"One night, when preaching in Philadelphia, right down by the side of the pulpit there was a young lady, whose eyes were riveted on me, as if she were drinking in every word. It is precious to preach to people like that; they generally get good, even if the sermon be poor. I got interested in her, and after I had done talking I went and spoke to her. "Are you a Christian?" "No; I wish I was; I have been seeking Jesus for three years." I said, "There must be some mistake." She looked strangely at me, and said, "Don't you believe me?" "Well, no doubt you thought you were seeking Jesus; but it don't take an anxious sinner three years to meet a willing Saviour." "What am I to do, then?" "The matter is, you are trying to do something; you must just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ." "Oh, I am sick and tired of the word 'Believe, believe, believe!' I don't know what it is." "Well," I said, "we'll change the word; take 'trust.'" "If I say, 'I'll trust him,' will he save me?" "No; I don't say that; you may say a thousand things, but he will if you do trust him." "Well," she said, "I do trust him; but," she added in the same breath, "I don't feel any better." "Ah, I've got it now! You've been looking for feelings for three years instead of for Jesus. Faith is up above, not down here." People are always looking for feelings. They are getting up a new translation of the Bible here, and if the men who are translating it would only put in feelings, instead of faith, what a rush there would be for that Bible. But if you look from Genesis to Revelation you cannot find feelings attached to salvation. We must rise above feelings. So I said to this lady, "You cannot control your feelings; if you could what a time you'd have! I know I would never have the toothache or the headache." (Lobb, John, and D. L. Moody. Arrows and Anecdotes. Henry Gurley, 1877. pages 149-150)
From my observations, as this seeker was frustrated for seeking an arbitrary feeling, Christians can seek particular experiences--especially ones other Christians have spoken about. I cannot tell you how many believers have been sidetracked and cast down over the lack of an experience. Such can be like a diner in a restaurant who is overwhelmed by the menu and sees a plate of food set down before a fellow diner and exclaims, "I want what they are having." We can also be like people who make their menu choice based on a picture, and when the food is plated and served it looks nothing like the picture and we lament not going with our usual order. If we make the spiritual experiences of others or the satisfaction of our expectations our pursuit, God is gracious to prevent us from the satisfaction only possible by faith in Jesus and submission to Him. This profound joy and rest is more than a feeling or experience--though our relationship with Christ involves both on the basis of God's word. Let us be those who trust Christ and exercise faith by obedience in Him, and He will help sort out our feelings as well.
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