15 September 2024

God's Gracious Provision

I was impressed by the grace and goodness of God to meet the true needs of His people when they were not seeking Him.  After the prophet Elijah predicted a drought, king Ahab and a devout steward named Obadiah went looking for water and grass to sustain the lives of their horses and mules.  While Obadiah was looking for water, Elijah was guided by God to meet him.  1 Kings 18:7 reads, "Now as Obadiah was on his way, suddenly Elijah met him; and he recognized him, and fell on his face, and said, "Is that you, my lord Elijah?"  Apparently king Ahab had tried in vain to find Elijah for many years since Ahab blamed the drought on him.

God's ordained meeting of Elijah with Obadiah led to the epic showdown on Mount Carmel between the prophets of Baal and Elijah.  When God answered Elijah's prayer and consumed the waterlogged sacrifice in the sight of the people, they fell before the LORD in worship of the God of Israel.  Shortly thereafter Elijah bowed before the LORD in prayer, and torrential rain fell that was desperately needed by the people, herds, livestock and crops after a long drought.  It is wonderful to consider how Obadiah looked for water at the king's command, yet Elijah sought Obadiah by God's command that eventuated with the end of severe drought.

While Ahab and Obadiah looked for water to meet the physical needs of their animals, God created an opportunity to meet the spiritual needs of His people He values infinitely more than horses.  For a long time the people "halted" or limped between two opinions, divided in their allegiance between Baal and the God of Israel.  After Elijah repaired the altar of God that had been broken down, he dug a trench around it.  He directed four barrels to be filled with water and dumped on the sacrifice and wood three times and also filled the trench.  I imagine people in drought were appalled at this apparent waste this life-saving resource poured out on the ground.  But the abundance of water magnified the miracle that revealed God in truth to His people, the almighty God who causes rain to fall in due season and supplies the Living Water of the Holy Spirit to all who trust in Jesus.

Obadiah looked for water, but God was looking out for him and whole of Israel to supply their physical and spiritual needs abundantly.  When people are made aware of their lack, God is faithful to reveal Himself and meet needs we assumed were beyond His reach.  1 Kings 18:38-39 shows God's response to Elijah's prayer:  "Then the fire of the LORD fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench. 39 Now when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said, "The LORD, He is God! The LORD, He is God!"  Consider the faithfulness of God to redeem a long drought so people's eyes would be opened and worship Him who is worthy!  While people are looking to satisfy personal thirst and needs temporarily, God redeems our temporary need to supply our eternal needs by His grace.

13 September 2024

Worship Etiquette

Growing up, bowling was an activity I enjoyed as a special treat, and in university I took bowling as an elective.  Before our local bowling alley turned to electronic scoring, we used a pencil with paper that included "bowling etiquette."  The paper explained it was rude to stand on the wood approach waiting for your ball to return as this prevented bowlers on either side from bowling in turn.  It is also very bad form when one person is about to begin their approach and then quickly bowl next to them--which is sure to draw the ire of serious bowlers.  In "open" bowling it is understood many people are not aware of proper bowling etiquette, but in league play this is unacceptable and frowned upon.

In many activities we take seriously--whether sports competitions, hobbies or simply eating at the table--there is good etiquette we observe and encourage others to do as well.  Those who are new or less experienced can benefit greatly from being shown and told about good etiquette they are ignorant of.  This is true concerning church services.  I am at times almost impressed by the diversity of perspectives concerning worship through song by parishioners based on my observations over many years.  Even when I have been to conferences for senior pastors only, I have been amazed at times of a tardy approach to gathering and distracted behaviour by those who ought to know better.

When it comes to good worship etiquette, the most important thing is to be present--concerning punctuality as well as giving full attention to the LORD God as we sing praises to Him.  Since we take care to be early or on time for important meetings with higher-ups in the workplace, it seems inconsistent for us to be slack to arrive at the start of a public gathering before the almighty God.  The practice I find utterly confounding is to take photos or videos during a worship gathering to post to social media.  It is amazing to be in a place where God's people are united to praise Him with one voice in song, but if our focus is on God we will not be thinking about trying to capture the moment for ourselves.  And how can a video capture the wonder of drawing near to our LORD in worship?  Doesn't it work to undermine the unity of Spirit when some hold up their our phones to take a video rather raising empty hands in praise before our Saviour and King?

