18 February 2020

The Always Faithful God

It amazes me how God works countless wonders and yet this does not always translate into faith.  God miraculously brought the children of Israel out of Egypt and into the promised land after sustaining them for 40 years.  He caused water to flow from a rock and provided bread from heaven, yet they continued to lean on their own understanding, walking by sight instead of faith in Him.  This same tendency goes for me too, for none of us are immune to this short-sighted folly.

Yesterday I read 1 Kings 17 which provides an illustration of how slow people are to recognise God's miraculous provision.  During a severe drought and famine God directed the prophet Elijah to go to a widow woman.  When he found her she was gathering sticks to light a fire to bake her last meal for herself and her son.  All they had was a scant amount of flour and oil and once that was gone they were without hope of survival.  Elijah asked her to bake a cake for him first and promised in 1 Kings 17:14-16:  "For thus says the LORD God of Israel: 'The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the LORD sends rain on the earth.'" 15 So she went away and did according to the word of Elijah; and she and he and her household ate for many days. 16 The bin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry, according to the word of the LORD which He spoke by Elijah."

In her desperate plight the woman did as Elijah asked because she had nothing to lose.  She exercised a degree of faith in God which was rewarded with enough flour and oil to live on.  One might imagine the woman cooked food daily in amazement and worship of God that food which could have only supplied a meal for her and her son could last for months while feeding a grown man too!  The poor woman who had already lost her husband eventually faced the death of her child from illness.  She confronted Elijah in grief, accusing him of bringing her sin to remembrance and killing her son!  Though God daily provided the food she ate, her resentment caused her faith to whither.  She was at one point resigned to the death of her son, but after his death she bristled with unbelief.  She questioned the motives and legitimacy of this freeloading prophet who had taken up residence with her.  Isn't this inconsistency strangely familiar in us?

Elijah took the child to the room the widow had provided for him and prayed for the child.  1 Kings 17:21-24 reads, "And he stretched himself out on the child three times, and cried out to the LORD and said, "O LORD my God, I pray, let this child's soul come back to him." 22 Then the LORD heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came back to him, and he revived. 23 And Elijah took the child and brought him down from the upper room into the house, and gave him to his mother. And Elijah said, "See, your son lives!" 24 Then the woman said to Elijah, "Now by this I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the LORD in your mouth is the truth."  The woman could have known Elijah was a man of God and spoke truth because the flour and oil was divinely sustained, but it seems that miracle was lost on her:  it took the death and revival of her son to realise Elijah was indeed a prophet of the God of Israel.  I wonder:  how many miracles does God do for us which are lost on us?  He has blessed and saved us and yet we doubt Him and accuse those He sends to help us.

Praise the LORD not one of His miracles is wasted, for there is always more where that came from as our eternal, benevolent, gracious King.  His mercies are without end and His grace is sufficient for us day by day.  We will all go the way of the earth when our time comes, but praise the LORD our times are in the hands of the everlasting God who will never leave or forsake us.  We are not always faithful, but He is ever faithful and good.

16 February 2020

Forsaking All to Follow

"So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him."
Luke 5:11

No matter how much study or effort goes into the process of preaching, there are countless ways to improve.  There are things I wish I had said which I neglected, topics or passages I wish I had handled differently, or words after saying them in retrospect I would have left unsaid.  After preaching it is a mixture of feeling blessed to learn from God and share from His Word coupled with the knowledge I didn't quite nail it.  Yesterday I taught on the first part of Luke 5 and afterwards was a bit disappointed I didn't expound this verse just a bit more.  Praise the LORD He is a Redeemer and the One who gives understanding of His Word so even man's poor attempts can be fruitful and practical.

After Jesus caused Simon and his partners to haul in a miraculous catch of fish, upon reaching the shore they "forsook all and followed Him."  This meant they left their boats, the fish they had caught, their nets, their families, and homes to follow Jesus.  Since Jesus was their LORD they were completely at His service.  The point I wished I had emphasised was because Jesus is LORD they could be assured their families would be cared and provided for should Jesus lead them away from home.  Following Jesus meant Peter leaving his wife and mother-in-law (perhaps some children as well) and James and John are described as leaving their father in the boat with the servants.

There would be a heavy personal cost to follow Jesus for Simon Peter, but he was not required to sin in divorcing his wife to follow Christ.  He was not required to spend all his money on "the ministry" to the neglect of his own family.  Jesus would lead Peter to places and to people which were outside his comfort zone, but Jesus would not lead Peter to shirk his responsibilities at home.  Just like the fruitfulness of Peter's fishing efforts were directly related to the guidance of Jesus being the captain of his ship, so Peter could trust Jesus to lead him in a godly and good way--even when it meant time away from home.  Separation from family and friends is a hard thing Jesus sometimes asks us to do and we can trust Him to supply the needs of a marriage, friendship, and family.

It is important for us to examine our motives and ensure we are actually following Jesus in our ministering, not just assuming He is in our boat when we left Him on the shore weeks ago.  There are seasons of life; there are seasons of ministry.  Doing things because we have always done them (or at one time felt led to do them) is not a good enough reason to keep doing them.  God is faithful, and may we also be faithful to forsake all our plans and ambitions so we might follow Him in His way.  Those who are married ought not to seek to be loosed, and those who are unmarried ought not be preoccupied to "settle down" in marriage.  Whether married or unmarried, whether our parents are elderly, our children are young, or the family business is booming, let us choose to follow Jesus.  He will always guide us in the right way and make our efforts in obedience to Him fruitful.

