04 June 2015

Fitness for Service

I remember days when I could eat whatever and as much as I wanted without a clear negative correlation to my physical health.  When I was about twenty a friend a bit older than me warned as age increases the metabolism can slow down.  "You'll notice a change around thirty," he predicted.  "At least, that's when my metabolism started slowing down.  I had to make adjustments to my eating habits or I would really pack on the pounds!"  Yeah right, I thought to myself.  But to be honest, he wasn't too far off.  I have found it is important for me to eat less and exercise more to maintain my current body weight.

This year I will be celebrating my fortieth birthday, and needless to say a lot has changed since I was twenty.  The thing I find most challenging is the necessity to be constantly vigilant concerning my fitness.  The nature of my job is sedentary, and it is rarely convenient to make time to exercise.  I look at myself in the mirror and it seems no matter how much I reduce my intake of foods or sugary drinks, those stubborn pounds just hang around.  I have finally come to accept this simple fact:  the battle for staying fit is "on," and as long as I live in this failing body it will continue without intermission.  The only way the battle will be over is if I passively surrender to the advance of age and become careless towards my health.  If I want fitness I've never had at my age, I must be willing to sacrifice more and work harder than I ever have before.

The same is true concerning the spiritual health of a Christian.  Because we have been given the victory over sin by grace through faith, we might think we can be passive and still win the battle for our mind and affections.  Not so!  Jesus has defeated sin, Satan, and death, but I am often my own worst enemy.  I would like to think that sinful habits once overcome will remain perpetually beaten and powerless.  But you know what?  Enemies have a way of secretly growing stronger, launching secret attacks, and waiting for complacency to provide easy opportunity to regain control.  Enemies adapt and adopt new strategies to succeed where prior efforts failed.  Exterminators do not only spray their poisons one time and assume a pest infestation is handled.  They spray again and again, open and inspect dark places, and scour for any evidence of any remaining pests.  Even when the bugs are gone they will continue to spray, because if left unchecked the filthy freeloaders will be back.

Let's not be smug and think there are no negative correlations between sin and bondage, that being spiritually sedentary will not make us listless, dull, and easy prey for the enemy of our souls.  Instead of looking into the mirror to gauge your progress, look to Jesus in the clarity of His Word.  God created you to be a person through whom His glory shines in the world in holiness, purity, and power.  We ought to take seriously this responsibility and privilege, and be willing to sacrifice more and labour harder than ever to improve our fitness for service.  Are you willing?

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