01 November 2022

Let Go of that Hobby Horse

One benefit of personally reading and teaching through the Bible verse by verse is gaining broad exposure to God's word and wisdom.  It is a good practice to observe points of emphasis and repetition in scripture that we might heed them.  It is true that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness, yet it is possible in teaching and ordinary conversation we major on the minors and thus miss the mark.  Years ago I remember a man who was obsessed to discern the validity of a popular Christian book.  His troubled mental state would have been far more greatly helped to stop debating or fretting over that popular book and rely upon God's word that remains true and relevant forever.

A primary aim I have in teaching is to present an accurate depiction of God's word under His guidance.  The grand, overarching themes of scripture that God created all things, Jesus Christ is God with us, the Gospel, the power of the Holy Spirit and our duty to love God and others ought to be regularly emphasised.  I discipline myself to exercise caution to avoid reading into passages and taking liberty to claim the Bible says things it does not explicitly say.  As we read each chapter hungry for a revelation of God and His wisdom, He is faithful to provide all the timeless truth we need so we might glean and receive it, far more than Boaz left Ruth in his field.  Should we cling to a "hobby horse" instead of God's word this preoccupation can distract us from the truth, cause us to dismiss what is plainly said and lead to unbalanced extremes--and even error.

It is good when our favourite topics align with those in scripture, and when they do I would not view this as a hobby horse.  A hobby horse is a toy (a stick with a horse's head mounted on it) that is not necessary for the health, growth or development of a child, and thus a hobby horse in preaching is unnecessary to the exposition of a text.  It is as strange and foreign to scripture as it is to see literal hobby horses brought by congregants at a church gathering.  A hobby horse does not have legs or power of its own and must be carried around for fun.  It could be used as a walking stick or for beating other people over the head.  It could be a source of comfort for the one who parades it into conversations to demonstrate the benefits to others.  I am not immune from the tendency towards hobby horses of my own, yet I believe they are better suited for a nursery than a pulpit.  The Holy Spirit who knows the hearts and minds of men is able to reveal the hobby horses I have taken up, and He is also able to convince me and others to release our grip by faith in Christ our LORD.

It grieves me to say I have had a reputation for many things but not always Christ.  Would to God people would say of me, "There is someone who loves Jesus" and then talk about how wonderful Jesus is because His love, grace and goodness shone through me.  How easy it is to be caught up in troubles of the day or dramas in the lives of people and take that up as a hobby horse in our thoughts rather than looking to the LORD in prayer for salvation, hope and help.  Instead of crossing hobby horses like lightsabers with fellow Christians, let us raise our hands to the almighty God in praise and adoration.  Let us place our faith in God and read His word with hungry hearts, knowing we will be filled and sustained by His grace.  Proverbs 23:23 says, "Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding."  Jesus is the Truth, the One who has purchased us and is wisdom for us.  Unlike a hobby horse, we do not carry Him:  the One who was lifted up draws us and all to Himself.

31 October 2022

Written by God

One thing I was always fascinated and impressed with as a kid was my dad's signature.  It was a scrawl of barely recognisable letters he could reproduce again and again without fail, his own mark.  Surely no forger would attempt that signature!  I enjoyed flipping through a book that contained carbon copies of cheques where page after page of the signature was written.  Occasionally I asked him to sign a blank piece of paper just to see him write it again in person.  Inspired by his signature I tried to develop a signature of my own, yet none could possibly eclipse the immaculate style and flourish of his pen.

Something I have grown to treasure even more than my dad's writing is God's word the Bible, spoken by God and penned for us so we might know Him and walk in His ways.  I felt quite proud to know the illegible words my dad's signature represented, but it is humbling to know God has chosen to speak forth His wisdom so it might be heard and heeded.  God has given to each a measure of faith, and faith when mixed with the hearing of God's word makes it most profitable for life and godliness.  The God who is unfathomable in majesty has graciously revealed Himself through His word, and the heavens and His redeemed proclaim His glory.  Deuteronomy 29:29 reads, "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law."

Over the span of our lives our signatures morph and change, yet God's word endures forever and remains unchanged and perfect as He is.  As Psalm 119:105 states, God's word is a lamp to our feet and a light to my path.  Not only does it reveal the truth about God and us, but it ought to be used as a guide to walk wisely every day.  Consider the words of Jesus in Mark 4:21-22:  "Also He said to them, "Is a lamp brought to be put under a basket or under a bed? Is it not to be set on a lampstand? 22 For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light."  Treasuring God's word in our hearts keeps us from sinning against God.  The words of life revealed to us are beneficial to share with others as we heed them ourselves, not to brag of our knowledge, but to demonstrate love in leading others to Jesus as LORD.

My dad's signature was written by hand, and the heavens and earth--and all that is in them--are the work of God's hands.  Jesus pointed to the Roman coin that bore the image of Caesar to support the authority of Caesar to require taxes, and God created human beings in His own image.  Romans 13:7-8 says, "Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour. 8 Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law."  We only live, breathe and have our being because of God, and we ought to fear, honour and love God over all as He is worthy to be praised.  He does more than we could ever do, and He is greater than we could ever hope to be.  Glory to God for His gracious love and enduring word.

