15 September 2024

God's Gracious Provision

I was impressed by the grace and goodness of God to meet the true needs of His people when they were not seeking Him.  After the prophet Elijah predicted a drought, king Ahab and a devout steward named Obadiah went looking for water and grass to sustain the lives of their horses and mules.  While Obadiah was looking for water, Elijah was guided by God to meet him.  1 Kings 18:7 reads, "Now as Obadiah was on his way, suddenly Elijah met him; and he recognized him, and fell on his face, and said, "Is that you, my lord Elijah?"  Apparently king Ahab had tried in vain to find Elijah for many years since Ahab blamed the drought on him.

God's ordained meeting of Elijah with Obadiah led to the epic showdown on Mount Carmel between the prophets of Baal and Elijah.  When God answered Elijah's prayer and consumed the waterlogged sacrifice in the sight of the people, they fell before the LORD in worship of the God of Israel.  Shortly thereafter Elijah bowed before the LORD in prayer, and torrential rain fell that was desperately needed by the people, herds, livestock and crops after a long drought.  It is wonderful to consider how Obadiah looked for water at the king's command, yet Elijah sought Obadiah by God's command that eventuated with the end of severe drought.

While Ahab and Obadiah looked for water to meet the physical needs of their animals, God created an opportunity to meet the spiritual needs of His people He values infinitely more than horses.  For a long time the people "halted" or limped between two opinions, divided in their allegiance between Baal and the God of Israel.  After Elijah repaired the altar of God that had been broken down, he dug a trench around it.  He directed four barrels to be filled with water and dumped on the sacrifice and wood three times and also filled the trench.  I imagine people in drought were appalled at this apparent waste this life-saving resource poured out on the ground.  But the abundance of water magnified the miracle that revealed God in truth to His people, the almighty God who causes rain to fall in due season and supplies the Living Water of the Holy Spirit to all who trust in Jesus.

Obadiah looked for water, but God was looking out for him and whole of Israel to supply their physical and spiritual needs abundantly.  When people are made aware of their lack, God is faithful to reveal Himself and meet needs we assumed were beyond His reach.  1 Kings 18:38-39 shows God's response to Elijah's prayer:  "Then the fire of the LORD fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench. 39 Now when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said, "The LORD, He is God! The LORD, He is God!"  Consider the faithfulness of God to redeem a long drought so people's eyes would be opened and worship Him who is worthy!  While people are looking to satisfy personal thirst and needs temporarily, God redeems our temporary need to supply our eternal needs by His grace.

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