The wise will not focus on the carrot but where the pursuit of the carrot will lead them. The businessman may be pursuing elusive riches and early retirement, but it may lead to the breakdown of his physical health, marriage and family. A young woman might desire to be a famous actress, but the pursuit may require her to cast aside her values and chastity. To feel accepted or part of the "in" group ,dabbling in drugs may lead to crippling addiction and poverty. In the movie Maleficent, an ambitious man who wanted the throne for himself stole the wings and broke the heart of the fairy who loved him. Knowing the price in the end (which cost him his sanity and life), he may have chosen a different course entirely if he could start over.
The wisdom of thinking where temptation is leading us is true concerning addictions and sin. People chase the carrot of fun by drinking to excess, but it can potentially lead to violence, sexual assault and a bad hangover. Some pursue the carrot of lust and fornication that produces shame, emptiness and regret. No one wants to feel ashamed, and if people would consider where their lusts would lead them they might have have had the resolve to reject temptation. No one wants to explain to their spouse how they have been unfaithful or be told their partner is leaving them, but that is where straying leads.
Like a clever fisherman, the devil is very good at hiding the hook in attractive bait. Having been snared by his lies and our own folly at times, one would think we would learn. But forgetfulness of the sorrow, emptiness, guilt and shame for sin is part of the human condition when a fresh temptation is placed before us. Having fallen for the ruse before and knowing where it will certainly lead us, by faith in God and by His wisdom we look beyond the temptation--where it is leading us--rather than thinking satisfaction could be found presently in sin or in worldly pursuits. Our flesh longs for the carrot, but the wise ought to look beyond it to Jesus for guidance and inspiration.
Hebrews 12:1-2 says, "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of
witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares
us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and
finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured
the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne
of God." Rather than looking to what the flesh desires and cries out for, we are to look to Jesus so we can lay aside weights and sins and run the race God has set before us. In the middle of a race is not time to veer off course or to head to local shops for a snack. Jesus does not dangle eternal rewards and blessings before us to tempt us to follow Him, but He gives us Himself and countless blessings for seeking Him today. Why chase the carrot when He has us and we have him? In Christ we are satisfied and find rest for our souls.
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