29 October 2022

The Work of God

"Then they said to Him, "What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?" 29 Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent."
John 6:28-29

Belief in Jesus as the promised Messiah is not only the start of a relationship with God but the only way we grow as we exercise faith in submission to Him.  When the Jews asked Jesus about doing the works of God, likely thought about what they needed to do.  Jesus pointed to the work He desired to do inside them, that they would believe Jesus was the Christ and follow Him obediently.  It is much easier to attempt work for God rather than allow Him to work and continue working unhindered in us.

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30, "Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."  The illustration Jesus used was an ox wearing a yoke, a device that allowed two oxen to walk along beside each other as a team.  Jesus extended an open invitation to whoever was weary to come to Him and find rest for their souls.  One might think the place of rest is not in a yoke but once the yoke is removed.  Jesus says when we take His yoke upon us and learn from Him we find rest for our souls.  Walking alongside Him we are greatly helped and our  crushing burdens lifted.

Yoked oxen walked together in cooperation according to verbal cues or a goad.  The farmer who directed the plough that cut through the soil behind them into furrows to prepare for planting.  As a trained ox recognises commands, Jesus always did the will of the Father.  Oxen could not see the "work" that was occurring behind them as they walked forward on hard-packed, fallow ground.  The relationship of a team to their trainer and owner was based on trust, and so is our relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  We might not realise the work ordained by God that taking place out of sight behind us.  The real work can begin when we humbly respond to the invitation to come to Him and take His yoke upon us by faith in Him.

A farmer might employ the strength of an ox to plough a field, to thresh grain or to pull a cart.  What was required of the oxen was fairly simple:  to obey the commands of the farmer.  How privileged we are to come alongside and to learn from Jesus who is gentle and lowly of heart, not condescending and arrogant.  No amount of working can earn God's acceptance or approval; no sacrifice is worthy of an audience with the almighty God.  The work of God is to believe in Jesus and that is the place where the weary labourer finds rest by God's grace.  It isn't the fields we clear or the furrows we cut that are evidence of the work of God in us but our position wearing Christ's yoke, a work that takes place in and then though us.

27 October 2022

An Error Code and Divine Intervention

God who created all things is able to do everything, and this includes using a common household appliance to reveal unbelief in a heart and mind.  Allow me to explain. :)

A couple weeks back our condensing dryer stopped working.  I have a systematic approach to such events:  I dig up the manual, look up the error code and see if there is anything I can do about it.  In this case our Electrolux dryer flashed the letters "EHO" which meant there was an electrical fault in the circuit board.  Since the machine is under warranty for another 6 months it was not a repair I was willing to tackle.  And besides, I have never bothered to invest in a soldering gun.  The manual was hardly informative, and from what I gleaned online the only way to reset the machine was to turn it off for a few minutes and turn it on again.  It was the same problem over and over.

When my wife handed me the extended warranty paperwork for the machine, it was evident to me she wanted nothing to do with it.  I also voiced my feelings that I didn't want to handle it either.  But in our household the dryer has plenty of use and it was still under warranty.  The loving thing to do was to make the call.  Since the fault occurred on a weekend I needed to wait until Monday to contact the company.  On several occasions I tried to start the machine again, only to see the same error code.  "LORD," I prayed, "fix this machine so I don't need to organise this repair."  Well, Monday came and the machine was still broken.  I called the company and there was more I needed to do to prove my identity online.  I ended up scanning documents and applying for the repair online, no need to torture you with the details.

Days later I received a call by the service technician who said the soonest they could inspect the machine was 2 weeks later.  Without a choice I agreed to the service and then went back to the machine...which worked perfectly.  I was gobsmacked.  I know machines don't fix themselves!  Again and again the machine turned on, spun and turned off without any trouble.  After all the hassle the machine worked!  I didn't know how to feel about this sudden changed condition.  I didn't want to immediately cancel the service call because what if the persistent fault started again?  But since the machine worked fine having a technician test it was an unnecessary waste of time.  Then I remembered I had prayed for God to fix the machine.  Given the circumstances and how many times I checked the machine, the most rational option was to credit God for fixing the dryer.  It occurred to me my motive for praying was more about my convenience and comfort than it actually be operational, I mean, we have insurance for that.

The fact it was hard for me to accept God had fixed the dryer exposed unbelief secretly nestled in a heart that believes God can do everything.  My reluctance to call and cancel the service call immediately betrayed a mind that did not trust God to enable the machine to keep running, a person who selfishly hoped to receive the benefit of an extended warranty, and disdain to pay to repair or for a new machine if it died 7 months from now.  My troubled feelings were symptomatic of selfish flesh and unbelief.  As I am writing I can hear the machine whirring in the other room like a trooper, all by the grace of God who is faithful to teach us even when I doubted He did anything.  How important it is for us followers of Jesus to credit God for all He does and how much we desperately need Him.

Unlike machines, we don't have the benefit of a touch-screen or user manual that shows our errors plainly for us to see.  But God has given us the light of His word and the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgment.  The thoughts and feelings I experienced were a evidence of faults inside me due to selfishness, unbelief in God and lack of love towards others.  Just as God fixed the dryer, He is able to transform us from within when we confess and repent of our sin He brings to light.  If anything goes well in our lives it is by His merciful hand, and when He divinely intervenes to correct and chasten us it is with gentleness.  When things go wrong it would be foolish to assume it is the devil having a go at you when it can be the God-ordained means to draw you to Himself in faith so we might rejoice in Him and proclaim His goodness.