John assured Gaius he would personally address the situation upon his arrival. In light of Diotrephes, John's exhortation is a comfort to all people who discover problems with church people in 3 John 1:11: "Beloved,
do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He who does good is of God, but
he who does evil has not seen God." Gaius was reminded he was beloved of the LORD and of John. He and the brethren were not without help or consolation in the conflict concerning Diotrephes. John nor Gaius needed to be moved by fear of man or worry over what to do. There was no need for retaliation or immediate intervention. Gaius was told not to imitate evil, but to keep doing what is good. Doing good was something, by the grace of God, Gaius and we can do.
John did not saddle Gaius with the responsibility of attempting to enforce church discipline upon Diotrephes, to gather together men intent on dethroning him, or to flee from fellowship. Gaius was to avoid following Diotrephes' sinful ways and follow Jesus Christ in obedience, humility and submission. Even if Gaius was the next person to be thrown out of the church, he was not to resort to the ways of Diotrephes in an attempt to set things right. It is not uncommon for conflict or difficulties to arise between people in the church. A bigger potential problem than the original offence is when troubled believers do not respond with grace and humility in dealing with their own sin, justifying ungodly means to expose flawed leaders with fleshly tactics like Diotrephes did.
Whether a person is in a leadership role in the church or not, the command of John is one we all ought to take to heart. We are not to imitate evil examples but to do what is good. Those who are of God will walk in the steps of our LORD Jesus Christ in humility, meekness, and obedience to the Father. The church Diotrephes was a part of were blessed and benefitted greatly from having brothers like Gaius and Demetrius around as John said in 3 John 1:12, men unspoiled by the wicked influence of Diotrephes: "Demetrius has a good testimony from all, and from the truth
itself. And we also bear witness, and you know that our testimony is true." In refusing to imitate evil and doing what is good, may our lives be a good testimony to all that we know God and walk in truth.