12 September 2024

The Uncomfortable Truth

During a morning jaunt I saw a colourful poster tacked to a power pole that looked to be advertising a new age or self-help gathering.  The pitch said something about "discovering your true and real self."  I found it ironic when I searched for more details on the subject online the first pages were filled with links to plastic surgeons!  Plastic surgery leans more toward fake and superficial than a revelation of who we truly are.  Our physical appearance, dress and style is not nearly as important as people are within:  individual and unique souls created in the image of God.

The Bible is a stark contrast from the humanistic conception that the greatest good is within us and our hearts are to be followed above everything else.  To the contrary, the Bible reveals what we already have strong evidence to support:  there is no one good, no not one (Proverbs 14:1-3).  Rather than guiding us to listen to or follow our hearts, God puts the spiritual bankruptcy of our hearts on display in Jeremiah 17:9:  "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?"  Our true and real self isn't a pretty sight, and God's word shows us it in uncomfortable detail our conscience labours in vain to deny.

The Bible declares God alone is the source of wisdom and truth that leads to abundant life now and forever.  It is acknowledging our personal lack and complete ineptitude to be righteous that leads to spiritual wealth and enduring hope by faith in Jesus Christ.  The world has latched onto the satanic lie that mankind is basically good when God's Law shows we are completely lost and ruined due to sin.  It seems the self-help book market remains flooded with shiny offerings that end up being words on a page that are powerless to enact the positive changes within people they long for.  Realising we are empty and powerless to save ourselves opens our hearts to receive the Gospel that results in us being filled with the Holy Spirit, replete with His guidance, comfort and help continually.

Our new resolutions and commitments do not result in a "new you" or unlocking your good potential, for without God we are without good.  The great irony is that by accepting God's perspective of our wickedness and need for forgiveness and salvation, we find rest and contentment in who God has created to be as new creations in Jesus Christ.  We no longer seek satisfaction by efforts to improve our self-esteem, for knowing God esteems us to such a high degree He sent His own Son Jesus to save us moves us to value Him!  To be loved, accepted and forgiven by our Creator and called His own is a glorious truth and reality prompted by our emptiness, guilt, discomfort and feeling worthless--not our goodness.

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