20 June 2015

The Joy of Heaven

The life we live on earth is more than a springboard to eternity.  The abundant life provided through faith in Christ is to be lived in light of eternity.  Though eternity is forever, our lives during this temporary season on earth are important.  Our motives for living for God today and seeking the salvation of others matters.

Ask yourself:  why do I want to go to heaven?  Is it primarily for hell-avoidance, your own comfort, or so God will receive glory eternally from your life?  Why is it important for you to know loved ones or even total strangers go to heaven?  Would it be a relief for you to know they will be in God's presence forever because they will be safe, or is it because God deserves their praise and worship for eternity?  Is our view of heaven obscured by motives less pure than the everlasting glory of God?  It is ironic heaven is only heaven because God is there, and yet our picture of heaven can be clouded by who else will or won't be there, what activities we will enjoy, or how we will live.  Whether the thoughts of men are in the gutter or the clouds, the central figure considered by the natural man is universally self.

God loves and cares for all people, and therefore it is fitting we do too.  But since we as Christians will share eternity in the presence of the God who is holy, is our peace, and loves us without fail, we ought to care about serving, worshiping, and praising Him right now.  I ought to lament - not the fact someone might not spend eternity with Jesus Christ - but that they are robbing Him of praise and honour on earth today.  I ought to mourn over my own faithlessness, forgetfulness, and be determined not to allow an hour to pass when I have not been grateful to commune with my heavenly Father, humbly submitting myself before Him.  Basking in the grace and love of God, what a joy it is to meditate on His goodness towards all people!

Since God should be the central figure of our lives today, He also ought to be our focus concerning the eternal state.  His glory, praise-worthiness, and magnificence ought to consume my life.  His love and gracious gifts compel me to spend and be spent for His glory, and the transition to eternity will only increase my capacity for communion and worship.  God is hosting an eternal celebration for the ages, and to focus on any other aspect of heaven aside from Him misses the point.  Praise the LORD, for He is good.  Let us do all we can to glorify God in reaching people with the Gospel, so the Lamb of God will receive the reward of His suffering - not primarily for us or them, but for Him!

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