11 May 2018

Content with God's Provision

"Marriage is honourable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge. 5 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Hebrews 13:4-5

These verses came up in our Friday night Bible study yesterday, and they provide insight how covetousness can mar relationships with God and others.  The writer of Hebrews commends the honour of biblical marriage as defined by God from the beginning.  Fornicators and adulterers are those who scoff at His marital and monogamous design through their sexual misconduct.  One involves sexual activity outside of the marriage bed, and adultery is lust and unlawful conduct involving a married party.  Though the world pushes back against the boundaries God has set concerning sexual sin, God remains their righteous judge.

This passage shows at the core of both fornication and adultery is the sin of covetousness.  To covet is to desire something which is not yours for self.  Fornication and adultery also involve theft.  When it comes to relationships, contentment in God's provision is a guard against covetousness.  The world it seems has defined sex as a basic human need, a need that should not be denied of any who desire it.  This is certainly not the biblical perspective.  In the scriptures there are myriads of examples of people going their own way in violation of God's commands, but this does not lend any leeway to God's absolute standards.  If we are convinced God will provide for all our needs, He also will provide a spouse and the ability to remain joyfully single according to His grace.  It is a lie that we cannot live a meaningful and satisfying existence without sex.  Sexual intercourse can usher in new life because God is at the heart of "be fruitful and multiply," but sex is not life.

Because Jesus has promised never to leave or forsake us, we can be assured He knows our needs and will be faithful to meet them.  He is the Good Shepherd who keeps watch over the sheep of His flock.  He knows how to manage well His lambs, ewes, rams, and even wethers - which are castrated males.  They are less aggressive and able to lead a most profitable existence, not by siring lambs but through wool production and weed management.  The world has always had a preoccupation with sex, and as wonderful as it is in the marriage relationship there is much more to life.  It is in staying close to the Good Shepherd we discover purpose and fruitfulness which extends infinitely beyond the abilities of the flesh.  1 Corinthians 7:27 holds forth a basic principle:  "Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be loosed. Are you loosed from a wife? Do not seek a wife."  Even in our relationships (or present lack) we have fellowship with God and His people united by His love.  It's a fair question:  do we value fellowship with God more than sex?

09 May 2018

God's Glorious Grace

Eugenics is a theme repeated in science fiction utilised with the aim to produce an ideal society.  Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is a good example of using scientific means to manufacture people who will conform to their role in society through indoctrination, drugs, and conditioning.  Whatever was deemed "ugly" had no place in utopia, and people were placed in pre-determined castes where they were prepared for particular roles (Alphas, Betas, Gammas, etc.).  The heart of eugenics is not life but death, the culling of any embryos deemed unsuitable.  It is a godless approach, a "self direction of human evolution."  Many atrocities have been carried out upon fellow humans guided by eugenics.  Today selective breeding is typically not mandated by government but largely sanctioned, as unwanted unborn children can be legally aborted.

What if God employed this approach, to kill any creatures which fell short of His absolute standard of goodness?  There would not be another person born!  Psalm 139 is a beautiful passage which describes God knitting a child in the womb of his mother.  Because we live in a world ravaged by sin and war people can be born with chronic illnesses and malformed.  Even more difficult to understand perhaps is when God sovereignty chooses to make someone with what we call "disability" in Exodus 4:11:  "So the LORD said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the LORD?"  God commanded Moses to speak to Pharaoh, but Moses said he didn't speak well.  One point God made was He was responsible for creating the mouth of Moses and knew what he was capable of, and also provided the mouth of Aaron to assist him.  It wasn't the mouth of Moses where the problem was but in his reluctance to trust and obey.

