03 February 2023

God's Glorious Word

God created people with the capacity to think and make choices for themselves.  There is satisfaction in being intrigued, formulating a strategy and solving problems.  I find for this reason I enjoy strategy games, puzzles of various kinds and movies that prompt me to consider themes true to life.  Because God created man to reason, it should be no surprise the Bible is the greatest source of thought-provoking and confronting truth in existence.  God's word is authoritative, not an opinion piece or like a documentary designed to sway you to a particular conclusion.  God tells us like it is, and careful thought places before us the decision if we will agree with Him.

Sometimes passages of the Bible do not immediately make sense.  Even after reading the Bible through countless times and studying it for decades in the most familiar passages there is much to learn.  It is not always a new concept or teaching, but it sheds more light on established truth as we use scripture to interpret scripture.  I came across a passage like this last night in Acts 12 when the people of Tyre and Sidon flattered Herod in Caesarea.  After he gave an oration before the people in royal apparel they shouted in unison, "It is the voice of a god, and not a man."  Then a most unusual thing happened in Acts 12:23:  "Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died."  Herod chose not to give God (Who created man's mouth) the glory for his speech, and he was struck down for his transgression.

Acts 12:24 goes on to say, "But the word of God grew and multiplied."  The conjunction "but" shows these verses are connected, and it may not immediately be clear why.  A point Luke made was Herod's oration was not God's word, regardless how regal and sophisticated it may have been.  After that speech Herod and his words were silenced permanently, and it is not even recorded for us in scripture what he said.  In contrast to Herod's words silenced by the grave, God's word grew and multiplied.  God's word endures forever that speaks of His glorious goodness and power to kill and make alive, to wound and bind up.  The enduring truth of God's love, grace, righteousness and salvation has been and will be proclaimed forever, and no one can silence God.  No one can shut God's mouth or make void what He has written.

Verse 24 is a great cause of rejoicing for God's people in a world today because it still rings true.  The good seeds of God's word are still taking root in the hearts of people, saving sinners and making wise the simple.  Great thinkers of the world still peruse its pages, unable to shake the gravity and undeniable truth that speaks to mankind's purpose and need.  Some scoff and scorn; others speak swelling words of pride against God and condemn what He has spoken.  One day they will all lie in the dust and be silenced forever in the grave while God's word will continue to grow and multiply.  Let us be those who heed God's word over man's word and give Him the glory we can think and speak.

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