31 July 2022

God Our Help

When we ask someone for help, it is typically from a position of being able to do something but needing assistance for the sake of convenience.  We might ask someone to hold a door open so it is easier for us to carry a bulky item through it, or help hold a flashlight so we can see better.  A blind person would not bother asking for someone to hold a light because it would not assist them.  We can ask God for help, not because we realise we are helpless and hopeless in ourselves to accomplish anything good, but to add the little we lack.  It is the blind man who asked for sight whose eye were opened by Jesus, and this is the way we ought to approach God for help:  as a helpless person who must rely upon Him for everything.

If we assume we are sufficient in ourselves to do anything God asks, time and experience will say otherwise.  One thing we can do is look for help and assistance from others when circumstances prove overwhelming and difficult.  This can lead to frustration and disillusionment because we imagine we are capable but would appreciate assistance, and that the best place to look for help is from other people.  It is God to whom we must look to for help, not just to bolster our own resolve and strength to cross the line, but to do anything because without Jesus we can do nothing.  God is gracious and faithful to help us in countless ways even when we do not think to ask Him.

Years ago I experience God's comfort in an unexpected and special way.  Whilst I cannot remember exactly what led up to it, I can reflect upon many times in life and church ministry when I felt quite overwhelmed and burdened with grief.  Circumstances were trying, conflict was personal and people can be critical when you are doing the best you know how.  After doing my best to meet demands and expectations I was contacted for a house call from a congregant without any reason.  My natural tendency is to wonder, worry and even dread such unexpected requests, though the LORD has worked wonders to change me.  So I dropped everything and went over and it was nothing like I imagined it would be.

There was a friendly greeting, the offer of hospitality and light lunch.  There was no negative critique of the most recent sermon or a rebuke over my failure to meet expectations.  There was no announcement they family would be leaving the church or complaints about anyone or anything.  As a sat on the lounge in silence petting the family dog, there was a sense of peace and rest that comes only from the LORD, and God used this brother and his hospitality to comfort me when I did not know I needed it.  That simple moment of a sharing a coffee and cheese toastie as a friend I will match against the greatest miracles performed in the kingdom of God because of how the LORD ministered to my heart.  I was like a fearful, shivering dog being comforted by his Master:  "Relax, take comfort in Me."

Friends, we need the LORD.  We need help and comfort only He can supply.  We imagine comfort can be found when He divinely changes our circumstances when He uses those same circumstances to draw us to Himself and be changed.  How blessed we are to have a Father in heaven who loves us and knows what we need before we ask--even if we are too dense and clueless to ask!  Isaiah 65:24 reads, "It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear."  Praise the LORD for connecting us with others in the Body of Christ the church, yet let us never forget it is God we look to for comfort, peace and help in time of need.  God may use people to supply our needs, but He is the divine source we are called to look to always.

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