If we were God and at the controls of conception, we would be sorely tempted to stack the deck in our favour, wouldn't we?  God knows beyond what people are capable of but what they will actually do.  God has given every person the freedom to chose and does not condemn before the time.  A perfect example is when Hazael came to speak with Elisha concerning the health of the king of Syria who was ill.  2 Kings 8:10-12 reads, "And Elisha said to him, "Go, say to him, 'You shall certainly recover.' However the LORD has shown me that he will really die." 11 Then he set his countenance in a stare until he was ashamed; and the man of God wept. 12 And Hazael said, "Why is my lord weeping?" He answered, "Because I know the evil that you will do to the children of Israel: Their strongholds you will set on fire, and their young men you will kill with the sword; and you will dash their children, and rip open their women with child."  Bizarre, isn't it?  God revealed to the prophet Elisha what atrocities Hazael would be guilty of, yet did not smite him in the womb.  God graciously allowed Hazael to grow up to be an ambitious man who would indeed take matters into his own hands.

Hazael recoiled at the suggestion he would do such things, but the word of the LORD came to pass.  2 Kings 8:13-15 states, "So Hazael said, "But what is your servant--a dog, that he should do this gross thing?" And Elisha answered, "The LORD has shown me that you will become king over Syria." 14 Then he departed from Elisha, and came to his master, who said to him, "What did Elisha say to you?" And he answered, "He told me you would surely recover." 15 But it happened on the next day that he took a thick cloth and dipped it in water, and spread it over his face so that he died; and Hazael reigned in his place."  Hazael was not judged by what he would someday do, but what he was guilty of doing.  Here is a place where so-called "situational ethics" cannot endure, for these hypothetical wranglings never take into account the love and grace of God extended towards all.  Hazael didn't want to believe he was capable of such wickedness, but in a day he would betray and smother his king.  He could have repented and stopped there, but alas!  Let us not be fooled to think we, by virtue of our knowledge or morality, are incapable of great wickedness.  All have sinned, and before another day dawns we will sin again.

How the grace of God is magnified when we realise we are Hazael; we are Cain, Agag, Nabal, Absalom, and Barabbas!  We are the corrupt, bent, depraved and proud people who (if God was a eugenicist) would never have been permitted to see the light of day.  God is grieved by our sin and is the righteous Judge of all, but His heart is to see us turn from sin, look to Him and be saved.  God is not to be blamed because people sin.  It is true at any moment God with His infinite knowledge could have struck men who would grow to be cruel kings and dictators in the womb, or those who would be drunks, abusive, lying, cheating, stealing, lustful - or spiritually proud and judgmental.  If we charge the righteous God with wrong we only prove our own guilt, but in repenting and receiving the grace of God through the Gospel we are forgiven and made pure.  Oh the grace of God!  What a good, longsuffering Father He is to all!  As we have freely received of His grace, let us offer it freely to others.

08 May 2018

There's Room In Heaven

Australia takes border security and immigration seriously.  Our country takes full advantage of our isolated geography and natural oceanic moat to prevent undocumented immigrants from arriving at our shores.  Immigration, refugees, and asylum seekers have been big news since I moved to Australia many years ago, and how to best manage immigration had been a political talking point for decades prior to my arrival.  There have been many difference approaches utilised in managing immigration "problems" with a variety of outcomes.  Whenever flaws are exposed or it is reported people lost their lives attempting to reach Australia by boat, political parties vying for power claim to have a better plan.

Though I am far from an expert on the subject, I can suggest an immigration policy which would not be popular in Australia or probably anywhere.  Let's say it was suggested an "open border" policy be adopted which included everyone from anywhere on the globe, even for convicted criminals guilty of the most heinous crimes awaiting execution on death row.  People who were guilty of fraud, theft, rape and human trafficking would be permitted entry at their request at the expense of the Australian government and taxpayers.  Australian officials would be sent to enter hospitals and homes globally to extend the invitation to immigrate to patients dying of cancer, AIDS, or Ebola, to people suffering the effects of debilitating handicaps, those who are comatose, or facing terminal disease and mental illness.  Not only suspected terrorists, but known leaders and members of terrorist organisations would be welcome.  Every person hooked on street drugs, opiates, alcohol, and methamphetamine would be provided the opportunity to move "down under" as well - not only as permanent residents, but an Australian citizen granted all rights and responsibilities.  Even the suggestion of such a policy as legitimate would be akin to political suicide.  Whilst this would not be a attractive idea for the taxpayers of Australia, think of how attractive it would be for a man freezing in a dark prison or a woman in need of medical care.  Families displaced by typhoons could rebuild their lives again, and criminals could leave their past behind for a fresh start.

