06 June 2020

The Thin Wedge Edge

What a mercy it is when the preacher knows that his Master is coming after him, when he can hear the sound of his Master’s feet behind him! What courage it gives him! He knows that, though it is very little that he can do, he is the thin end of the wedge preparing the way for One who can do everything.”
C.H. Spurgeon as quoted in the Bible Knowledge Commentary

When I was a teen I enjoyed the challenge of splitting wood. It was one of the chores I rushed to do, too impatient to allow the wood adequate time to dry! Many times one wedge was completely buried in a log of wet wood, and a second was needed to remove it. I always enjoyed the "Lumberjack Show" at Sea World and splitting wood by hand was an opportunity to use tools and to do what seemed grown-man work. The steel wedges we used did not need to be sharp to split the wood when the force of a sledgehammer wielded by uncoordinated youths was applied to them.

I love the illustration Spurgeon employs because it is very true. Our ability and strength to do God's work does not rest in us but in the God who fills believers with the Holy Spirit. If you want something lifted or wood split or a jar opened you look for someone with a little muscle, and God supplies all the power needed to do His work with joy. The "thin end" of the wedge needs to be sharpened, and we too require spiritual maintenance to operate to our full potential. The idea of people and nations being a tool in God's hand is clear in scripture and a notable example is found in Jeremiah 51:20 in reference to King Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon: "You are My battle-ax and weapons of war: for with you I will break the nation in pieces; with you I will destroy kingdoms..." God does everything but He often employs people to do His will and fulfill His purposes.

Jesus sent out His followers to prepare people to receive Him in Luke 10 with the intent to follow after those He sent as lambs among wolves. On their own they could do nothing--like a wedge of steel lying on the ground. Having trusted and obeyed Jesus God would use them to cause Satan to fall like lightning from the sky with their proclamation of the Gospel. Sent out two-by-two they were sharpened and steeled to face opposition, to joyfully minister God's peace to all. Their confidence was not in their pitch or technique but was in Christ who can do everything. Those who make Christ their confidence can do so rejoicing, knowing we will not barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of God in His service. We can do all things Jesus directs us to do through Him, for it is He who does the work.


  1. Last night at our meeting for an upcoming missionary trip, God showed me a vision of a log with a wedge in it. Many of us were experiencing doubt or lack of abilities for the trip. As we allowed ourselves to be vulnerable and share our fears, tears and needs, that's when this vision appeared to me. I felt in my spirit that the 'wedge' was being highlighted. I also felt that the log represented strongholds, generational curses, bondage. I shared with the group what I was seeing and that I felt in our own power, which is actually weakness, we cannot split the spiritual log. But, God can! Our weakness. His strength. Our faith. His authority and power! Immediately when I arrived home from the meeting, I began to look for biblical meanings of the word/object of 'wedge'. Your explanation is in words what I saw and felt in the vision. Pray for our team. We will be ministering to the victims of sex/human trafficking in Mexico. Blessings to you Ben. In Jesus mighty name, amen.

    Linda K

    1. Hi Linda and thanks for sharing! May the LORD bless you, your team and make your trip fruitful for His glory. Praise God for His grace, power and awesome ways. :)


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