During a morning walk it was obvious it had rained last night. The footpaths and streets remained wet, and droplets of water suspended on grass gleamed under a grey sky. Through the mist I could see two parrots (galahs I think) sitting besides each other on power lines. I stopped walking to have a better look as they gently preened each other. It made me think about how strange it is love, affection, and care for others should appear in a world some say relies upon "survival of the fittest." Life is more than surviving: love is part of life on earth because God is love and made it so. In a world saturated with self-love, the sight of two birds loving on each other warmed my heart.
When I saw the birds I thought of my beautiful wife, a precious gift God has given me. God intended people who are married remain so for life, and it is indeed a blessing to have someone by your side during all seasons of life. Those bonded birds spoke to an issue greater than companionship or marriage but the relationship God desires to have with all the people He has made - a relationship which transcends and extends infinitely beyond our temporary existence on earth. Before God created the world, He remained alone. By the words of His mouth He created the earth, planets, stars, ministering spirits, plants, animals, people, and all living things. It was mankind He looked upon with keen interest, for into Adam God breathed a living soul. He gave man spiritual capacity other living creatures do not possess.
In the movie "Toy Story 3" I enjoyed the scene when Barbie and Ken met one another for the first time. As they are dazzled by each other's lovely appearance, they blurted out in unison: "It is like we were...made for each other!" So it is with us and God: He has created us for Himself and desires to have a close relationship with each person He has made. If only we would love Him as He loves us! I hear His voice call out to us as the voice of the beloved in Song of Songs 2:8-10: "The voice of my beloved! Behold, he comes leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills. My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag. Behold, he stands behind our wall; he is looking through the windows, gazing through the lattice. My beloved spoke, and said to me: "Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away." Do our hearts leap as the Shulamite to hear our Saviour speak? He has given us ears to hear and eyes to see and He reveals Himself everywhere. Everything is not God, but much of what we see in nature proclaims the wisdom, goodness, and love of God we ought to take to heart.
How awesome and amazing it is God would love me and you! All people are born into this world alone and we will die alone. It's true we have family and friends, yet ultimately all must face death alone and then judgment before God. We can be surrounded by people and activity and at the same time be struck with a profound sense of loneliness. But praise the LORD we do not need to ever be alone, because God is close to all who draw near to Him in faith. He will accompany us during our days on earth and for all eternity because He who has promised is faithful. Distance, time, and death cannot separate us from Him. How good it is to be loved and accepted by the great God who reveals Himself.
In the movie "Toy Story 3" I enjoyed the scene when Barbie and Ken met one another for the first time. As they are dazzled by each other's lovely appearance, they blurted out in unison: "It is like we were...made for each other!" So it is with us and God: He has created us for Himself and desires to have a close relationship with each person He has made. If only we would love Him as He loves us! I hear His voice call out to us as the voice of the beloved in Song of Songs 2:8-10: "The voice of my beloved! Behold, he comes leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills. My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag. Behold, he stands behind our wall; he is looking through the windows, gazing through the lattice. My beloved spoke, and said to me: "Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away." Do our hearts leap as the Shulamite to hear our Saviour speak? He has given us ears to hear and eyes to see and He reveals Himself everywhere. Everything is not God, but much of what we see in nature proclaims the wisdom, goodness, and love of God we ought to take to heart.
How awesome and amazing it is God would love me and you! All people are born into this world alone and we will die alone. It's true we have family and friends, yet ultimately all must face death alone and then judgment before God. We can be surrounded by people and activity and at the same time be struck with a profound sense of loneliness. But praise the LORD we do not need to ever be alone, because God is close to all who draw near to Him in faith. He will accompany us during our days on earth and for all eternity because He who has promised is faithful. Distance, time, and death cannot separate us from Him. How good it is to be loved and accepted by the great God who reveals Himself.