What prompted these thoughts to percolate in my mind was due to a slip of paper in a fortune cookie I read yesterday: "Affirm it, visualize it, believe it, and it will actualize itself." This statement goes far beyond wishful thinking because it is plainly ridiculous. Our observations and life experiences show us nothing in this world can actualize itself, that something imagined could by itself become a concrete reality we benefit from. It is a very good thing declaring something to be true, visualizing and believing it does not make it actualize itself, for this is the thing nightmares are made of.
I love that God's plans and purposes for our lives exceed our wildest dreams and most fervent desires. Christians know this is true because God's love is not of this world, a thing we never could have imagined until Jesus revealed His love for all by dying on the cross for us sinners. Our greatest imaginations and conceptions of heaven are far too small even when the eternal state is described in the pages of the Bible. We often see as in a mirror dimly, a hazy faint image of a future we cannot grasp or clearly make out. But the glories of heaven are entirely believable because Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to heaven in view of His disciples--some of whom joyfully embraced martyrdom rather than deny Christ, so great was their confidence in Christ's promise of eternal life to all who trust in Him.
Better than affirming, visualizing and believing in what we can imagine or conceive in our minds is the reality God has declared of His existence, sovereignty and power broadcast through the heavens that declare His glory for all to see. God alone has the power to speak things into existence, for He is the creator of the heavens, earth and all living things. Man longs for this power and seeks it for himself, yet this is God's sovereign territory as it is written in Lamentations 3:37: "Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass, when the Lord has not commanded it?" Man naturally values his imaginations and what could be more than the reality of God and what He has commanded and declared to be true. Faith in God opens our hearts and minds to comprehend Him and what is even when it is beyond our understanding, and this reality is better than man's fantasies.
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