God's people have the assurance of Scripture the battle is the LORD's, and I trust Him to help us more than an arm of flesh, political party or politician (2 Chron. 32:8). Secular government generally operates without acknowledgement of God, His wisdom or ways, and ironically atheistic government positions itself to be a godlike entity people are encouraged to trust to act in their best interests, to provide for their needs, to protect and "fight" against injustice. Blessed are the people whose God is the LORD, those who look to God for their provision of daily bread, shelter, help and peace--in the life that now is, and in the life God provides for eternity.
When Jesus was criticised for doing what some considered "work" under the Mosaic Law, He corrected their understanding in John 5:17: "...My Father has been working until now, and
I have been working." God has always been at work to accomplished His plans and purposes concerning all created things and humankind, and Jesus worked as well. This statement angered the Jewish rulers because they rightly viewed it as Jesus making a claim of equality with God, since He called God His Father. Jesus taught those who are of His kingdom ought to put their hand to the plough without looking back, for we are called to be God's workmen who need not be ashamed (Luke 9:62; 2 Timothy 2:15). Doing good works is a purpose of our salvation as it is written in Ephesians 2:10: "For
we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
While soldiers engaged in warfare provide good illustrations and insights concerning our walk of faith in Jesus, I find the workman concept to be even more useful and practical. The example Jesus provided in person as He walked and taught in Israel was not taking vengeance on enemies or "fighting" anyone but that of a faithful friend, a farmer, beast of burden, a labourer in the field who worked while it remained day. If we only exert our efforts in fighting we may never edify or build each other up in faith in God. Since the battle is the LORD's and Jesus has claimed the victory, we do well to set our minds to work to trust, obey and follow Jesus as the people in Nehemiah's day banded together to built the wall (Nehemiah 4:6). We do well to walk in the footsteps of Jesus who said in John 9:4, "I must work the works of Him who
sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work."
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