I have employed hyperbole to show the utter ridiculousness of such a policy to illuminate the glorious Gospel of the kingdom of God.  God has done an infinitely greater thing to open the doors of heaven for fellowship and eternal life to sinners.  When a country takes in refugees and provides housing and healthcare, the question is often asked:  "Who is going to pay for it?"  Ultimately it is the taxpayers who foot the bill.  God does not demand payment from us for our full pardon and status of citizen of heaven because He amazingly sent His Son Jesus Christ to shed His blood to atone for our sins.  Not only are we forgiven through faith in Jesus, but the Spirit of God comes into our lives and dwells within us.  We become the eternal children of God, accepted and adopted into the family of God as His beloved children - regardless of our previous sins and crimes.  Many people who do legally and successfully immigrate to Australia can feel quite alone and displaced from normal life, but those who are born again into the family of God have the continual presence of God and the fellowship of the church to encourage, exhort, and edify them.

Jesus came to seek and save the lost, to set captives free.  It is far easier to become a citizen of heaven than it is to become a citizen of Australia.  There is no paperwork, passports, or medical exams; there are no fees, police and FBI checks, or gathering certified copies of documents.  Jesus has shed His blood on Calvary, and when we acknowledge our guilt, repent of our sin, and place our faith in Him as Saviour we pass from death to life, darkness to light, lost to found, and hopeless to saved.  All who take to heart God's invitation to new life are to renounce sin, self, and worldly pursuits and discover our new identity as citizens of heaven and children of God.  We come as unworthy criminals, dependant on chemicals, filled with hate and guilty of murder:  through faith in Jesus we are born again and transformed by God's grace.  He changes our hearts and puts a new Spirit in us who leads and empowers us to do good and forsake evil.  All our benefits and blessings come from God, and we learn of our great, generous, and gracious God through the Bible.  All who immigrate to Australia are required to learn English, and every child of God finds sustenance and provision for all aspects of life through the Bible, prayer, fellowship with other Christians, and obedience to God.

Isn't God good?  Isn't His grace and the Gospel amazing?  The kingdom of heaven is filled with undeserving people, and every one bought by the precious blood of Jesus.  To all citizens of heaven God has provided for us the ministry outlined in 2 Corinthians 5:17-21:  "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. 20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God. 21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."  Since we are children of God, let us live worthy of this calling and walk in agreement with Him as His faithful servants and ambassadors of His glorious kingdom.  No one is worthy or can earn entry into heaven, but God offers eternal citizenship as a gift received by faith in Jesus.  There is room in heaven for every soul who makes their heart Christ's home.

07 May 2018

Cessationist Musings

Recently I read an article in which the author stated why he is a cessationist.  Cessationism is the doctrine certain spiritual gifts and the calling of an apostle ceased with the early church.  I suppose if labels must be used (and I try to avoid them personally) I would then be a "continuationist" - news to me.  This isn't a name I would use to classify my beliefs, but one others have made for me.  It is not surprising gifts have ceased if people do not believe they are in operation and do not ask for them according to scripture.

