19 June 2020

Moving Day

Over the past week my family and I have moved into a new house down the road.  Our prayers to own a house in Sydney have been answered by our gracious and generous God who has fulfilled His promise to establish us in Australia.  Like Joshua affirmed, not one word has failed from God's promises to His people and we are thankful and grateful for His faithful provision.

The days this week ran together as we rose early and stayed up late packing, moving, arranging, and organising in the new house and cleaning the house we vacated.  My thoughts have been as scattered as the books, boxes, and furniture around the house and the chaotic mess around me.  I have been easily distracted by jobs unfinished and I forgot as soon as I remembered.  A couple of maxims have been confirmed during this move, and one of these is it is better to be done than perfect.  Striving for perfection from the onset leads to analysis paralysis or sets up an impossible standard to meet.  Better to be satisfied with your best effort given the circumstances rather than giving up or procrastinating and accomplishing nothing.

As we moved furniture and boxes into the new house, I learned new doesn't mean perfect.  One might assume a new house is free from defects or flaws but this is an unrealistic expectation.  We have found several flaws in the design and workmanship the professional builders ignored or missed, and this should be expected because no one is perfect.  Our second day of living in the house I dug tools out of boxes to fix a fitting on our rainwater tank that had been dripping for months.  The inspector we hired wrote reports of defects and commented on the poor quality of aspects of construction and thankfully none of them are serious.

The concept of new not being perfect reminds me of our lives after we come to Jesus in faith.  After being born again the Holy Spirit regenerates us through the Gospel and makes us new creations.  Not one person who is made new is instantly made perfect.  As long as we live in these bodies we will fall short of perfection.  We retain deeply flawed in our ways of thinking and feelings can lead us to stray from Christ.  Moving into a new house means carrying a lot of your old stuff (and junk!) from the old house into the new one, and we can bring sinful habits into the new relationship we have with God.  We are wise to make the most of the new start God gives us initially (and every day) to keep our minds and hearts clean of rubbish and filth.

Praise the LORD for the opportunity for relationship God extends by grace to all.  Knowing Him is better than a new house which will grow old, fade, gather dust, and require expensive maintenance.  Even now Jesus is preparing a place for us to live together with Him forever, and as suitable as this new house is I am really looking forward to moving day with Him.

12 June 2020

Life from Life

Since my youth I have always had a great interest in science.  Over the years I took classes of biology, chemistry, physics, and geology.  It is evident through my studies there are certain aspects of science which are "settled," like the law of gravity and biogenesis.  The composition of elements have been established, and mathematic formulas have been discovered to unlock technology and even make space travel possible.  One aspect of science which I have always struggled to process (and my feelings on the subject range from comical to even the ridiculous) is how Darwinian evolution has been crowned by many a "consensus view" and the answer to origin of the universe, our earth, and even life itself.

The other day I was looking up the work Louis Pasteur on biogenesis, the scientist who is credited by many for proving by a simple experiment how living cells can only be reproduced by living cells--a counter position from spontaneous generation.  Pasteur was making no claim to suppose how life began, but he and others through their tests and corresponding evidence confirm life only naturally arises from life.  The Wikipedia page is concise and brief (with only a handful of sources) because biogenesis was effectively proved long ago.  On a whim I decided to look at Wikipedia's offering concerning abiogenesis, and it did not disappoint.  The very lengthy page, sporting hundreds of sources heavy with modern scholarship, begins like this:
"Abiogenesis, or informally the origin of life, is the natural process by which life has arisen from non-living matter, such as simple organic compounds.  While the details of this process are still unknown, the prevailing scientific hypothesis is that the transition from non-living to living entities was not a single event, but an evolutionary process of increasing complexity that involved molecular self-replication, self-assembly, autocatalysis, and the emergence of cell membranes.  Although the occurrence of abiogenesis is uncontroversial among scientists, its possible mechanisms are poorly understood."
This is how I would sum up this fancy statement:  "Abiogenesis is a given but no one has any idea how."  And when it comes to origins, science is absolutely in the dark concerning why we exist.  Based on my survey of the article on the subject, abiogenesis is as far from "settled science" as science gets.  It was settled by Pasteur but no one seems to care.  We live in an incredibly complex world full of design, order, microscopic cellular machines, and biological marvels yet Pasteur's study shows me the truth can be simple.  If life only comes from life it follows a living being created our world and all living things in it.  The evidence all around us shows cells, plants, animals, and people reproduce after their own kind.  It is no stretch for me therefore to believe Genesis 1:1 is true:  "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."  Of course this verse does not scientifically prove the existence of God or how the miraculous creation of life on our earth (finely-tuned to support life in countless forms) was made to flourish--but it seems adherents to abiogenesis can do no better.