13 February 2020

Praise God with Understanding

Over lunch yesterday I shared an engaging conversation about the nature and character of God.  It struck me that no matter how abundant the evidence or plain the facts, at some point faith is required.  God is eternal and infinite in love, wisdom, grace, and goodness.  We humans are finite, locked within time, and our perspective is shockingly limited.  In reaching for better understanding of God and how He operates (who does not share our thoughts, nor are His ways like ours) we cobble together examples which are woefully inadequate using words which cannot do justice to God's reality.  At a funeral or memorial service it is impossible to convey the impact of a single life of a brief span of time:  how can we explain eternity or He who inhabits it?

Because God has graciously revealed Himself through the Word and the person of Jesus Christ we can know Who we worship.  But let us not make the mistake that God is like us any more than a created thing resembles the maker.  He formed Adam from the dust of the ground yet God always has been!  Inventors design and manufacture tools and machines for particular purposes.  A mobile phone looks and behaves nothing like those who designed it, operating on electricity rather than being a living, breathing, thinking person.  A mop bucket, automobile, shoe, or building bear no resemblance to those who engineered or utilise them.  God confronted presumptuous people who assumed He was like them in Psalm 50:19-21:  "You give your mouth to evil, and your tongue frames deceit. 20 You sit and speak against your brother; you slander your own mother's son. 21 These things you have done, and I kept silent; you thought that I was altogether like you; but I will rebuke you, and set them in order before your eyes."

It is good to recognise God is someone completely foreign and beyond this world.  This proves difficult when we use familiar allusions like saying "God the Father."  God is a Spirit and does not have a body, but when I think of our heavenly Father and a throne I logically envision something rather based on human anatomy with facial features obscured with white light.  Because God is completely beyond human form, this concrete frame of reference is the best we can do because we live in a concrete, physical world.  This world, relationships, and created living and non-living things can only hint at the order, glory, love, and wisdom of God.  The heavens declare the glory of God but they are not god nor is any created thing worthy of worship.

We cannot comprehend or appreciate the size (big or small) of all God has created, yet by faith we can worship and praise the One God who has created all.  Just like fuel for vehicles and battery power for tools or phones runs out, so our understanding has limitations and an end.  There are things we will never fully understand but we are enabled and called to worship God according to our level of understanding.  It would be silly to allow what we cannot know erode our faith in what and Who we do know.  I do not understand how bones form in the womb of a mother, but I know they can and do.  We are all walking miracles by the grace of God, the One we celebrate and worship with thanksgiving.  As our knowledge of God grows like a baby in the womb, may our praise and gratefulness increase for eternity.  God is nothing like us, but He has loved us enough to become one of us to save, transform, and redeem us forever.

12 February 2020

The Redeemer's Voice

Psalm 77 by Asaph is a great example that in our distress it is good to remember who God is and all He has done.  We easily forget to relate God's awesome deeds in times past to our current situation.  Because God is faithful the provision, protection, and help in the past enables us to trust Him in the present.  Perhaps we can't predict how or when God will do His wonders, but He will.

Asaph wrote in Psalm 77:11-15, "I will remember the works of the LORD; surely I will remember Your wonders of old. 12 I will also meditate on all Your work, and talk of Your deeds. 13 Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary; Who is so great a God as our God? 14 You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples. 15 You have with Your arm redeemed Your people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah"  Instead of racking his brain to figure out how he could change his circumstances for the better, Asaph meditated on all the times God delivered His people in the past.  He compared the ways of God to powerless idols and fatally flawed mythological gods, and with the true God there was found no equal or real comparison.  Who is a great redeemer like the God of Israel, a Saviour who does miraculous wonders?

Asaph continued in Psalm 77:16-20:  "The waters saw You, O God; the waters saw You, they were afraid; the depths also trembled. 17 The clouds poured out water; the skies sent out a sound; Your arrows also flashed about. 18 The voice of Your thunder was in the whirlwind; the lightnings lit up the world; the earth trembled and shook. 19 Your way was in the sea, Your path in the great waters, and Your footsteps were not known. 20 You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron."  If you have ever been outside in a powerful lightning storm or rattled by a strong earthquake, these natural events can be harrowing and strike fear into the most courageous hearts.  Before the presence of the Almighty it was the water, wind, lightning, thunder, and earth which trembled with fear.  When a way of escape and deliverance from the pursuing army was impossible God was the Way, leading His redeemed people through the Red Sea.

The last verse provides a surprising shift from the verses previous:  the great God which defeats enemies, delivers from death, and causes the elements to tremble with reverence, is a gentle Good Shepherd towards His chosen people.  The earth rightly trembles before its Creator, the One who reaches down as a loving father who takes the hand of his frightened child and says with a smile, "Don't be afraid!  Here I am, and I won't leave of forsake you."  Isn't it amazing the God whose voice is like thunder speaks in a soft and still voice which calms troubled souls who trust Him?  God continues to deliver, lead, and save His redeemed as He always has.