I am reminded of the lyrics to a verse in the hymn Rock of Ages:  "Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling; naked, come to Thee for dress, helpless, look to Thee for grace:  foul, I to the fountain fly, wash me, Savior, or I die."  Described here is a singular focus and desperation to enter into the LORD's presence that is foreign to those seeking to memorialise the moment.  It is good form for us to raise empty hands to the LORD in praise and draw near to Him in prayer in awareness of our need and His supply.  While we ought to be considerate of those around us, our primary focus ought to be the LORD God.  He is worthy of all our praise and worship, and may it be from pure hearts by His grace.

12 September 2024

The Uncomfortable Truth

During a morning jaunt I saw a colourful poster tacked to a power pole that looked to be advertising a new age or self-help gathering.  The pitch said something about "discovering your true and real self."  I found it ironic when I searched for more details on the subject online the first pages were filled with links to plastic surgeons!  Plastic surgery leans more toward fake and superficial than a revelation of who we truly are.  Our physical appearance, dress and style is not nearly as important as people are within:  individual and unique souls created in the image of God.

The Bible is a stark contrast from the humanistic conception that the greatest good is within us and our hearts are to be followed above everything else.  To the contrary, the Bible reveals what we already have strong evidence to support:  there is no one good, no not one (Proverbs 14:1-3).  Rather than guiding us to listen to or follow our hearts, God puts the spiritual bankruptcy of our hearts on display in Jeremiah 17:9:  "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?"  Our true and real self isn't a pretty sight, and God's word shows us it in uncomfortable detail our conscience labours in vain to deny.

The Bible declares God alone is the source of wisdom and truth that leads to abundant life now and forever.  It is acknowledging our personal lack and complete ineptitude to be righteous that leads to spiritual wealth and enduring hope by faith in Jesus Christ.  The world has latched onto the satanic lie that mankind is basically good when God's Law shows we are completely lost and ruined due to sin.  It seems the self-help book market remains flooded with shiny offerings that end up being words on a page that are powerless to enact the positive changes within people they long for.  Realising we are empty and powerless to save ourselves opens our hearts to receive the Gospel that results in us being filled with the Holy Spirit, replete with His guidance, comfort and help continually.

Our new resolutions and commitments do not result in a "new you" or unlocking your good potential, for without God we are without good.  The great irony is that by accepting God's perspective of our wickedness and need for forgiveness and salvation, we find rest and contentment in who God has created to be as new creations in Jesus Christ.  We no longer seek satisfaction by efforts to improve our self-esteem, for knowing God esteems us to such a high degree He sent His own Son Jesus to save us moves us to value Him!  To be loved, accepted and forgiven by our Creator and called His own is a glorious truth and reality prompted by our emptiness, guilt, discomfort and feeling worthless--not our goodness.

11 September 2024

Wise Priorities

"Prepare your outside work, make it fit for yourself in the field; and afterward build your house."
Proverbs 24:27

God's word provides wise guidance concerning our priorities.  Sometimes our natural inclination is to prioritise the wrong things or neglect to put "first things first."  When flying in a aeroplane, directions are specifically given in case of an emergency that parents ought to fit their own oxygen mask first before helping their child or others.  This may be due to parents prioritising the health and welfare of their child and their first instinct is to make sure their child is able to breathe.  But if the parent does not put on their own mask first, they may lose consciousness and be unable to render the assistance their child requires for survival.  Put on your own mask first, and then you can help others with fitting their masks.

On the subject of making judgments about others (especially negative ones), it is wise for the person who is offended to examine their own heart, conduct and words before weighing in on how others ought to change.  Jesus said to His disciples in Matthew 7:3-5:  "And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."  Jesus explained it was hypocritical to form judgments about others and seek to help them change when you have not considered your own impediments to seeing clearly.  We are to deal with the plank in our eye first before we will be able to see clearly to help others see.

In Solomon's proverb, he guided people to prepare their outside work first before building their house.  Preparing your field by planting and cultivating crops or building fences to protect valuable flocks and herds was a matter of survival.  Neglect of outside work could result in a lack of food, mounting debts and the loss of income if sheep or cows wandered off.  As comfortable and pleasant as having a house would be, tents served as a suitable habitation in the meantime while making fields fit for planting and harvest.  To direct your energies and time towards building a house without food or resources for trading could mean bankruptcy and becoming a slave to others to pay off debts--and never have a habitable home.

I am reminded about what Jesus told His disciples concerning the importance of hearing His word and putting it into practice.  Matthew 7:24-27 says, "Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: 25 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: 27 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall."  Enthusiasm for building a house and seeing progress leads to ruin if the house is built without a foundation of concrete and steel.  People can have many ambitions, passions and plans, but decisions that are not founded upon faith in Christ and obedience to Him will lead to a great fall.  Once a house is built without a foundation it is very difficult to move it onto one, and praise the LORD what is impossible with men is possible by God's grace.