exhorts us not to forsake assembling.  Nearly all the "one another" commands put forth in the New Testament require a degree of personal involvement together.  Going to church is a vital part of growing in faith and edifying one another in obedience to Jesus.

At the same time there might not be a greater metric relied upon for "how we are doing spiritually" than church attendance.  Yet like the shopkeeper who bows before a shrine and image for good fortune, or a person who drives their car with a saintly image for protection, church attendance and serving at church may be a similar practice for Christians.  Going to church ticks a lot of boxes for people which is not always the glory of God.  I remember my surprise when a visitor informed me they came to church for the air conditioning.  Maybe some people come to church for coffee and a doughnut or to please their spouse.  Anyhow, as Corrie Ten Boom was fond of saying, a mouse nesting in a biscuit tin does not make it a biscuit:  attending services every night, singing worship songs, and reading through the Bible does not mean you know or are walking with Jesus.

Here's a question for you:  since you stopped regularly attending church in person, stopped teaching that Bible study or Sunday School, have you been praying or in the Word more or less?  Again, the spiritual disciplines of praying and reading the Bible are only some of the measurable aspects of the Christian walk and can be useful indicators of where our the affections and desires of our hearts lie.  Racing through a chapter or reading for hours will have little effect without faith and obedience.  I have no desire to lay a guilt trip for anyone, but it is always profitable to take stock of our hearts and honestly assess our pursuit of God without the weekly or daily prop of church attendance.  I am so grateful for the technology which allows us to follow God's will in gathering electronically and that prayer and communion with God does not require WiFi and apps!

I love going to church and I miss meeting up with my brothers and sisters in Christ.  When we gather together again I pray there will not be any spiritually gaunt or haggard among us, wasting away from lack of spiritual vitality when we have a God who loves us, speaks to us, and provides for us refreshing streams of water and green pastures of rest in His presence.  Enter in, believer, for a closed church building does not hinder God from drawing near to us or us to Him.  And when those doors open again I exhort you to be there often and early, praising and thanking God with gratitude for His faithfulness with joy.

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