27 June 2022

The Stage of Duty

How easily people can be fooled!  I saw a clip recently of a celebrity chef who asked a couple of young and unknown chefs to make a few dishes.  The famous chef brought out the dishes as if he cooked them himself, and the restaurant owners were full of praise for the beautifully presented and prepared food.  After they heaped lavish praise on the celebrity chef, who obviously was the real deal because they had sampled his fares themselves, he revealed he was not responsible for the delectable food they enjoyed:  it was their own staff they imagined to be the weak link in their establishment.  The employers hid their embarrassment very well, having been made to eat humble pie in public.

Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.  God is intimately acquainted with what we cannot see or know, for the motives of others are hidden from our eyes.  On several occasions circumstances have laid this bare for me, for I too have been mislead.  I am still learning the difficult lesson of rejoicing in the LORD rather than in a person's apparent maturity or growth in grace, for people are not always whom they seem to be.  Samuel was ready to anoint Eliab as king over Israel for his regal bearing yet God had refused him, and to seek the LORD and heed His guidance is wise.

William Gurnall wrote concerning his observations of others in their dealings with personal sin:
"Is Satan divided?  Will the devil within fight against the devil without?  Satan in the heart shut out Satan at the door?  Sometimes indeed there appears a scuffle between Satan and a carnal heart, but is a mere cheat, like the fighting of two fencers on a stage.  You would think at first they were in earnest, but observing how wary they are, [and] where they hit one another, you may soon know they do not mean to kill; and that which puts all out of doubt, when the prize is done you shall see them making merry together with what they have got of their spectators, which was all they fought for.  When a carnal heart makes the greatest bustle against sin by complaining of it, or praying against it, follow him but off the stage of duty, where he hath gained the reputation of a saint--the prize he fights for--and you shall see them sit as friendly together in a corner as ever." (Gurnall, William. The Christian in Complete Armour. Banner of Truth Trust, 1987. pages 49-50)

I have witnessed this sort of thing in sport when games feature rival teams with a long, bitter history.  It happens even after international tests:  the athletes playing for their country leave everything out on the field and after the game shake hands, embrace and head off to the pub for pints.  They probably are invited to each other's weddings and birthday parties.  No one enjoys losing a game, yet the players do enjoy the camaraderie between their fellow athletes.  They know there will be another game and at the next opportunity seek to win on the international stage.  If this is our approach towards temptation and sin, we ought not be surprised when we are soundly beaten by it.  Since Jesus died to free us from the curse and power and sin, we ought to see it as a life and death struggle--not a friendly match but the real thing that counts.  We can be the one deceived about the intentions of someone else who only fights to gain the reputation as a believer, and we can be that carnal person too.

It may be the humble pie those restaurant owners ate was the first step in improving their business and relations with their crew, and it all could have been played up for the cameras as a cheat.  Regardless, it is good for us to examine our own hearts as we look to the LORD, knowing He looks upon the heart.  In a world where reality TV has directors, producers and demographics they aim for and cater to, let us humble our hearts before God in faith off the stage of duty, choosing to put sin revealed in our lives to death because Jesus died so we could live, receive His love, forgiveness and salvation.

26 June 2022

Now God Will be Exalted

During our lives there is much that can throw us for a loop.  In addition to our own feelings and circumstances we can receive news that grieves our hearts.  This is my personal experience as I hear and see reports of the United States are as divided as ever.  It looks like the greatest threat to the prosperity and peace of the U.S. are the citizens of the States themselves.  Some people say election results are not trustworthy, and other say decisions of the Supreme Court are illegitimate.  People rejoice over increased gun control to reduce violence while others feel their rights are being infringed.  Lately people have celebrated abortion is no longer a federal mandate to save the lives of unborn whilst the other side believes their constitutional rights are being stripped away.  The strife, discord, threats and hatred of one another is palpable, and any outlook for peaceable, humble unity is grim.

For a believer it is not healthy or beneficial to be preoccupied or distressed by these developments, nor is it wise to place our faith in political sway or legislation.  I find it impossible to rejoice when these recent reports reveal a hardness of heart towards God and one another, devoid of the fear of God, of love for God and fellow man.  The argument was increased gun control doesn't keep criminals from breaking laws by stealing, buying or 3D-printing firearms; another argument was the restriction of abortion will not keep people from risking their health with "back alley" abortions.  Both of these arguments agree legislation cannot change the hearts and minds of people.  When we dig in our heels and refuse to budge for anyone--even God--the best and most equitable laws will not improve society at all.  Man will find a way to rebel and reject God to follow his own heart to destruction.  Recent conflicts reveal the schisms that already existed under the surface, and it seems there is no healing balm for them.

When David was overwhelmed he looked to the LORD with faith who rules and reigns on high, and this is an excellent example all ought to follow.  This morning I read Isaiah 33:5-6:  "The LORD is exalted, for He dwells on high; He has filled Zion with justice and righteousness. 6 Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times, and the strength of salvation; the fear of the LORD is His treasure."  God is exalted, and blessed are those who exalt Him, who trust in His wisdom, knowledge and strength.  God's goodness and power will be the "stability of your times," and this is timeless truth we can rely upon.  No matter what happens in the world, who wins or loses an elections, regardless of the changing of legislation or a government, the one who fears the LORD is treasured by Him.  We protect what we treasure, and the LORD protects and provides for those who fear and love Him by His grace.

