03 January 2025

Ready Labour

One thing I admire about Nehemiah is his willingness to lead from the front, to lead by example in service to the LORD even though he had no personal experience in building a wall or managing a construction site.  God put it in his heart to visit Jerusalem after hearing of the distressed and dilapidated state, and his connections to the king as cupbearer provided means and authority to oversee the construction of the wall by faith in God.  Nehemiah in time would prove to be a skilled delegator, yet he did not ask others to do what God called him to do.  He entered into the same labours and suffered the same lack of comforts as labourers, loaders and builders endured though he was accustomed to the comforts of life in a palace.

Due to the real possibility of enemy attack, as people worked they either carried a weapon in one hand or had a sword girded on their thigh.  This readiness was undoubtedly a deterrent to potential enemies, for the workers did not present themselves as a disorganised, easy target:  they were determined, prepared and were willing to put their lives on the line, their resolve steeled to see the walls successfully built.  Nehemiah 4:17-18 reads, "Those who built on the wall, and those who carried burdens, loaded themselves so that with one hand they worked at construction, and with the other held a weapon. 18 Every one of the builders had his sword girded at his side as he built. And the one who sounded the trumpet was beside me."

Notice Nehemiah did not watch at a distance alone in the shade of a tent with attendants waiting upon him, for he placed himself among the workers with an assistant who was tasked to sound the alarm with a trumpet.  He was in the thick of the action, conversing with workers and was on the pulse of how everything was going.  The construction site covered a large area, and the sound of the trumpet marked the mustering location to Nehemiah who would lead the people in their defence against their enemies.  I have no doubt this was Nehemiah's chosen arrangement, not because he was skilled in battle or military tactics, but due to faith in God who would be their defence and refuge, the living God who fights His people's battles.

There is a brand of Christian who embrace a soldier mentality to a fault, neglecting other aspects of spiritual life that resemble faithfully gathering and stacking stones on one another.  Loading carts and lifting rocks is not glamorous like defeating Goliath with sling and stone or being credited with slaying thousands of enemies like David.  It was dirty, heavy, taxing work with no triumph at the end; it was mundane labour without notoriety at a personal cost of time, sweat and blood.  The citizens of the kingdom of God are called to profitable labour for Christ's kingdom and to be ready to give a defence for the hope that is in us.  Our call is not to pick fights or lash out with the sword but to keep the Sword of the Spirit girded on our thigh as we labour in doing the LORD's will.  It does not appear the enemies of Nehemiah attacked once during the 52 days they faithfully worked outside during the day, but the workers were ready to defend at all times.  As children of the light and day, this illustration provides a good perspective how Christians are called to live.

01 January 2025

Earnestly and Carefully

"After him Baruch the son of Zabbai earnestly repaired the other piece, from the turning of the wall unto the door of the house of Eliashib the high priest."
Nehemiah 3:20

In the section of Nehemiah that explains who repaired the wall and gates of Jerusalem and the specific areas each person or group worked on, the verse concerning Baruch stands out because it shows how he worked.  The rebuilding of the walls, gates and bars of Jerusalem was a huge group effort, and people took up tasks outside their normal field of expertise to collaborate to accomplish the building project in a relatively short time.  Baruch's earnestness to repair a section of the wall is a good illustration of the focus, diligence and dedication God's people ought to exercise in their service unto Him.

Webster defines "earnestly" as "warmly, zealously, importunately, eagerly, with real desire."  Of all the people who laboured on the wall, Baruch was the only one described as working earnestly.  The NKJV rendering of the same word is "carefully," and this provides a helpful clarification.  Earnestness does not mean a person works efficiently, for desire to accomplish a job speedily can result in haste, wasted effort and materials, and inferior results.  I remember a friend of mine was so zealous to use his new power saw in one day he cut through 3 power cords which required valuable time to repair and replace.  Working earnestly with care conveys diligence combined with accuracy.  Baruch sounds like a worker who was pleased and felt privileged to contribute in the work effort.

As there are people who want to do the least amount of work possible for the most pay, there is a person who puts off doing hard work as long as possible to do as little as possible.  This is unbecoming of a child of God who has been granted life, all resources, ability and opportunity to serve the LORD and one another faithfully.  Paul wrote to believing slaves in Colossians 3:22-24:  "Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God. 23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ."  In building Baruch worked towards a completed wall that would provide security, protection and a clear vantage point, and in all we do the child of God is to fulfill our obligations to labour as doing it for God's sake.  In this way all our labours are sanctified with earnestness and sincerity of heart, knowing our reward is not only found in a job completed--but confidence in receiving the reward of the inheritance from Christ.

It is satisfying to see a job coming along well and finally complete, yet the reward of the inheritance Jesus gives is far better.  Jobs finished today will always require maintenance going forward, but what we receive as Christ's inheritance is infinitely greater and enduring.  Christians are promised an incorruptible and undefiled inheritance reserved for us in heaven (1 Peter 1:4), and the LORD is our inheritance as it is written in Psalm 16:5:  "O LORD, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; you maintain my lot."  Rather than working to gain, we are to labour from the place of already having all things, being satisfied in Jesus Christ our Saviour who is our life.  No longer is our mindset to be, "What's in it for me?" or "What do I stand to gain?" but in confidence in our eternal inheritance we put our hands to the plow and our necks to the yoke for Jesus Christ is our portion we have already received and rejoice in.