18 September 2024

The Pride Test

I came across a good warning against pride coupled with relevant questions for personal examination.  Due to our human condition, all people experience problems with sinful pride, and if we do not believe we have a problem our condition is even more dire.  Even those who acknowledge their tendency towards pride do not realise how naturally entrenched pride is in our perceptions, thinking, speech and actions.  Based on the principle held forth in Romans 2:1, our disdainful perceptions of others as proud, boastful and arrogant reveals these are our personal practices as well.

J. Oswald Sanders wrote this in Spiritual Leadership concerning pride and the danger it poses--especially for Christians in leadership:
"The very fact that a man has risen to a position of leadership with it attendant prominence tends to engender a secret self congratulation and pride which, if not checked, will unfit him for further advancement in the service of the kingdom, for "everything that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD" (Prov. 16:5).  Strong and searching words, these!  Nothing is more distasteful to God than self-conceit.  This first and fundamental sin in essence aims at enthroning self at the expense of God.  This was the sin that changed the anointed cherub, guardian of the throne of God into the foul field of hell, and caused his expulsion from heaven.
Of the myriad forms which this sin assumes, none is more abhorrent that spiritual pride.  To be proud of spiritual gifts which God has bestowed, or of the position to which His love and grace have elevated us, is to forget that grace is a gift, and that all we have has been received.

Pride is a sin of whose presence its victim is least conscious.  There are, however, three tests by means of which it can soon be discovered whether or not we have succumbed to its blandishments.

The test of precedence.  How do we react when another is selected for the assignment we expected, or for the office we coveted?  When another is promoted and we are overlooked?  When another outshines us in gifts and accomplishments?

The test of sincerity.  In our moments of honest self-criticism we will say many things about ourselves, and really mean them.  But how do we feel when others, especially our rivals, say exactly the same things about us?

The test of criticism.  Does criticism arouse hostility and resentment in our hearts, and cause us to fly to immediate self-justification?  Do we hasten to criticize the critic?" (Sanders, J. Oswald. Spiritual Leadership. Marshall Pickering, 1986. Pages 142-143)

David sang in Psalm 139:23-24 concerning his need for God's insight and perspective into his heart:  "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; 24 and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."  It is one thing to know we are proud or anxious, and it is another thing entirely to be divinely empowered to forsake these sins and walk in God's wisdom.  God is gracious to test us so we might see our need for His gracious help to identify sin, repent and walk in the way worthy of God's redeemed forever.

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