21 September 2020

The Greatest Story?

 My eyes chanced upon a blurb about an illustrated Bible that began, "The greatest story ever told..."  Though my face did not betray any emotion inside I cringed.  While is true factual history includes stories, it would be a tragedy to bring the divinely inspired word of God to the level of a historical narrative, poetry, mythology, or fiction.  If we view the scripture as a collection of "stories" it greatly impacts the way we read and relate to it.

When I worked in a trade the humble lunchbreak provided a perfect opportunity for master storytellers to trot out their best tales.  Some stories were amazing and unbelieveable, and others dragged on without a clear point.  My favourite stories were the ones I found funny and entertaining.  Those brief moments provided an opportunity to sit back and be transported to another time, have a laugh, and add the best for your personal arsenal should an opportunity to swap stories present itself.  Thinking about stories in this context, the purpose of the story was rarely to guide my future personal decisions but a tale to recall to impress, shock, or amuse others.

To say the Bible is the "greatest story ever told" is to sell it woefully short of the truth.  Stories over time can be embellished for effect, but the scripture God-breathed, does not change, and will endure forever.  God has provided the Bible so we might know the God who created and loves us, to be redeemed and reconciled to Him through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to live in the way that pleases God.  The scripture exists more than to interest or entertain mankind but is a revelation of the living God.  It is filled with history, prophecy, poetry, and wisdom which exist for more than our inspiration and admiration.  More than a story to be recalled, scripture guides us into a Life to live through faith in Jesus Christ.

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.  More than words on a page or a tale told God's word sustains our souls.  The prophet said in Jeremiah 15:16, "Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts."  Insight from God received in a believing soul led to Jeremiah discovering great joy in his relationship with God.  A newspaper is filled with articles and stories that may or not be of any personal interest, yet for children of God the Bible becomes a personal address from the Almighty God to miraculously address our most profound needs and guide us into truth by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

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