21 May 2024

Moved by Prayer

After some meetings I have attended I later thought to myself, "Now that was a waste of time."  A prayer meeting has never been one of those meetings.  Even when it was a struggle to arrive at the meeting on time or there were other pressing matters, meeting to pray with others or alone before the LORD is always a productive and encouraging blessing.  The Bible teaches us when we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us--and God never disappoints (James 4:8).  We are easily disappointed and frustrated, but faith in God exercised by prayer brings sure expectation of good now and in the future.

I was edified to read a couple chapters in Spiritual Leadership yesterday, and here is a highlight of what was included on the subject of prayer:
"One of the most frequently quoted of Hudson Taylor's statements is his expression of conviction that "it is possible  to move men, through God, by prayer alone."  In the course of his missionary career he demonstrated its truth a thousand times.  However, it is one thing to give mental assent to his motto, but quite another thing consistently to put it into practice.  Men are difficult objects to move, and it is much easier to pray for temporal needs than for situations which involve the intricacies and stubbornness of the human heart.  But it is in just such situations that the leader must prove his power to move human hearts in the direction in which he believes the will of God lies...

To move men, the leader must be able to move God, for He has made it clear that He moves them through the prayers of the intercessor.  If a scheming Jacob could be given "power with God and with men," then is it not possible for any leader who is willing to comply with the conditions to enjoy the same power? (Gen. 32:8)

Prevailing prayer of this kind is the outcome of a correct relationship with God.  Reasons for unanswered prayer are stated with great clarity in Scripture, and they all center around the believer's relationship with God.  He will not be party to petitions of mere self-interest, nor will He countenance impurity of motive.  Sin clung to and cherished will effectively close His ear.  Least of all will He tolerate unbelief, the mother of sins.  "He that cometh to God must believe."  Everywhere in prayer there is the condition, either expressed or implied, that the paramount motive in praying is the glory of God." (Sanders, J. Oswald. Spiritual Leadership. Marshall Pickering, 1986. pages 82 & 84)

God cannot be moved by force, but He delights to move by childlike faith of those who seek Him and make their requests known to God, believing He is able to do everything.  It is not possible for anyone or anything to move God by an act of the will or power of man, but God grants us faith to pray that He move and work according to His will.  Psalm 55:22 says, "Cast your burden on the LORD, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved."  Because our God is immoveable and eternal, we are always upheld by His grace.  At the same time He gladly moves in response to our praying, and this should encourage us to be casting our cares upon the LORD who cares for us.

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