10 June 2020

Who God Teaches

"Who is the man that fears the LORD? Him shall He teach in the way He chooses. 13 He himself shall dwell in prosperity, and his descendants shall inherit the earth. 14 The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant."
Psalm 25:12-14

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and Jesus Christ is wisdom for us.  His wisdom is infinite and absolute yet God chooses unique ways to teach every person.  Unlike a school environment where the course curriculum is set and all students take the same exams, God teaches each of His children in the way He chooses.  It is awesome how God individually tailors the way He instructs us though His Word does not change.  We read the same Bible and see the same sun rise and set every day but the way He teaches you is different to how He teaches me.  The scripture assures us the man who fears the LORD shall be taught by God.

In an attempt to be efficient and ensure the necessary information is conveyed and understood many schools and countries have standardised tests.  When we walk in the fear of the LORD and place our faith in Him the wealth of God's wisdom is opened to us.  The souls to whom God has revealed His covenant through the Gospel will prosper now and forever.  Jesus said in Matthew 5:7-9, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."  God is the source of divine mercy, purity, and peace.  The only way a man can meet the conditions to be blessed in these ways is to be born again through faith in Jesus Christ, and having been born again God makes us to grow.

It is amazing how fast infants begin to develop and grow, gain awareness, dexterity, and discover their finger and toes.  Slowly they gain strength to hold their heads up, roll over, sit up by themselves, crawl and walk.  Their personality begins to shine through and it is delightful for a parent to observe the process.  What the future holds for our children largely is a mystery, but our future is not a mystery to God.  He created our personality and knows what He is preparing us to do.  We do not always understand why God allows trials and difficulties in our lives, what He possibly could be accomplishing through lessons we would rather avoid.  Teachers are powerless to teach the student who skips school but not God--as Jonah learned in the belly of a great fish.

Do you trust God to teach you and others in the way He chooses?  Clothing is not "one size fits all" and the same God teaches His children in different ways.  Praise the LORD the good lessons He teaches us are applicable to others and provide encouragement to fear the LORD.  As we walk with Jesus He is faithful to teach us many things.  To celebrate a revelation from God is to rejoice in Him, and God delights in this prosperous soul.

09 June 2020

Commit Your Way to the LORD

The Bible provides God's wisdom for life.  God graciously provides blessing to those who seek Him and obey His Word.  Psalm 37:3-5 says, "Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. 4 Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. 5 Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass."  Trusting in God and faithful reliance upon Him to supply our needs now and for the future are central themes in scripture.

David's exhortation to trust in the LORD hearkens back to the goodness of God in the past and present.  God who fed them in the wilderness provided them land as an inheritance where they flourished.  Those who delighted themselves in the LORD would have desires which aligned with the One who delights to do good and save.  The Word He provided would be a lamp unto their feet and a light unto their path to show the right way to live.  David urged, "Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass."

The definition of the Hebrew word translated "commit" may surprise you.  The Strong's concordance says it means, "to roll (literal or figurative), commit, remove, roll (away, down, together).Webster's 1828 Dictionary says (among many options) it is:  "to give in trust; to put into the hands or power of another; to entrust; to put into any place for preservation; to deposit."  A "commital" is a traditional part of a funeral service, to commit the deceased to the earth or sea.  When a person commits a crime they are irreversibly guilty of breaking the law.  David says to commit your way to the LORD as we trust Him to sovereignly guide us.  Psalm 37:23 reveals the one whose ways is committed to God:  "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, and He delights in his way."

In 10-pin bowling, a heavy ball is rolled from a distance to knock down pins and score points.  60 feet from the pins there is a foul line the bowler's feet are not permitted to cross.  Once a bowler reaches the foul line the ball must be released from the hand.  It might be tempting to walk past the line and roll the ball at point-blank range to improve a result, but that is not bowling:  one must aim at the mark, commit the ball to the lane, and trust the ball to hook into the pocket for a strike.  To commit is to release and roll away from us, and that is something we can be loathe to do.  We like to have control and affect an outcome for our benefit.  We feel uneasy to trust God and our grubby hands clutch our ways, foolishly thinking we know more and do better than God.  We would love to cut corners off the course God has set for us to run to reach the end more speedily.  Yet when we hold on in unbelief we can disqualify ourselves from God's gracious blessings.

Proverbs 16:9 dovetails well with the conditional promises in Psalm 37:  "A man's heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps."  Because God has given each person a will of their own there will always be tension between our will and God's will, between our responsibility and God's sovereignty.  The man whose steps are ordered by God in whom He delights trusts in Him, delights in God, and commits his way to the LORD.  The way we commit our way unto the LORD is to trust and obey Him.  There is only so much that depends upon us, and even our dependence upon God is by the grace of God.  The one who trusts God and commits his way to the LORD in faith will ultimately enjoy a favourable outcome in God's time and way.  After all, what is more favourable than our faithful God delighting in us?