19 October 2021

His Wonderful Life

In the American classic movie It's a Wonderful Life, George Bailey was one who gave up on his dreams of travel to help others in his small town of Bedford Falls.  He and his newlywed wife sacrificed money saved for a honeymoon trip to keep the family-run business afloat.  When dealt a cruel financial blow through the incompetence of a relative who worked for the business, George was overwhelmed with the debt, a house full of energetic kids, had too much to drink and crashed his car.  After being harshly told he was worth more dead than alive, George began to believe the lie.  He despaired of his life as he looked down into the icy water running under the bridge.  All thoughts of ending his life were suddenly interrupted by the sound of a splash and a cry for help which caused George to spring into action to help a drowning man--who turned out to be his guardian angel in a human disguise.

Clarence (the angel) gave George Bailey his wish of never being born.  By doing so the eyes of George were opened to the massive difference the life of one person can make on people and a whole town.  George thought he was going mad when he saw his hometown was no longer Bedford Falls but Pottersville, a grim town filled with calloused debauchery.  Upon visiting his mother, who didn't recognise him at all, George was shocked to discover his younger brother had drowned under the ice during an accident without his help and thus never became a war hero.  The house he and his family previously enjoyed was cold and dark, and his wife led a solitary existence without the joyful smile which he had taken for granted.  Oh, how George prayed to live again, and his prayer was answered.  George raced back to his wrecked car in Bedford Falls with family who loved him and friends who rallied to help him.  Even petals in his pocket were a welcome relief for a man who for a short while saw an unhappy, ugly world where he had never been born.

When I consider the difference one man made in the city of Bedford falls in a Hollywood film, I realise it is nothing compared to the real transformation Jesus Christ makes in the life of a believer.  By extension the life of Jesus in us has made a transformational difference in our households, workplaces, families and society.  It would be a most unhappy thought to consider for any amount of time how different our lives would be without Jesus.  It is a cop-out to simply say we'd be dead (which is accurate) as it does not account for all the alterations God has made and continues to make in our hearts, minds and perspectives.  To be loved!  To have hope!  To belong and have a eternal home prepared for us!  Having experienced the forgiveness, joy and peace that transcends understanding we are forever changed from the inside out.  Apart from the Gospel and the indwelling presence of God we would have settled down into an oppressive hell of our own making, a slow death beset with hopelessness, futility and grasping for the wind.  To see ourselves without Christ is to look upon a stranger we shudder to even associate with.

The difference Jesus makes in the life of a person is so profound it cannot be stated by anything less than being born again.  One of my favourite descriptions by my friend whose wife trusted Jesus as her  Saviour said, "She's a totally different person, better."  Friends, can political or religious beliefs do this?  Can activism, athletics, music or poetry fundamentally make you a better person and change you from within?  It would be a mistake to see following Jesus as something a person does like going to church, reading the Bible or praying:  Jesus brings about divine transformation within all who trust in Him that results in a new perspective, new desires and new satisfaction.  Jesus totally changes us for better and for good.  It is like a blind person seeing clearly for the first time, the lame man leaping to walk, a person deformed by leprosy being cleansed and accepted in society, and the dead being raised up to a new life.  It's a Wonderful Life is a delightful story that hardly scratches the surface of the personal transformation Jesus brings Who is wonderful beyond compare and calls us friends.  Wonder at the new, eternal life Jesus Christ has provided, believer, and rejoice to share His life with others.

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