02 February 2022

Better than Compensation

After I injured my knee playing baseball years ago, I was amazed how the body unconsciously adjusts to avoid further pain by compensating.  Without thinking I favoured my other leg and learned how to avoid uncomfortable positions.  By the time I was diagnosed with a torn ACL and and had surgery to replace the ligament, I suffered a significant amount of muscle wastage on the affected quadriceps.  What was once my dominant leg had become less used and weaker due to over-compensation for the injury.   Because the leg hurt I didn't use it as I should even after the surgery, and it took a long time with intentional effort to be restored.  It is natural for us to avoid pain when we can, yet doing so can prevent us from seeking help.

The example of the results of over-compensation to avoid pain are not only seen in the physical bodies of people.  A hidden wound in our hearts and minds can lead us to withdraw from social interactions or to over-compensate with gregarious carelessness.  The person who senses a lack in one area of their lives is spurned on to great achievement or acquiring much in another area.  Like a pendulum in a clock swings from one side to the other, inner hurts pushes people to pursue pleasure to mask or cover them.  Many under the conviction of sin or in the depths of grief have sought to numb the pain with drugs or alcohol.  In many cases there is a real risk of spiraling into ruin unless the source of the hurt is exposed before the LORD for healing and restoration.

Compensation means to give equal value to, and my favouring one leg over the other in walking was  revealed by shrinking muscles to be unequal.  It means I could not risk running, jumping or quick movements to stand or turn.  My knee injury affected the entire way I walked and moved.  Sometimes we might imagine a mental, emotional, or spiritual wound can be contained in one aspect of our lives or way of thinking, but this is untrue.  A broken leg or palpitating heart affects the whole body, and the lives of believers are connected as members of the Body of Christ, the church.  The effects of over-compensation are not always as easy to see in our lives as when I injured my leg, yet the reality is we must bring our hurts, pain and grief to Jesus for Him to heal and restore.

Praise the LORD He is able to identify the source of our troubles and do a restorative, healing work by His grace.  So many of our troubles come from sin and self, our pride that refuses to surrender before God in faith and obedience.  My knee injury was self-inflicted as I was simply running, and there was no one to blame for the ligament that gave way.  It wasn't because I was being malicious or self-destructive:  I was just rounding first base!  It may be satisfying on some level to blame others, our circumstances or growing old for the injuries we have picked up over the years, but this insight gives us no power to be healed or progress in joy, thanksgiving and gratitude for God's goodness and faithfulness to us.  To those who are hurting, to those with hidden pains, conviction of sin or shame, come to the LORD Jesus who loves, heals and gives rest for our souls.

When we have been wronged we may demand compensation by the guilty party, but God's mercy and grace trumps any compensation provided by man.  A financial windfall will not soothe our wounds, nor will an apology right wrongs.  Only God is righteous, just and His grace is sufficient for us.  His divine goodness according to the riches of His grace is our only hope to move forward.  Getting what you are owed or seeing justice done is not as satisfying as God's grace freely given and received by faith in Jesus.  I choose being compassed by God's grace and mercy than compensation any day.

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