How the grieving and troubled hearts of God's people are lifted by the word of the LORD in Isaiah 33:10:  "Now I will rise," says the LORD; "now I will be exalted, now I will lift Myself up."  No one appointed or elected God who is alive and rises when He pleases to do His perfect will.  The drunkard and fearful person stumbles in the dark, but God rises and stands with power to save and deliver.  It does not matter if the enemy is from without or within, for He is our advocate and Saviour who gives eternal life, perfect peace and fullness of joy that is ours by faith in Jesus.  Those who hear the words of Jesus and do them He likens to a wise man who builds his house upon the rock that will endure the storm and flood.  He has made us upright by the power of the Holy Spirit, and so let us walk in the fear of the LORD and His timeless wisdom.  We cannot fix the broken world we live in, nor are we called to:  we are called to unite our hearts to fear His name, as much as depends on us to walk peaceably with one another, and to walk humbly with our God who is risen and is exalted on high.

24 June 2022

Love the LORD

One aspect I love about God is He is good and does not change.  It does not matter what country we reside in or what politicians or government hold power, whether we see legislation changing for good or ill, for He rules as LORD over all.  The irony is God's people at times are as likely to forget or revolt against Him as unbelievers who continue in unbelief.  This was true in the days of Isaiah in Israel, and the same tendency to look to something other than God for help stubbornly persists in our times.

A pitfall that has stumbled many is a focus on what God could or should do for us rather than seeking His face and waiting on Him.  It is possible we can idolise our relationship with God received by grace rather than rejoicing in and celebrating God Himself.  We can look to eternity in heaven with glorified bodies for comfort that is found in the presence of God alone today; we can cling to promises rather than resting and trusting in He Who has promised.  This subtle idolatry can worm its way into our thinking as we continue our pilgrimage in the flesh, caring more for what we can potentially receive from God than the Giver Himself.

After pronouncing woe on people of God who looked to Egypt and horsemen for help rather than God, the prophet said in Isaiah 31:6-7:  "Return to Him against whom the children of Israel have deeply revolted. 7 For in that day every man shall throw away his idols of silver and his idols of gold--sin, which your own hands have made for yourselves."  This call to return to God is fitting for today, for Jesus called out to the church in Ephesus in Revelation 2 and revealed they had left their first love.  His call was to repent and do the first works again.  What are the first works He referred to?  It is faith which works by love.  In Ephesians 1:15 Paul commended them for their faith in the LORD Jesus and their love unto all the saints.  Like that church fellowship, over time we too can find our love has grown cold.

Love the LORD, you His saints!  Praise Him for His goodness in all seasons of life!  He is our help and shield, our comfort, One who saves and delivers.  He remains and sits enthroned over all things and everyone, and may we return to enthrone Him in our hearts with faith and love.  In a world of confusion, anger, hopelessness and conflict God is not troubled, for He has all things in hand.  May we truly love God for all He is, the just Judge and KING OF KINGS who never faints or is weary.  Let us return and look to the LORD who loved us first and will continue to uphold us in His love forever.

22 June 2022

Where God Looks to Dwell

When king Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem, he knew it was inadequate to house the almighty God who is eternal and dwells on high in unapproachable glory.  Through the Law of Moses God made a way for men to be sanctified as priests and for acceptable worship, offerings and sacrifice.  God's desire was to dwell among His people, yet their sinful condition made fellowship and communion impossible.  God in His mercy provided atonement and cleansing of sin as His people looked to Him in faith and obedience.

God said through the prophet in Isaiah 66:1-2, "Thus says the LORD: "Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you will build Me? And where is the place of My rest? 2 For all those things My hand has made, and all those things exist," says the LORD. "But on this one will I look: on him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word."  The invisible, glorious God shares no likeness with engraved images, nor is He confined within houses of worship.  All of heaven is His throne, far beyond what our eyes can see.  There is nothing made by man that God requires or can benefit Him at all.  Even the most glorious edifices constructed and adorned by men cannot be compared to His inspiring greatness.

God was not looking for man to build Him a house to dwell in, but God was looking to indwell those who fear and trust Him.  Paul revealed the spiritual reality of God's choice to reside within every Christian in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20:  "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?"  Every born again follower of Jesus Christ can know with confidence our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, that our bodies are indeed the dwelling place and house of God.  He is not attracted to dwell in ornate structures but these perishing bodies that are like tents that grow old and wear out.  Like Abraham dwelt in tents as he walked through the land God would give as an inheritance to him and his descendants, so God dwells in us as His inheritance during our earthly pilgrimage.

Hebrews 11:8-10 says, "By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. 9 By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise; 10 for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God."  By faith Abraham dwelt in the land of promise and lived in tents because he was waiting for a permanent home made by God.  In an amazing parallel, God has chosen to dwell inside believers He has purchased by the blood of Jesus, claimed as His own inheritance, and will one day usher us into His presence where He sits enthroned for eternity.  By His grace, we are God's gift for Himself.  He is not drawn to us by our physical beauty, earthly wealth or abilities, but by a humble heart and contrite spirit that trembles at His word.

We can build elaborate temples and structures, but it does not follow God resides in them.  He looks at people as a builder does a heritage house that is dilapidated and condemned with an aim to restore and improve it--not to flip on the market for a profit--but to make a dream home to live in himself.  God looks for hurting, beat down, broken hearts willing to humble themselves before Him in faith and to make Him room where He is pleased to dwell, for people who gladly hand over the title deed of their lives and say to their Saviour, "LORD Jesus, come on in."  We receive Jesus by faith as we are, knowing we will never be the same.