17 October 2021

Lamp On the Lampstand

Today I listened to a sermon which addressed a parable spoke in Mark 4:21-23:  "Also He said to them, "Is a lamp brought to be put under a basket or under a bed? Is it not to be set on a lampstand? 22 For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. 23 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear."  The sole purpose of lighting an olive oil lamp is to provide light, and it would be foolish to light a lamp and place it under a basket or bed.  Not only was placing a lamp under a basket or bed be contrary to the point of lighting a lamp but it would be hazardous!  Jesus is the Light of the World, and the truth He has spoken is to be made plain for all to see, even as the parable of the soils exposed the different conditions of the hearts of men.

Pastor Terry of Calvary Chapel Newcastle focused on the bushel basket and bed in contrast to a lampstand to apply this parable personally in examining our own priorities.  In business people measured grain by the bushel, and they also slept upon beds so their energy could be restored to work the following days.  While rest and profitable business are gifts from God, it would be foolish for Christians to allow labour or laziness to crowd out and undermine our godly witness.  The truth of the Gospel and the transforming, saving relationship we have with God can be displayed by when and why we rise and how we approach our business.  Instead of hindering our walk with Jesus, the priority we give Jesus Christ in these basics of life provide great opportunities to let His light shine.

One observation made is even as God has given us physical bodies and minds as He has seen fit, God has also made us stewards of our personality.  This is a point I have not often heard spoken about.  If we will receive the truth God has created us according to His design, our personalities are also custom made to suit His purposes in this world and the Body of Christ, the church.  Now it is true we will spend our lifetime working to discern exactly what about our personality is of the flesh and what is of the Holy Spirit who leads and guides us into all truth.  There are aspects of our outlook and manner with others that are intrinsically selfish, lazy, greedy and judgmental that will come to light as we walk with Jesus and heed His word.  We are called to confess these as sin and repent when they are exposed, for God will continue to refine us as we humble ourselves to obey Him and love one another.

Even as God has seen fit to make differences between men and women with unique aspects about each one like fingerprints, eyes, right down to our DNA.  In addition to physical differences, God has given us distinct personalities and perspectives as well.  God did not call Peter to be Andrew or John but for them all to follow and obey Him.  God is gracious and mighty to use people to do His will and to share His word, and He is able to use the quiet personality as well as the demonstrative or vocal ones.  We are called to embrace the LORD and to be stewards of the personality He has given us to proclaim His goodness, grace and glory as He leads us.  A cactus blooms at night in the corner of a garden, kelp can grow 60 cm a day in the ocean, and a pine trees drop cones on needle-strewn hillsides.  These are all living things that God has created to thrive, grow and reproduce, and having been born again we can also be fruitful and productive to bring the light of Christ to a dark world by the beauty He has graciously given us.

We can be sure God will bring all secret things into the light.  The good seed of His word planted in a prepared heart will be fruitful now and receive eternal rewards.  Those who set the lamp on the lampstand will enable others to see the truth of Christ and walk in His light.  God also knows those among us who have scorched bushel baskets and beds because we allowed business and laziness--or excuses about our personality--to overshadow the clear display of His Gospel of grace.  Whether you are an early or late riser, self-employed, single or corporate executive, Jesus is the One we serve and obey as we embrace each new day He has made with rejoicing in Him.

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