21 May 2020

Our Marvelous Creator

Recently I was impressed by the amount of consideration and detail which goes into the customising of a Rolls Royce automobile.  According to a video by Business Insider, there are 44,000 colour options and your customised colour becomes your own.  Expertly handcrafted inside and out, a Rolls Royce is a luxury ride just over 5,000 people purchase a year.  One person had the dashboard to reflect their DNA, and another decided the fibre-optic lighting in the "starline headliner" to match a constellation of stars on the day he was born.  The video went into the effort made to make the stitching of letters and images of roses pop.

When I watched this video, what I found more impressive than the cost of a Rolls Royce was the thought, engineering, and effort put into building a car that reflects the owner.  I can't help but turn my thoughts to the Creator of the universe man can only copy:  God is the One who put DNA in every living cell of our bodies, the One who spoke the stars into existence, has given us His Word, and causes flowers and all living things to grow and reproduce after their own kind.  It would be a joke to suggest a car could create or design itself, and I cannot look at a human being or the ordered, beauty of creation and imagine it accidentally came into being.  Words like design, engineered, work, planning, and expense indicate an intelligent mind, and the living things microscopic and enormous which teem on our planet are infinitely more complex and wonderful than anything made by man.

As I was taking a walk the other day, I noticed a bird feather lying on the green grass.  It occurred to me that when I was a child I would have viewed that feather as a special treasure, picked it up, and taken it home.  I had seen birds before but had never been able to touch one:  to hold and examine the feather closely was fun.  I brushed it across my skin and dropped it to see how it fell.  I noticed how light it was, how the shaft was hollow, the expertly blended colours and how different the fluffy down was from the barbs which stuck together.  As adults we see our child picking up feathers and discourage them:  "Eww, don't touch that!  It's covered in germs!"  But the child has it right.  He recognised the feather of a bird was not grass and that it was special.  Isn't it ironic a person can value a car because of the customised features and work that goes into it yet miss the capacity for such innovation and skill are gifts from God?

Psalm 19:1-3 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. 2 Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard."  The sun, moon, and stars speak forth the glory of God, yet none of them were created in the image of God like a human being.  God has given people the capacity of thought with a will, the ability to reason, love, a thirst for knowledge, and a delight in discovery.  We are notorious for our tendency to worship the creature over the Creator, to be temporarily pleased with a gift rather than eternally celebrating our Creator.  Psalm 8:3-6 says, "When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained, 4 What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him? 5 For You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor. 6 You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet..."  Let us never lose the wonder of our great God and Saviour, the One from whom all good things come.  He is the One we should always marvel over.

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