There is no question Elkanah was good to Hannah, and he used a phrase similar to that employed in the previous book of Ruth. When Ruth gave birth to a son by Boaz, she provided Naomi an heir who would receive the family inheritance. Ruth 4:14-15 says, "Then
the women said to Naomi, "Blessed be the LORD, who has not left you this day
without a close relative; and may his name be famous in Israel! 15 And may he be to you a restorer of life and a
nourisher of your old age; for your daughter-in-law, who loves you, who is
better to you than seven sons, has borne him." Ruth was a caring, supportive and obedient daughter-in-law who loved Naomi and the LORD God of Israel. Before they were wed, Boaz affirmed Ruth was known to all those in Bethlehem to be a virtuous woman. In saying Ruth was a better daughter-in-law than seven sons, the point was Ruth ought to be treasured by Naomi more than a means to a grandson (or 7 of them!), and Elkanah was a greater blessing to Hannah than any sons he could supply.
The sad story takes a lovely turn when Hannah, in deep grief and sorrow, poured out her heart to the LORD in prayer at the tabernacle. She begged God to give her conception and promised if God gave her a son she would dedicate him wholly to the LORD's service in the tabernacle. God did not ignore the cry or tears of Hannah who sought Him: God Who provided a loving husband in Elkanah also provided a son according to her request without reproach. God did not chastise Hannah for the desires of her heart, for ingratitude or lack of contentment, as she boldly poured out her soul before the LORD Who was her refuge and giver of all good things. I am blessed by Hannah's example, that she did not stuff her sorrow away or suffer in silence and neglect coming before the LORD. Her season of provocation, pain and barrenness resulted in the birth of a son who would grow up to be the prophet and judge Samuel whose name means, "God has heard." The birth of the child and his life of blessing to the nation was a testimony of the living God who hears and answers prayer--borne out of sorrow by faith in God.
Hannah prayed fervently for a son, and she made good on her promise to the LORD to dedicate him wholly to the LORD. God did for Hannah more than she asked for as 1 Samuel 2:21 states, "And
the LORD visited Hannah, so that
she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters. Meanwhile the child Samuel
grew before the LORD." See the fruit God causes to grow through sorrow of soul for those who seek and trust in Him! Hannah shed many tears over the provocations of Peninnah, yet it was after she sought the LORD help and hope was provided by Him. God did not begrudge Hannah for the desires of her heart and her request to bear a son, and He does not reproach any of His children who approach Him needy, helpless and fruitless to seek His favour. God is better to us than a spouse or all the sons or daughters in the world, and let us rejoice and worship our LORD with gladness today--as if we have already received infinitely more than we asked for!