I do not want to lump all cessationists together as if they all agree theologically, for I am convinced there is a variety of beliefs represented by them.  I know there is also a wide breadth of beliefs, convictions, and practices between so-called "continuationists," and it is troubling to be lumped in with others who support and encourage unbiblical practices.  And this is the rub:  the cessationist view is always put forward as the biblical view - typically without much middle ground.  It is quite true there are some who wrongly appeal to personal experience in lieu or in violation of the Word of God, but there is much evidence in both the Old and New Testament of the miraculous.  Paul famously said in 1 Corinthians 13:8 a time for the cessation of gifts as revealed in scripture will occur, but the primary source of major disagreement between the camps is when and why they should end.  If prophecy and tongues have ceased, it follows knowledge must have ceased as well.  Wait, we still need knowledge... ;)

I will be absolutely blunt:  it is impossible for me to be a cessationist because according to scripture I desired spiritual gifts, prayed specifically that I might receive, and God graciously gifted me to speak in tongues (1 Cor. 14:1).  It wasn't weird, wild, crazy - or unbiblical - as the uninitiated may claim.  I do not deny there are people who violate scripture in their expression and beliefs concerning this gift in particular.  Those who have been hottest in opposition about this burning subject with me were interestingly often those who felt scorned by others for their inability to speak in tongues - as if it was the only real evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit.  The book of Acts tells a very different story.  As different parts of the Body of Christ we have unique talents and spiritual gifts.   Militant cessationists could be likened to the woman brought before Solomon who would not agree to give the child back to his rightful mother, but was fine with Solomon using the sword to divide it.  This divisive impulse is alive today as it was in the Corinthian church, to use the Sword of the Spirit to divide genuine believers into factions.

It does not take long in reading articles or posts which support cessationism before I think, "No, no!"  How many times have opposing views been misrepresented as a caricature, words and terms curiously and narrowly defined, even scriptures wrenched from context to prove some spiritual gifts have arbitrarily passed into antiquity because they are no longer needed!  Says who?  The gift of prophecy is conveniently reduced to "preaching" when it suits (though the same assert preaching can be prophetic), and the Acts of the Apostles are sadly relegated and limited to an archaic age.  Those designated "sign" gifts by theologians are written off as valid only in the early church, though I see no such designation between gifts in scripture.  Can fruit of the Spirit be out of season today?  Praise the LORD the miraculous regeneration and salvation of the soul by the Holy Spirit by faith in Jesus Christ is not outdated!  It is the scripture which sets the precedent for the use of spiritual gifts in love, and the Bible governs the proper use of gifts.  I'm speaking from the heart here, but I also want to use my head.

I am convinced even if I did not knowingly operate in a spiritual gift I would continue to believe all spiritual gifts are available from our awesome God today according to His will, as it says in scripture (1 Cor. 12:11).  Our tongues are very needed to speak to share the gracious truths of the Gospel, so it would be remarkable tongues of men and angels would now be invalid to praise and glorify God for His wondrous works as a sign to unbelievers.  It is a grief to my heart when people abuse the use of spiritual gifts or make them a gauge of spirituality.  It is also a great tragedy people use the Bible to castigate those who honour God, the scripture, and edify the church with spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit, as well as shutting the door on even seeking and asking God for spiritual gifts.  How can a person who doesn't believe Christians can operate in a spiritual gift by the power of the Holy Spirit ask believing and in faith receive?  It may be true some of what is passed off as spiritual gifting is a sham, but people ought to take care they do not blaspheme the Holy Spirit by claiming the operation of genuine spiritual gifts is demonic.  We do need the discernment of the Holy Spirit in the church today, don't we?  God knows what we need more than we do.

Anyway, this subject is something lately I've been thinking about.  Praise the LORD the Gospel is not outdated and the Holy Spirit has been sent to indwell and empower believers for the glory of God.  People on all sides of this complex topic are convinced in their own mind by the scripture, and let us all continue to unite in the grace and truth of Jesus Christ.  I gladly reach out my hand in brotherhood and friendship to those who identify as cessationist in Jesus Christ not as a "continuationist" but as a Christian, for we are united as one in His body.  Without God's love spiritual gifts and knowledge of scripture cannot be properly wielded, and praise the LORD God's love never fails.

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