There’s something inside every person which wants to be noticed, even recognised by others as exceptional. I remember laughing to myself during a scene in Tom Cruise’s “Minority Report” where a man paid to have a virtual experience with people shouting the affirmation, “You’re the man!” despite his denials of false humility. Dropping coin for compliments is not manly to be sure, yet he was willing to pay a price to be called “the man” even for a few fleeting moments. Deep inside I’m sure the man knew he wasn’t “the man,” nor would he ever be. His conscience could never agree fully with assessment, as much as he coveted the title.
No matter what a man’s accomplishments or successes, he will always be simply a man. All men are born and die, leaving only a fading memory which is forgotten and lost over time. It is common for people to assume we can find lasting satisfaction and significance through our efforts or career advancement. But no matter how high we climb or soar, we are never able to measure up to the desperate longing of our souls for fulfillment. Pride comes before a fall, and any aspirations in thinking we are something leads to the grave with everyone else.
There is only one person who can be aptly termed “the Man”: the God-man Jesus Christ. After He was born of a virgin, lived a life free from sin, did many signs and miracles, and preached the Kingdom of God, He was betrayed by a follower and crucified as He predicted. Before He was led to the cross He was scourged by the Romans and presented by Pilate before the mad crowd. John 19:5 says, “Then Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. And Pilate said to them, "Behold the Man!" There He was, not the man any person aspires to be. He was a mess of blood and the object of scorn and ridicule, despised and rejected by His own. Jesus did not protest or say a word, because what Pilate said was true. He was the Man sent to seek and to save the lost, the true Messiah, the One who would three days later rise from the dead, ascend to heaven, and will someday return to rule in righteousness. Jesus is indeed “the Man” and wise men will view Him as such. He humbled Himself more than any other man and so God has exalted Him above all.
No man ought to think more highly of himself than he ought, and in recognising Jesus Christ as “the Man” we can be transformed by the Holy Spirit into the men and women God created us to be. It is only by faith in Jesus Christ we discover the purpose and significance we thirst for. Seeking fulfillment in this life through earthly pursuits is the equivalent of a dog vainly spinning in circles trying to bite his own tail, a donkey carrying a heavy burden that never is able to sink his teeth into the carrot being dangled before him. Praise God Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. There is no lasting satisfaction apart from Him. Everything else is vanity and grasping for the wind.